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Publié le 10-07-2020 à 16:35
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NOTICE OF PUBLICATION RESTRICTED NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 004/RNIT/ MIDENO/ MITB/B/13/84/2020 OF  03 JUIL 2020 DIVIDED INTO TWO LOTS AS FOLLOWS:Lot 1: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to carry out a Feasibility Study for an Agricultural Value Addition and Marketing Project (AGROVAMP), through the Promotion of Small Scale Food Processing in the Crop, Livestock and Fisheries subsectors in the North West Region of Cameroon Lot 2: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to carryout an Assessmentof Relevance, Impact and the Sustainabiiity of the Achievements of the Grassfield Participatory and Decentralized Rural Development Project Phase I (GP-DERUDEP I) Implemented In the North West Region of Cameroon
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the framework of 2020 investment programme/budget of the North West Development Authority (MIDENO), the Director General of MIDENO hereby launches a Restricted National Invitation to Tender for the recruitment of a consulting firm to carry out a Feasibility Study for an Agricultural Value Addition and Marketing (AGROVAMP), through the Promotion of Small Scale Food Processing In the Crop, Livestock and Fisheries subsectors in the North West Region of Cameroon and the recruitment of a consulting firm to carry out an Assessment of Relevance, Impact and the Sustainabiiity of the Achievements of the Grassfield Participatory and Decentralized Rural Development Project Phase I (GP-DERUDEP I) Implemented in the NorthWest Region of Cameroon
This invitation to tender is launched following: Request for Manifestation of Interest 002/RMI/M1DENO/B/13/84/2020 of 14th April 2020 divided into two lots as follows:

Lot 1: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to carry out a Feasibility Study for an Agricultural Value Addition and Marketing Project (AGROVAMP), through the Promotion of Small Scale Food Processing in the Crop, Livestock and Fisheries subsectors in the North West Region of Cameroon

Lot 2: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to carry out an Assessment of Relevance, Impact and the Sustainability of the Achievements of the Grassfield Participatory and Decentralized Rural Development Project Phase i (GP-DERUDEP I) Implemented in the North West Region of Cameroon

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The services involved In this Call for Tender shall include:
Lot 1: Thestudy involves conducting feasibility studies on small scaled food processing value chains of food crops, livestock and fisheries speculations in the North West Region and covers the entire North West Region. This study and the eventual project has in perspectives a number of crop and livestock value chains in the region such as corn, rice, beans, soya beans, potato, carrot, licks, sweet potato, cassava, plantain, cocoyam, oil palm, pawpaw, banana, pineapple, pear, watermelon, spices,herbs and medicinal plants, Mushroom, honey, fish, milk, meat, etc. As such the study is expected to cover thefollowing areas with regards to value addition for these speculations; -
It will be necessary to define, based on workable assumptions, the size of infrastructure and confirm the technological choice (techniques), inputs and equipment specifications (transformation process,dimensioning of capacities and cost estimates) of small scale food processors in the study area.
Within this context, the specific objective is crucial and the study will focus to: -
i. Identify current agro-pastoral business ventures, duration of existence of the business or if current businesses have plans to engage in agro-pastoral and /or agro-transformation businesses (e.g. farmer (fruits and vegetables), farmer (livestock and poultry), Farmer (microtransformation),Food technologist (food processing), etc.)
ii. Assess the awareness and willingness/interest of farmers to own a micro-processing unit or interest in a service that will engaged in the transformation and preservation of their raw materials
iii. Find outwhich items are most likely to be processed
iv. Assess the type offacility or services currently used by local processors to meet up with their food processing needs (e.g. Restaurant, home kitchen, rental kitchen, etc.) and how frequent they use the facility for processing
V. Identify the type(s) of processing equipment smaii-scaie processors are in most need of (e.g. steam jacket kettle, standard range oven, commercial mixer, heat exchange chiller,dehydrators, etc.)
vi. Evaluate the level of interest/willingness of processors to buy locally grown raw materials and ingredients for their business and identify main ingredients essential to their products
vii. Evaluate the interest of agro-pastoral/food processors to use post-harvest storage facilities
viii. Assess food packaging constraints and packaging technology preferences ofsmall scale food
processors and their interest/willingness to use joint packaging or individual packaging facility
ix. Evaluate the existing local capacities for the fabrication of adapted equipment for food processing, especially the College of Technology of the University of Bamenda and the role this institution can play in the implementation ofany eventual project on value addition.


