Within the framework of the 2020 Public Investment Budget (RIB of the ministry of Basic
Education), the Mayor of KUMBO Council "Contracting Authority" hereby launches by emergency
procedure an open National Invitation to tender for the construction of a block of two (02) classrooms at GS Mbuluf in KUMBO Sub-Division. This invitation to tender comprises as follows;
S/N |
Project |
Locality |
Amount for |
Project |
Budget |
Duration in |
01 |
construction of a block of two (02) classrooms at GS Mbuluf in KUMBO Sub-Division. |
Mbuluf- KUMBO |
30,000 |
19000,000 |
220 120 |
03 |
Work to be done consists of constructing a block of two (02) classrooms each at GS Mbuluf in Bui Division. The works include the following;
Lot 100: Preparatory works and studies
Lot 200: Earth Works
Lot 300: Foundation
Lot 400: Block work In elevation
Lot 500: Carpentry works
Lot 600: Metallic works
Lot 700: Electricity
Lot 800: Painting
Lot 900: Drainage works and pavement
Lot 1000; Hygien and Environmental Protection
Project Amount 19,000,000 FCFA
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to Cameroonian enterprises that are in compliance with the fiscal laws and having a good experience In the domain concerned.
The said Works shall be financed by the Public Investment Budget (PIB) of the Ministry of Basic Education for the 2020 financial year assigned to the Mayor of KUMBO Council as Contracting Authority with Budget Heads N°: 220 120.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information during working hours as from the date of publication of this tender notice, at the KUMBO Council Office Of Award For Public Contract (67000 3577)
The file may be obtained at the KUMBO Council, at the Service for Ihe award of Public Confracts, Telephone N® 67000 35 77 as soon as this notice is published against payment of a non- refundable sum of (40 000) Fifty thousand CFA francs, payable at the KUMBO Council Treasury representing the cost of purchasing the tender file.
Each offerdrafted in English or French in07 (Seven) copies including
01 (one) original and 06 (six) copies marked as such, should reach
KUMBO Council not later than 119/2020 at 11.00 noon local time. It should be labelled as follows: "OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TOTENDER No:00200R3 /ONIT/KUMBO COUNCIL/KCITB/2020 OF 21TH JULY 2020 THE CONSTRUQION OF A BLOCK OF TWO (02)
The maximum execution deadline shall be three (03) calender months, including the rainy season and other vagaries, with effect from the date of notification of the administrative order of work commencement.
Each bidder should include in his administrative document, a bid bond of FCFA 380 000 [three hundred and eighty thousand CFA francs for each lot) issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance in conformity with COBAC conditions.
Against the risk of being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuitig service or administrative authorities of the administrative document required, including the bid bond, shall imperatively be produced in accordance with the Special Conditions of the invitation to tender. They shall neither be older than three (03) months nor be produced before the signing of the tender notice.
Any offer not in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall not be accepted, especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank, approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance, or the non-respect of the model of the tender file documents, shall lead to a pure and simple rejection ofthe offer without any appeal being entertained
Under penalty of being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the Issuing service must imperatively be produced in accordance with the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender.
They must obligatorily not be older than three (3) months preceding the date of submission of bids or may be established after the signature of the tender notice
Any bid not In compliance with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall be declared inadmissible.
This refers especially to the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Minister in charge of Finance
The bids shall be opened in single phase. The opening of the
administrative documents and the Technical and Financial offersshall
take place on the 11/09/2020 at 11:00 local time, by the KUMBO Council Inlernal Tenders Board.
Only bidders or their duly mandated representatives with a perfect
knowledge of their offer shallattend thisopening session.
Representatives of bidders shall have to sign a form stating their
presence at the opening of tender
Evaluation criteria
There are two types of evaluation criteria! eliminatory and essential criteria. The aim of these criteria is to identify and reject incomplete bids or bids not in conformity with the essential conditions laid down in the Tender File,
i. Elimlnafory criteria Eliminatory criteria fix the minimum conditions to be fulfilled to be admitted for evaluation
according of the essential criteria. The non-respect of these criteria leads to the re|ection of the bid made by the bidder.
They refer especially to:
• Absence of bid bond
• Absence or non-conformity of a document in the administrative file after 48 hours
• Deadline for delivery higher than prescribed;
• False declaration, forged or scanned documents;
• A bid with the external envelope carrying a sign or mark ieading to the identification of
the bidder.
• Two Bids with the same personnel
• Incomplete financial file.
• Technical assessment mark lower than 75% of "Yes".
a. Essential criteria Essential criteria are primordial in the judgment of the technical and financial capacity of candidates
to execute the works forming the subject of the invitation to tender.
The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates are based on the following:
• General presentation of the tender files;
• References of the company in similar achievements;
• Experience of supervisory staff ;
• Logistics (Equipment);
• Methodology;
• Financial capacity;
• Attestation of site visit signed by the Contractor with pictures
• Report of site visit signed by the Contractor
• The Special Technical Clauses (STC). (Each page should be initialed and the last
page signed and stamped);
• Special Administrative Clauses completed (each page should be initialed and the
last page signed and stamped);
• Pre - Financing capacity not less than 75% of the amount required in the offer
The essential criteria are subjected to minima whose detail is given in the Special Regulation of
the Invitation to tender (RPAO).
lii Main qualification criteria
The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could be indicative on the following:
The essential criteria are subjected to minima whose detail is given In the Special Tender
Regulation (RPAO).
This evaluation shall be done in a purely binary method with a (yes) or a (no) with an acceptable minimum of 75% of the essential criteria taken in to account.
The contract will be awarded to the bidder who would have proposed the offer with the lowest amount, In conformity with the regulations of the Tender Documents and having scored 100% of the eliminatory criteria and at least 75%of the essential criteria
The jobbing order shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is in conformity with the dispositions of the tender file and on the basis of the lowest bid and technical quality. (See article 99 (a) of the public contracts code).
The bidders shall remain committed to their offers during a period of (ninety) 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours at the KUMBO Council, Office of Award of Public Contracts.