The Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance (FEICOM), created in 1974 supports Regional and Local Authorities in providing essential services to the populations.
To carry out its missions, FEICOM adopted in 2009, a quality approach that led the same year to certification to ISO 9001 version 2008 in the areas of education, advisory-assistance to elected officials, mobilization of resources, design, financing and monitoring of local development projects. All its service; including the Head Office in Yaoundé and the ten Regional Agencies (one per region) are concerned.
Following an extensive review, this certification was renewed for a cycle running from 13 March 2013 to 13 March 2016.
In view of the end of this cycle of which the renewal audit is scheduled in November 2015, FEICOM intends to recruit for the next certification cycle covering the period 2016-2018, a specialized firm to carry out external audits of its QMS and capacity building of its internal auditors.
The purpose of this call for expression of interest is to short-list Consultants to:
- carry out external required and necessary audits;
- build the capacity of internal auditors.
Definite section :
- a monitoring audit per year in the two first years (2016 and 2017);
- a renewal audit in the last year (2018) ;
- building the capacity of internal auditors.
Conditional section :
- a mock or pre-certification audit to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken for the migration of FEICOM’s system to ISO 9001/2015 Standard.
- Firm/Consultancy with, as required by ISO 17011 standard, a valid accreditation certificate, issued by a recognized body, conveying formal recognition of its competence to carry out specific activities on evaluation of compliance with ISO 9001;
- At least ten (10) years of relevant activities in the field of certification of management systems in general, including at least seven (07) relating to ISO 9001;
- Have assessed the compliance of management systems of at least ten (10) companies in general, including at least six (06) relating to ISO 9001;
- Have at least five (05) years of experience in the auditing training and organization of auditors certification exams;
- Have qualified auditors and trainers (see profile below) to carry out these missions and provide proof of their availability as soon as the contract is awarded.
Given the importance of the services to be provided, the Consultant shall mobilize all the external and internal manpower skills needed for the effective execution of studies in the required areas.
These experts must provide proof of the following profiles:
Audit Manager :
He will be responsible for the coordination and general supervision of evaluation of compliance with ISO 9001.
Qualification :
- BAC + 4/5
- Certified auditor for the evaluation of compliance with ISO 9001 ;
- Have led at least ten (10) evaluation missions relating to compliance with ISO 9001 for an accredited body.
Auditor (02) :
They will be responsible for the conduct of audits under the authority of the Audit Manager.
Qualification :
- BAC + 4/5
- Certified auditor for the evaluation of compliance with ISO 9001 ;
- Have taken part in at least ten (10) evaluation missions relating to complince with ISO 9001 in the capacity of auditor.
Audit training expert :
Qualification :
- BAC + 4/5
- Certified auditor for the evaluation of compliance with ISO 9001 ;
- Have accreditation for auditing training and organization of management systems auditors certification exams ;
- At least ten (10) years of experience in the training of management systems auditors;
- Have organized and conducted at least ten (10) training sessions for management systems auditors with sitting of certification exam.
Each bid, drafted in English or French, in four (04) copies, including one (01) original and three (03) copies labelled as such and sealed, shall be deposited at the Secretariat of Planning, Management Control and Quality Division of FEICOM, no later than 06 February 2017 at 10 a.m. prompt, and shall be labelled as follows:
No.004 /AMI/FEICOM/2017 OF 04 JAN 2017 2017
Bidders shall submit the following documents in two (02) volumes:
Volume 1 – Administrative file
Volume 1 shall include the following administrative documents in original or certified true copies, dating not more than three (03) months and valid for the current financial year:
- a letter of expression of interest duly signed and specifying the address and location of the bidding body;
- a copy of valid taxpayer's card certified by the relevant service;
- a copy of valid business license certified by the relevant service;
- an excerpt from the Trade Register;
- a certificate of non-bankruptcy issued by the Registry of the relevant Court of First Instance;
- certified attestation and site plan;
- a certificate of non-exclusion from public contracts issued by ARMP;
It is specified that the absence or non-validity of one of the documents listed above shall result in the elimination of the candidate.
Volume 2 – Technical file
The technical file shall include:
a) References in the area:
To be validated, each reference must be justified by the following items:
A copy of the excerpt of the contract (cover page, pages of estimates of costs and quantities and signature pages), the certificate of satisfactory execution or attestation of successful completion or the report or certificate of acceptance of the services carried out.
b) Management staff
Each bidder must provide a list of key personnel to be used for fulfillment of the mission or (s) defined above, and enclosing:
- the curriculum vitae of each expert dated less than three (03) month and signed;
- the certified copy of the highest qualification of each expert;
- the necessary documents to justify the requested skills.
c) Material resources
Each bidder must specify the material resources he has and that will be mobilized for the services chosen.
d) Authorization to verify declarations
This authorization duly signed by the bidder will allow FEICOM to carry out any verification deemed necessary to ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the information presented.
- Be based in Cameroon and have expertise in the areas which are the purpose of this Call for expression of interest;
- Have the required technical capacity and submit an Administrative File that meets the specifications stated in 4.1 below;
- Have experts with the required profiles to carry out the services.
Eliminatory criteria
- Incomplete administrative file or non compliant document;
- False statement or forged document;
- Presence of the curriculum vitae of an expert in several bids.
No. |
Criteria |
Points |
Understanding of the mission (understanding by the consultant of the services described in the Terms of Refrence (ToR), the strategy he intends to put in place to carry out the) |
20 |
Work plan and methodology |
10 |
References |
25 |
Experienceof the firm |
5 |
Qualification and experience of bidder’s key staff to be used for the said services |
35 |
General presentation of the bid |
05 |
Total points |
100 |
N.B: Attach required supporting documents
Only bidders with a technical score of at least seventy (70) points over one hundred (100) with at least twenty five (25) points for qualifications of key staff, shall be selected for restricted invitation to tender.
Further information may be obtained, during working hours, from the Planning, Management Control and Quality Division of FEICOM, Quality Management Unit located at Mimboman, P. O. Box 718 Yaounde, Tel. : (237) 222 23 51 64 or 222 22 27 28; Fax (237) 222 23 17 59.