The Rector of the University of Yaounde I, Contracting Authority, hereby launches an open invitation to tender, emergency procedure, for the supply of offices furniture in the administration building N°2 of the University of Yaounde I.
The service shall be provided for this Call for tenders concern:
· 29 desks office;
· 01 bank for meeting room of 30 places;
· 04 files of arrangement;
· 04 lounges;
· 29 desk chairs;
· 30 chairs visitors;
· 30 chairs for meeting room;
· Together piece of furniture
· 02 air conditioners 1,5 CV;
· 03 air conditioners 2,5 CV;
· 114 m of curtains and accessories.
The projected cost, inclusive of all taxes envisaged operations, was estimated at the end of the preliminary studies at fifty one millions (51 000 000) CFA F.
The services object of the present Call for tenders concern a single lot.
This invitation to tender is open to all car dealers operating in Cameroon and who can show proof of experience in the supply of such equipment.
Public Investment Budget (BIP), University of Yaounde I, 2016 Budget, Head: 220020-222502.
Tender files may be consulted, on publication of this Call for Tenders, from the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Development of the University of Yaounde I, Room 114.
Tender files may be acquired on presentation of a receipt showing payment of a non-refundable acquisition fee of 35 000 (thirty five thousand) CFA Francsinto the ARMP Special Account (CAS) N° 10001 06860 33598860001 94 opened BICEC.
When acquiring a tender file, Bidders must make sure they register using their names and complete contact address (PO Box, Tel, Fax, e-mail, etc.).
Complete tender files, written in English or in French, shall be deposited, in 7 (seven) copies, with 1 as original and seven copies, at the secretariat of Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Development of University of Yaounde I, room 114, by December 16th 2016 at the latest. The tender envelopes must bear the inscription:
N° 16-08/AONO/UYI/CIPM/2016 OF NOVEMBER 25TH 2016
Two (2) months, following the notification of the service order to deliver.
Each Bidder shall provide a provisional caution, of one million (1.000.000) CFA Francs.
Each caution issued by a banking institution recognized by MINFI in line with conditions laid down by COBAC, and shall be valid for 30 (thirty) days from the deadline for the deposit of tender files.
Bids shall be presented in copies and original to conform to prescriptions of Tender Files, else the bid shall be rejected. The required administrative documents, including the caution, must be presented as originals or copies of not more than three months old, else they shall be rejected.
The absence of such caution or its non-conformity to prescriptions shall entail the immediate rejection of the entire file.
Bids shall be opened on December 16th 2016 as from 1pm by the UYI INTERNAL TENDERS BOARD in the presence of bidders who wish to take part therein or their duly mandated representatives who must be very conversant with the file submitted. The opening of bids shall be done at once.
14.1 Eliminatory Criteria
Any bid not respecting the following shall be rejected:
1.2. Essential Criteria
A |
General presentation of bids |
Yes |
No |
B |
Technical characteristics of the proposed equipment |
Yes |
No |
C |
After Sales Service |
Yes |
No |
D |
References of the bidder |
Yes |
No |
E |
Delivery Deadline and guaranteed |
Yes |
No |
F |
Proof of acceptance of the Administrative and Technical Clauses |
Yes |
No |
Only bidders who satisfy all the eliminatory criteria and score at least 80% of the essential criteria shall be eligible for financial evaluation.
The Technical Specifications on the equipment are found in the Administrative and Technical Documents.
To the best bidder, with the best offer and who fulfils all the technical and administrative requirements. A bidder may win both lots
Bidders shall remain committed to their bids 90 days as from the deadline for the submission of tenders.
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