The project viability and extent of socio-economic impact depends highly on available market opportunities. Within this context, a market study is important as part of the feasibility study. The market study will be necessary to:
i. Determine market opportunities and constraints of small scale food processing industries in the region
i. Assess the variety of inputs specific to each actor along the food valuechain
ii. Determine the pricing policy, strategies of actors involved in small scale food processing
V. Investigate in detail the supply, distribution channels and market circuits of processed food in the region, as well as the logistics challenges ofsmall scale agro-transformation businesses in the region
V. Analyze the market segmentation and positioning ofprocessed food products in the region
vi. Evaluate the level of competition by products / product category in the market of small scale food agro-transformation (that is, market leaders, challengers, and followers)
vii. Appraise the level and impact of promotion and communication strategies currently used by small scale food processors
viii. Identify locally processed food products having potential markets in neighboring countries (especially, Nigeria)
ix. Description of market boundaries, structures, dynamics, actors, size, potential for expansion,
systemic constraints within the markets and mitigation strategies

In particular, the study vaII detailly assess the optimum availability ofproduction inputs, trends in small scale agro-transformation and impact on employment, new products, generating demand and new needs created at all levels ofthefood value chain. Within this context, the study focus will be to: -
i. Conduct a value chain analysis for the selected speculations and assess the constraints and opportunities ofsupply chain demands and the potential impact on agro processing.
ii. Analyze surpluses in crop and animal production available for processing
ili. Highlight existing agricultural produce processing initiatives in the area (successful and unsuccessful ventures)
iv. Analyze socio-economic and demographic data (e.g. population trends, production trends, culinary traditions, urbanization, IDPs trends and the impact potentials of these trends on small scale agro-transformation)
v. Evaluate the impact of small-scale food processing on job creation and youth employment
vi. Assess the location of small scale food processing units and their principal sources of labor for such activities (rural/urban)
vii. Determine the human resource needs and technical skills requirements for small scale food processors
viii. Assess the value added to waste from small scale agro-transformation unit operations

It Is important to have an estimate of the Investment costs of small scale processing facilities and infrastructures (including technologies chosen) and their incidence on the cost price of the final processed food products. In this regard, the study focus will be to; -

i. Estimate the return of investment (ROI) ofsmall scale food processors in the study area
ii. Propose adequate economic solutions to ensure viability of small scale agro-transformation businesses
iii. Prepare an investment plan (business plan template), including a risk and sensitivity analysis for small scale food processing investors
MIDENO seeks to know how the business organization of small scale agro-food processing is organized and structured, in this regard, itis important forthe study to be able to capture the following parameters:-
i. Identify existing or possibilities to create sustainable public private partnership between the government and small scale food processors in the region
ii. Assess if small scale food processors have existing business organogram
iii. Evaluate the Interest and willingness of managers ofsmall scale food processing businesses to participate or assign workers to participate in skill training, workshop or seminars on food processing
iv. Identify the type/legai status (e.g. NGO, Non-profit, full time, part time, etc.) of small scale agro-transformation businesses
V. The consultant should be able to propose a managerial model fostering Public Private Partnership between MIDENO and small scale agro-processing entrepreneurs
vi. Assess the relevance of the various infrastructures of MIDENO in the various Divisions within theframework ofan agro processing project in the Region.

