Within government's policy of good governance and transparent management, the Director General of SOWEDA herehv intends to recruit the services of an independent auditor of established reputation to audit the accounts and financial statements of SOWEDA for the 2020 financial year. This tender follows the Request for Expression of Interest 001/REI/SOWEDA/21 of 17/02/2021.
The nature of the tender shah consist in recruiting a consultancy film to carry out the audit of the accounts and financial statements of SOWEDA for the 2020 financial year.
The nature of the tender shah consist in recruiting a consultancy film to carry out the audit of the accounts and financial statements of SOWEDA for the 2020 financial year.
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to the following pre-qualified enterprises specialized in carrying out audit of accounts and financial statements and retained on the basis of Request for Expression of Interest N° 001/REI/SOWEDA/21 of 17/02/2021:
N° |
Nomes of Shortlisted Bidders |
Address |
1 |
B.P. 5393, Douala |
2 |
B.P. 5701, Douala |
3 |
B.P 6284, Douala |
4 |
ARC-Audit & Consulting |
B.P. 6297, Yaoundé |
5 |
B.P. 3791, Douala |
6 |
B.P. 5563, Douala |
7 |
B.P. 5689, Douala |
The services for which this Consultation is intended shah be financed by the 2021 Running Budget of SOWEDA, Line 612051
Each bid, drafted in English or French, in seven (07) copies, including the original copy and six (06) copies labelled as such and sealed, should reach SOWEDA, not later than 16/04/2021 at 10 a.m. in a stamped envelope addressed te the Director General of SOWEDA.
The sealed envelope shah be labelled as follows:
"Restricted National Invitation to Tender N' 002/21/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GoC/2021 of 18/03/2021 For the Recruitment of a Consultancy Firm to Audit the 2020 Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA. To be opened only during the Bids Opening Session"
Each bidder shah have to include in his tender a standard bid form indicating costs exclusive of ail taxes and taxes included and execution deadlines.
Subject to being rejected, the administrative and financial documents required must be produced in originals or true copies certified by the issuing service in accordance with the Special Conditions of the Invitation te Tender.
These documents must not be older than tbjee (3) months preceding the original date of submission of bids or must net have been established alter the signing of th è tender notice.
in accordance with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file, any incomplete offer shah be declared inadmissible. This applies especially to the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
Bids shall be rejected for:
a) Absence of a bid bond
b) Absence or non-conformity of an administrative document within 48hours alter bids opening
c) Absence of declaration of non-abandonment of a public contract during the last three years;
d) False declaraftion or falsified document
e) Non-compliance with model bid
f) Technical score less that 70/100
g) Presence of financial information in the technical bid.
14.2 Essential Criteria for Evaluation of Bids
N° |
Criteria |
Marks |
1 |
Qualification and experience of key personnel to carry out the assignment |
45 |
2 |
Experience of bidder in similar assignments (references) |
30 |
3 |
Understanding of terms of reference: organization, methodology, duration |
20 |
4 |
Presentation of tender file |
05 |
Total |
100 |
Additional information may be obtained at the Office of the Director of Administration and Finance of SOWEDA, P.O.
Box 336 — Buco; Tel: 233-32-28-05;
The firm shall be retained by the method of combination of the technical and financial marks, in conformit) with the procedure laid down in the Tender Document:
The contract shall be awarded to the bidder with a higher score, in accordance with the following formula: N = 60 x Technical Score (Ts) + 40 x Financial Score (Fs) 100
The financial score (Fs) is obtained as follows:
Let Fm = minimum financial proposai. Its financial score is equated to 100 points. The other bidder's financial score (Fs) will be processed as follows:
Fs = 100 x Fm
Where Fm= amount of minimum financial proposai; and F = amount of the proposai being evaluated.