Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 25-08-2023 à 10:47
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Decision _097 /2023/SWR/OPIC/PS cancelling the Award of the Contract for the Supply of a Toyota Fortuner 4WD for the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, South-West Region with WENDCAM ENTERPRISE, P.O.Box 60 Menji. ['HE PUBLIC INDEPENDENT CONCILIATOR FOR THE SOUTH WEST REGION Mindful of The Constitution; Mindful of Decree No. 2012/074 of 8th March 2012 relating to the creation, organization and functioning of Tenders Boards; Mindful of Law N° 2017/010 of 12/07/2017 on the Rules and regulations Governing Public Establishments; Mindful of Decree No. 2018/366 of 20 June 2018 to institute the Public Contracts Code; Mindful of Law No. 2019/24 of 24 December 2019 to institute the General Code of Regional and Local Authorities; Mindful of Decree No. 2020;773 of 24 December 2020 to lay down conditions for discharge of the duties of Public Independent 'Concii iator in the North-West and South-West Regions; Mindful of Law No. 2022/020 of 27 December 2022 finance law of the Republic of Cameroon for the 2023 financial year; Mindful of Decree No 2021/342 of 10 June 2021 to appoint Public Independent Conciliators in the North-West and South-West Regions; Mindful of Ministerial Order No. 11/11/281A/MINMAP of 15th February 2022 to establish an Internal Tenders Board at the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator for the South West Region; Mindful of Ministerial Order No. 000535/L/MINMAP/SG/DAJ/IvINAS of 15 February 2022 establishing an Internal Tenders Board at the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator for the South West Region; Mindful of The Open National Invitation to Tender No. 003/ONIT/SWR-OPIC/OPICITB/2022 of 31/10/2022 for the Supply of a Toyota Fortuner 4WD for the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, South West Region; Mindful of The Bids submitted by the bidder; Mindful of Decision No. 005/ONIT/OPIC-SWRIOPICITB/2022 of 30/11/20 publishing the results of The Open National Invitation to Tender No. 003/ONIT/SWR-OPIC/OPICITB/2022 of 31/10/2022 for the Supply of a Toyota Fortuner 4WD for the Office of the Public independent Conciliator, South West Region; Mindful of The Award Decision No. 005/ON IT/OPIC-SWR/OPICITB/2022 of 28/11/2022 to WENDCAM ENTERPRISE; . Mindful of Award Notification Letter No. 230/22/SWR/OP1C/CAB of 25th November 2022 to WENDCAM ENTERPRISE; Mindful of Letter of Request for an Addendum of 16`h December 2022 from WENDCAM ENTER.PR1SE; Mindfali of Letter no: 002/WENDCAM/02/2023 of l4 February 2023 from WENDCAM ENTERPRISE;  
Source de financement


Article 1: '

Article H:

Hereby decides as follows:

ThaLtaking into cognizance Decree No. 2018/366 of 20 June 2018, Article 182 sub-e and g; and Article 183 of the Code; Letter of Award No. 005/ONITIOPIC-SWR/OPICITB/2022 of 28/11/2022 to WENDCAM ENTERPRISE has been cancelled;

That the Director or WENDCAM ENTERPRISE, P.O.Box 60, Menji, is requested to sign a copy of this decision at the Secetariat of the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, South-West Region.

Le 22-08-2023