MIDENO is concern and very careful about activities that directly and indirectly Impact the environment. Within this context, the consultantshould be able to: -
i. Identify all potential Impacts ofsmall scale agro-transformation processing on the environment and assess them through an appropriate method that will ensure classification in order of importance
il. Assess in detail mitigation strategies to control impacts with considerable contribution to environmental deterioration
iii. Propose feasible environmental monitoring plans
iv. Evaluate the physiochemical and biotic quality of waste disposed from small scale agrotransformation units
V. identify environmental protection and waste disposal mechanisms put in place by small scale agro-transformation businesses

MIDENO is concern about knowing the implications of food processing practices on public health. In this regard, the consultant should be able to; -
i. Assess the prevalence offood related diseases in the region
ii. Evaluate the levels implementation of Good Production Practices (GPP), that is observation of
proper hygiene and sanitation conditions by small scale agro-transformation entrepreneurs in
the region

iii. appraise the degree to which small scale food processors are aware of the 2018 Cameroon
Food Law on Foodsafety
iv. Evaluate the level at which small scale food processors understand and implement Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) concepts In their food production processes
V. Investigate and create awareness about Issues of food fraud and adulteration among small
scale food processors
vl. Identify potential public and private food quality and safety agencies In the region
vli. Identify food laboratories in the region and the range offood analysis they can perform

Soclo-cultural dimensions offood have a strong Impact on the behavior (acceptance or rejection) of the food by a particular market, in this context, It is paramount for the consultant to be able to: -
I. Assess the role of women and youths in participating and promoting small scale agrotransformation activities
II. Propose strategies to mitigate current skill gaps blocking women and youths from engaging in
post-harvest agro-transformation activities
iil. Identify soclo-cultural events organized by small scale food processors
iv. Identify and classify food processor associations, meetings, orgatherings
V. Identify various cultural taboos and stereotyped on different food products by the communities
and how they can possibly affect the market for agro food products.
In addition, the study is expected to examine the proposed strategies outlined below In relation to how
feasible they are In addressing the problems under this project whose proposed goal Is to evaluate small scale food processing in Agriculture, livestock and fisheries Industry In the North West Region of Cameroon.
I. Training and capacity building of women and youths In adopting new and alternative livelihood
opportunities as agro-transformation entrepreneurs
II. Strategies which Involve unlocking the potentials of value creation and addition to agricultural
products as a means ofjob creation and reduction of underemployment
ill. Gleaner environment through promoting proper sanitation, waste disposal and management
by small scale food processing actors
iv. Adopting Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and serious hazard analysis and critical
control points (HACCP) practices while readapting and organizing small scale food processing
V. Create awareness of the socio-economic and health dangers of a poorly handled food
processing chain
vl. Improve productivity, quality and safety of products of small scale agro-transformation
vll. Improve post-harvest technical trainings for small scalefarmers
vill. Put in a place a microenterprise development strategy for women and youths through
organizing specialized short modular training programs In Agro-transformation of plant and
animal base raw materials
Ix. Sensitizing stakeholders on Issues relating to food quality, safety and public health nutrition
x. Improve on Infrastructures to promote food quality, safety and new product developments
(e.g. Food laboratories, Micro-multipurpose food processing hubs, agro-transformation
technical vocational training facilities, etc.).
Page 5 of 9
xi. Sensitizing stakeholders on importance of pubiic private partnership in guaranteeing a
sustainabie agriculture value addition chain
xii. Strategies to open new iocal and international markets for smaii scaie agro-transformation
xiii. Strategies to facilitate appropriate transfer oftechnology toensure sustainability ofthe project
xiv. Identify possible renewable energy sourcesfound in the Region that can be adapted for agro
XV. A comprehensive project proposai for the AGROVAMP Project detaiiing the expected
outcomes, outputs, activities and inputs/resources as weli as strategy, technical, economic,
financial, environmental and sensitivity analyses.
xvi. The feasibility of setting up Smaii-scaled food processing facilities according to speculation
and zone of production to be managed by farmers as the necessary and entry points to a
major food distribution hub.
xvii. The possibility of setting up an Agro Food Processing and Distribution Hub as a MIDENO Holding to actively, sustainably and profitably manage the aggregation, standardization, quality control, food safety, safe packaging and distribution of food products
In the Region and beyond
xviii. A strategy to strengthen the abilities of smaii scale food processors to satisfy
wholesale, retail and Institutional demand for safety and quality food
xix. Astrategy to strengthen the capacities of local entrepreneurs involved in the fabrication of
food processing machines to Improve their productivity efficiency and sustainability
Lot 2: it is expected that the study establish the relevance of project achievements, poverty
alleviation, sustainability of the achievements, establish lessons and recommendations that could be lead into the conception and design offuture projects.
2.1 The specific objectives of the feasibiilty studies:
2.1.1: Lot 1: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to carry out a Feasibility Study for an Agricultural
Value Addition and Marketing Project (AGROVAMP), through the Promotion of Small Scale Food
Processing In the Crop, Livestock and Fisheries subsectors in the North West Region of
• To determine the factors affecting small-scaled food processing and marketing in the Region
through a detail first-hand study to inform any meaningful intervention in the sector
• Determine the constraints faced by farmers involved in smaii-scaled food processing in the
• Assess the market potential for agro food products in the Region
• Assess the technical, economic, financial, managerial, sociocultural and environmental
viability of setting up a Sustainable Food Processing and Distribution Facility or Hub in the
• Assess gender considerations and other crosscutting needs in the food processing
• To identify technical, financial, economic, legal environment, quality, safety problems to be
solve, their urgency and propose possible solutions
• Assess the Involvement and role ofwomen in small scaie agro-transformation
• identify and categorize skill gaps specific to particular Agro-transformation sectors
• Assess the level of involvement of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in food processing
• Identify the possibility of using renewable energy for agro processing
Page 6 of 9 Assess the kind of equipment needed for the fabrication, repair and maintenance of agro
processing machines Identify specific, measurable, reliable key performance indicators of small scale agrotransformation
business ventures and marketing activity
Toestablish a complete project proposal readyfor appraisal
2.1.2: Lot 2: The recruitment ofa consulting firm to carry out an Assessment ofRelevance, Impact and
the Sustainabiiity of the Achievements of the Grassfield Participatory and Decentralized Rural
Development Project Phase 1 (GP-DERUDEP I) Implemented in the North West Region of
• Assess the effectiveness of the project in reducing poverty in the North West Region as
stated in the goal ofthe Project
• Assess the relevance of the achievements of the various components of the Project in terms
of purpose, approach, modality ofexecution of the project and capacity of key implementing partners
• Assess the sustainability ofthe achievements ofthe project in the target Communities
• Draw lessons for the design, funding and implementation of subsequent projects

