The General Manager of the Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance (FEICOM), Contracting Authority, in order to carry out an effective follow-up the constructions funded by FEICOM, hereby launches a Open National Invitation to tender for the supply of equipment for the follow-up of the projects of FEICOM.
The service shah concern the supply of computers and uninterruptible power system (UPS).
The technical characteristics of the said equipment shah! be specified in the Tender Document.
The execution of this contract shall consist in the transport, handling, supply, individuel protection, follow-up and monitoring equipment of projects constituted as follows: overalls, helmets and boots, life jackets, reinforcement detector, sclerometers, laser meter, odometers, penetrometers, digital cameras,
The estimated cost of this service shah be CFA F 55 000 000 (fifty-five million) IT,
Participation in this Invitation to tender is open to national companies specialized in the field and capte of showing proof of minimum and uninterrupted experience of two (02) years in the supply of equipment for the follow-up of projects.
The service concerned in this invitation to tender shah be funded by the budget of the Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance (FEICOM), 2016 Financial Year, on the budget line No.22- 21-020, "technical services equipment".
The Tender Document may be consulted during working hours in the Mobilization of Financial Resources, Accounting and Assets Management Department (Contracts and Procurement Service), situated in the Head Office of FEICOM, Yaounde (Mimboman), P.0, Box 718 Yaounde, Telephone 222 22 27 28 ; Extension 243 ; Fax 222 23 17 59, upon the publication of this Notice,
The Tender Document may be obtained during working In the Mobilization of Financial Resources, Accounting and Assets Management Department (Contracts and Procurement Service), situated in the Head Office of FEICOM, Yaounde (Mimboman), P.O. Box 718 Yaounde, Telephone 222 22 27 28 ; Extension 243 ; Fax 222 23 17 59, upon the publication of this Notice on the presentation of a receipt attesting to the payment of the non-refundable sum of CFA F sixty thousand (70,000) into the Special Account CAS — ARMP opened in BICEC Branches,
Each bid drafted in Engiish or in French in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies labelled as such, should reach in a sealed envelope in the Mobilization of Financial Resources, Accounting and Assets Department (Contracts and Procurement Service),
situated in Mimboman, latest on 27 DEC 2016 at 13:00 p.m. prompt and should be labelled:
No. 011 bis/ AONO/FEICOM/CIPM/2016
«Te be opened only during the opening session»
The maximum dehivery deadline provided by the Contracting Authority for the supplies concerned in this Invitation to tender shah be 45 deys, with effect from the date of notification of the service order to start the execution of the contract.
Each bidder should include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rank bank approved by the Ministry of Finance and of which the list features in document 12 of the tender document (DAO), amounting CFA F one million one hundred thousand (1, 100, 000) and valid for 30 days beyond the deadiine of the validity of bids.
Under the pain of rejection, the administrative documents required should absolutely be produced in originels or in certified true copies by the issueing service or competent administrative authority, in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Regulation of the Invitation to tender. They should be dated net more than three (03) months or having been issued prior to the date of signing the Invitation te tender.
In accordance with the prescriptions of the Invitation to tender, any incomplete bid shah be declared inadmissible. Especially in the absence of the bid bond Issued by a first rank bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or non-compliance with models of the Tender file, shall lead to the outright rejection of the bid.
Bids reaching alter the date and deadlines shah be inadmissible,
The opening of bids that shall be carried out in one phase, shall take place on 27 DEC 2016 p.m. prompt by the Internal Tenders Board of FEICOM in the Conference Room of FEICOM.
Only bidders may attend this opening session or be represented by a duly mandated person of their choice.
13.1. Eliminatory criteria:
Any bid not having obtained a cumulative percentage of 75% of rr YES» shall not have its financial bid examined.
The contract shall be awarded to the bidder fulfilling the following conditions:
The bid shall on the essentiel be compilant to the Tender Document; the bidder shall be qualified following the provisions of article 13. The lowest bld shall be the one chosen among those having obtained a cumulative percentage of 75% of « yes » ;
The bid shall at best fulfill the technical and financial conditions (qualityl price ratio) required. Lastly, the least bid should satisfy the criteria of the skills and quality sought for by the Contracting Authority in order to be chosen.
Bidders shall remain committed to their bid for ninety (90) days with effect from the deadiine set out for the submission of bids.
Further information of technical nature may be obtained during working hours at the Mobilization of Financial Resources, Accounting and Assets Management Department (Contracts and Procurement Service) of FEICOM:
Tel :( 237) 222 22 27 28, Extension 324;
P.O. Box: 718 YAOLINDE
Fax: (237) 222 23 17 59