Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 19-04-2017 à 15:28
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Addendum No. 011 to the request for quotations letter No. 012/MINEPAT/SG/PNDP/STB/2017 of 28 March 2017 for the mentoring of PNDP’s intervention councils of the south-west region with regard to the edition of a council quarterly news bulletinDate : 17 April 2017Financing: IDA’S Funds
Source de financement

The National Coordinator of the National Community-driven Development Program (PNDP) hereby informs that:
The provisions of the Request for Quotations Letter N0. 05/ MINEPAT/ SG/ PNDP/ CSPM/ 2017 of 27 March 2017 relating to the mentoring of PNDP’s intervention councils of the South-west Region with regard to the edition of a council quarterly news bulletin have been amended as follows :
Instead of: 4. The National Coordinator hereby invites the short-listed Service Providers to consult and withdraw the Request for Quotations from the address mentioned below: PNDP’s National Coordination Unit; door N0. R08, located in Yaounde, Nouvelle Route Bastos, opposite UNDP (PNUD), at a distance of 100 meters from the main entrance.
P.O Box: 660 Yaounde– Cameroon; Phone N0: +237 222 21 36 64; Fax: + 237 222 21 36 63; Email :
This should instead read : 4.The National Coordinator hereby invites the short-listed Service Providers to consult and withdraw the Request for Quotations from  the below-mentioned address PNDP’s National Coordination Unit; door N0. R08, located in Yaounde, Nouvelle Route Bastos, opposite UNDP (PNUD), at a distance of 100 meters from the main entrance.
P.O Box: 660 Yaounde– Cameroon; Phone N0: +237 222 21 36 64; Fax: + 237 222 21 36 63; Email :
However, the participation in this Request for Quotations remains open to any service provider interested. In fact, in the event a short-listed service provider who has not been selected wishes to submit his/her/its Quotations, s/he/it will be called upon to provide the following information required during the Call for Expression of Interest. Such information which are included in a separate envelope should clearly specify that the latter is qualified to provide the said the services. Furthermore, the said information that will be subject to the same pre-qualification criteria as those that have contributed to the drawing up of the short-list will equally enable to determine the acceptance of the offer by the said service provider:

  • Have a legal existence and the capacity to contract ;
  • Have at least twenty (20) years of similar service provision in the area of news bulletin, newspapers and magazines editing ;
  • Have at least five (05) years of experience in the field of printing ;
  • Have at least two (02) professional journalists as staff  members ;
  • Have at least one (01) graphics designer specialized in newspapers, news bulletins and magazines editing ; and
  • Have an adequate financial and administrative capacity likely to pre-finance the related activities.

This expression of interest should comprise:

  • A letter of interest ;
  • The pertinent documents likely to  acknowledge the legal status of the Service Provider;
  • The supporting documents likely to contribute to the verification of statements in compliance with the retained pre-selection criteria; it is worth noting that any unjustified information will rejected.

Remainder unchanged. 

YAOUNDE Le 17-04-2017