The State of Cameroon represented by the Contracting Authority, hereby launches a request for Quotation for the supply of didactic material, tables and chairs at GNS Ntam II in Kumba III Sub Division, South West Region
5 000 000 fcfa
Participation in this invitation is open to registered qualified contractors of the Republic of Cameroon with financial ability, technical and professional expertise in the dornain of supplies, who are capable of realizing within the contractual deadline
The said supplies shall be funded by the Public Investment Budget (PIB) of the Ministry of Decentralization and local development for the 2020 financial year, assigned to the Mayor of Kumba Ill as Delegated Authorizing officers. With Budget Head N° 54 27 64 1927 2799. (With amount of the project of F CFA 5 000 000
The Consultation file shall be obtained at the Kumba Ill Council, Telephone Na 678 053 266. within working hours as from the date of publication of this invitation.
The Consultation file shall be acquired from the Kumba III Council, Telephone N°678 053 266., as soon as this notice is published upon presentation of a Treasury receipt against payment of a non- refundable sum of (20 000) Twenty thousand CFA francs, payable at the Council Treasury Kumba III representing the cost of purchasing the tender file.
Each offer drafted in English or French in Six (06) copies including the original and five (05) copies marked
as such in accordance with the prescriptions of the Request for Quotation file should be submitted at the 09/09/2020 at 10 .00 am
The opening bid in one phase shaall be done on 09/09/2020 at 11.00 am in the ConferenceHall of Kumba III Council by the Internai Tenders' persons of their choice.The bids shall
Bidders shall remain committed to their offers for 60 daystenders.
Complementary information could be 678 053 266.