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

Provisionai Cost: The estimated cost ofthe studies following prior studies stands at:

Lot 1: Twenty five Million (25,000,000 )fcfa
Lot 2: Twenty five Million (25,000,000 )fcfa

4.Allotissement New(Additif)

Lot 1: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to carry out a Feasibility Study for an Agricultural Value Addition and Marketing Project (AGROVAMP), through the Promotion of Small Scale Food Processing in the Crop, Livestock and Fisheries subsectors in the North West Region of Cameroon

Lot 2: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to carryout an Assessmentof Relevance, Impact and the Sustainability of the Achievements of the Grassfield Participatory and Decentralized Rural Development Project Phase I (GP-DERUDEP I) Implemented In the North West Region of Cameroon

5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation in this Invitation to Tender is restricted to the following pre-qualified firms:

Lot 1:

Name of Pre-Quaiified Firms Address
Society for Initiative in Rural Developmentand Environmental Protection
(SIRDEP) and innovation Initiative Group (IIFE) - Joint Venture
P.O BOX 682 Bamenda
Tel: +237 677 5014 51
Centre for Environmental Management and Change (CEFEMAC P.O Box 5168 Bda
Tel; +237 677 839 447

Lot 2:

Name of Pre-Quaiified Firms Address
Rural Development Consultancy P.O Box 20, Ndop Tel:+237 674 518 844


6.Financement New(Additif)

Services which form the subject of this Invitation to tender shall be financed by the PIB-WIINADER 2020

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file maybe consulted during working hoursfrom 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Secretariat of the Director General, MIDENO Head Office, Ayaba Street, P.O. Box 442, Bamenda; Email; Tel; 237 233 336 378 following the publication of this notice.

