On behalf of the General Dotation of Decentralization Budget for fmancing year 2016, the Divisional Delegate of Publics Contacts Mayo-Tsanaga, Contracting Authority. hereby issues an Open National Invitation for buildings works of the construction two classrooms at the primary School of BAO VARA, Soulede Roua Subdivision, Mayo-Tsanaga Division, Far-North Region.
The works shall include the following operations:
Site installation;
- Main works;
- Overbearings;
- Fundations;
- Masonries - wall rising; - Framework - roof; - Metal work;
- Electricity;
- Painting;
- Roads and diverse networks
- Environnment
Works under this tender shall be financed by the General Dotation of Decentralization Budget, for the 2015 Financial exercise Year, Imputation 220 100 for an estimated cost of twenty two millions (22 000 000) CFAF.
Participation in this tender shall be opened on equal conditions to Cameroon-law contractors with proven experience in the field of building construction and civil engineering in general. By this invitation to tenders, entreprises are invited to give authentic informations in their offers in other to make a good choice ofthe entreprises who could realise all the prestations.
Works under this tender shall be financed by the General Dotation of Decentralization Budget, for the 2015 Financial exercise Year, Imputation 220 100 for an estimated cost of twenty two millions (22 000 000) CFAF.
The tender documents may be consulted during working hours at the MINMAP Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Mayo-Tsanaga in Mokolo, Contracting Authority and the division of contracts tenders unit at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts, Mayo-Tsanaga in Mokolo.
The tender documents may be obtained at the MINMAP Division of Contracts (Tenders Unit) by Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts, Mayo-Tsanaga Mokolo. Upon presentation of a receipt of payment into the Mogode Municipal Treasury a non-refundable fee of thirty-five (35 000) CFA F. Such a receipt shall identify the payer as representing a consulting firm willing to participate in the tender.
Drafted in English or French and in septuplicate (7) including one (1) original and six (6) copies labelled as such, tenders shall be submited in a sealed envelop and against areceipt at Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Mayo-Tsanaga in Mokolo, Contracting Authority no later than 21 december 2016 at 10 a.m, local time. They shall bear the following;
N°041/ONIT/MINPUCO/SG/RDFN/MTDD/DTB CBWF/2016 Of 01 december 2016 (Emergency procedure) for buildings worksofthe construction oftwo classroom at the primary School of BAO VARA, Roua Subdivision, Mayo-Tsanaga Division, Far-North Region.
Financial exercise Year Imputation; 220- 100 To be opened only during the opening session".
Tenders received after the submission deadline shall be rejected.
The overall execution time frame shall be three months (03) calendar months, including the rainy season and other vagaries, with effect from the date of notification of the Notice to Proceed.
Any offer net in keeping with the tender requirements, especially the absence of the provisional guarantee issued, in keeping with the model indicated in the tender file by a first class banking institution approved by the ministry in charge offinance listed previously in the tenders offer document N°12 of an amount of 440 000 (four hundred and forty thousand francs) and valid for a period of thirty (30) days shall be rejected.
Lest they be rejected, shall be submitted only the originals or true copies of the relevant administrative documents, certified by the issuing service oran administrative authority, dating less than three (3) months old and valid during the opening session shall be rejected in conformity with the tender's offer regulations. They shall be valid in conformity with the regulations of the tender's offer.
Tenders shall be opened (01) once on 21 Dccember 2016, at 11 a.m, in the meeting room of the Mayo-Tsanaga Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts in Mokolo in the presence of bidders or their duly appointed representatives with perfect knowledge of the bid they stand for.
Tenders shall be evaluated in three (3) stages:
• Stage 1: Verification ofeach tender for compliance of the administrative file.
• Stage 2: Technical evaluation of compliant administrative files. '
• Stage 3: Verification of the financial offers of contractors with compliant administrative and technical files.
Eliminatory criteria
Administrative documents
a) Incomplete or non-compliant documents,
b) Forged or non-authentic document.
Technical proposal
a. Incomplete or non-compliant documents;
b. False declaration, forged or scanned documents;
c. Turnover in public and civil engineering works during the last three (3) years ofthan twenty million (20 000 000) CFA F; Failure to show proof of the execution, as the main contracter, during the last three (3) years of the construction of at least one-storeyed building Non-existence in the technical proposal of the rubric "organization, methodology and planning"; Failure to meet at least 70% ofthe essential criteria.
Financial offer
a) Incomplete financial offer;
b)Non-compliant documents;
c) Omission of a quantified unit price in the financial offer; ''
d) Absence of a sub-detailed price.
e) Sub-detail ofprice mistaken and unrealistic
Essential criteria
The technical proposal shall be evaluated as per the following 53 essential criteria:
a) Presentation out of 3 criteria;
b) Supervisory staff out of 15 criteria;
c) Site equipment to be mobilized out of 10 criteria,
d) Methodology out of 13 criteria.
e) Conlraclor's references and pre-financing capacity out of 12 criteria.
The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts in Mayo-Tsanaga in Mokolo, Contracting Authonty, shall award the contract to the bidder, whose offer is considered the lowest, in compliance essentially with the prescriptions of the invitation to tender.
Bidders shall remain bound by their bids for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline mentioned above.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts of Mayo-Tsanaga at Mokolo P.O Box 17 Mokolo; email: ddminmapmt@vahoo.com; Phone: 222 45 56 49