Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 27-02-2019 à 17:49
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POSTPONEMENT The lord Mayor of Ndop Council Contracting Authority wishes to inform prospective biders that the openning dates of the tenders listed below have been shifted as indicated .The postponement is due to the fact that no bidder has bought the tender files. sn Tender number and subject Initial openning date New openning date 1 CONSULTATION N° 03/RQ/ NC/ NCITB / 2019 OF 29th  JANUARY 2019 FOR THE SUPPLY OF STATIONERY AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT TO NDOP COUNCIL NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 26/02/2019 19/03/2019 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TOTENDER N° 03/ONIT /NC/NCITB/2019 OF 7th JANUARY 2019 FORTHE CONSTRUCTION OF SOME BOREHOLES EQUIPPED WITH MANUAL PUMPS IN SOME VILLAGES NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 26/02/2019 19/03/2019 3 'OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 5/ONIT/ NC/NCITB/2019 OF 25th JANUARY 2019 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF SOME EARTH ROADS IN NDOP TOWN (3.439 KM)IN NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 26/02/2019 19/03/2019 4 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 06/ONIT /NC/NCITB/2019 OF 25th  JANUARY 2019 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MEDICALIZED HEALTHCENTRE (AMC) INBAMALI NDOP IN NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 26/02/2019    All other information remains unchanged.
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The bids shall be opened in a single phase. The opening of the administrative documents, the Technical and Financial offers will take place on the 26th  FEB 2019 at 11:00 AM local time, in the Ndop Council Hall, by the Ndop Council Internal Tenders Board. Only bidders may attend or be represented by duly mandated persons of their choice.

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NDOP Le 25-02-2019