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender fiie may be obtained during working hours from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Secretariat of the Director General, MIDENO Head Office, AyabaStreet, P.O. Box 442, Bamenda; Email: Tel: 237 233 331 661 following the publication of this notice against payment of a non-refundable sum of Sixty four Thousand five hundred (64,500) fcfa payable at Special Account CAS-ARMP N° 06845-97568660001-28 of any BICEC Branch In Cameroon.

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each bid drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies including one (1)
original and six (6) copies marked as such, should reach the MIDENO Head Office located at Ayaba Street, P.O. Box 442, Bamenda) not later than 05-A0UT 2020 prompt and should carrythe inscription:
Restricted National invitation to tender N° 004/RNIT/MIDENO/ MITB/ B/13/84/2020
at 10.00am prompt and should carrythe inscription:

Lot 1: The recruitment ofa Consulting Firm to carry out a Feasibility Study for an Agricultural Value Addition and Marketing Project(AGROVAMP), through the Promotion ofSmall Scale Food Processing in the Crop, Livestock and Fisheries subsectors in the North West Region of Cameroon

Lot 2: The recruitment ofa Consulting Firm to carry outan Assessment of Relevance, Impact and the Sustainabiiity of the Achievements of the Grassfield Participatory and Decentralized Rural
Development Project Phase I(GP-DERUDEP I) Implemented in the North West Region ofCameroon

"To be opened only during the bid-opening session"

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum execution deadline provided for by the Project Owner shall be Four (4) Months from the date of notification of Service Order to start the execution for Lots 1 &2

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Under risk of being rejected, each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond of Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) fcfa for Lot 1and Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) fcfa for Lot 2 issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring on the list in document 10 of the Tender File

12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

To avoid the risk ofbeing rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the
issuing service or administrative authorities (Senior Divisional Officers, Divisional Officers, Bank Officials, Taxation Officials etc.) ofthe administrative documents required, including the bid bond, must imperatively be produced in accordance with the Special Conditions of the invitation to tender. The documents must obligatorily not be older than three (3) months and must not be produced after thesigning of the tender file.
Any bid not in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible.
Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry In charge of Finance or the non-respect ofthe models of the tender file documents shall lead to direct rejection ofthe bid without any appeal being entertained.

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The bids shall be opened in TWO phases. The administrative file and the technical offer shall be opened first followed by the opening of the financial offers of bidders who obtained the minimum required technical score. The opening ofthe administrative documents and the technical shall take place on the 05 A0UT 2020 at 11:00 am prompt local time by the Intemal Tenders Board of MIDENO in the MIDENO conference Room at the PMO located along Ayaba Street, opposite Mansfield Plaza Hotel. Only bidders preselected can attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice. The opening of the financial offers shall take place at the end of technical evaluation and shall concern only bidders who must have obtained a minimum score of 75 points on a scale of 100 points for lots 1&2

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Evaluation Criteria: The bids shall be evaluated according to the following principles
A. Eliminatory criteria

  • incomplete Bid documents (Administrative, Financial and technical bids)
  • Absence or insufficient Bid Bond in date and amount
  • Late submission of bids
  • False declarations or forged documents
  • Direct or indirect association with the conception, preparation of technical specifications and other documents concerned with this tender.
  • Absence ofany administrative documents
  • Delivery schedule of four (4) Monthsfor each of the lots. That Is, four months for both Lot 1&Lot 2 respectively.
  • Presence of information on Financial bid in the Technical bid

B. Essential criteria

SN Criteria Score
i Consultant's experience relevant to the assignment (Experience in the same or
similar type ofassignments)
ii Methodology 30
iii Qualifications of key personnel 4
  TOTAL 100

Selection method of consultant: The consultant shall be selected using the Quality Cost- Based
selection method in accordancewith the procedures described in this Tender File.

15.Attribution New(Additif)


16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders shall remain committed to their bids for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complementary information can be obtained during working hours from the Secretariat of the Director General, MIDENO, P.O. Box 442, Bamenda: Email; Tel: 237 233 336 378,

BAMENDA Le 03-07-2020