The Government of the Republic of Cameroon has obtained a loan from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), to finance the activities of the Commodity Value Chain Development Support Project - Phase II - (PADFA II) and intends to ''use part of said loan to make payments for the contract relating to the' recruitment of an individual consultant to PADFA II for the conduct of a study on rice and onion and related processes, equipment and markets”.
The main objective of the Commodity Value Chain Development Support Project phase II (PADFA II), fruit of cooperation between Cameroon and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), is to contribute to poverty reduction and to improve food and nutritional security of target populations. Its development objective is to sustainably increase the income and resilience of family farms producing rice and onions. PADFA II is implemented through two technical components (1 & 2) and a management component. Component 1 dubbed "Support to production" aims to set up a sustainable development mechanism for the rice (irrigated and rain-fed) and onion sectors, so as to increase productivity and, in turn, boost production among small organized producers in cooperatives. Component 2, dubbed "Support for the structuring of sectors, marketing and access to food diversity" aims to provide support in the promotion of products and both a better knowledge and an effective penetration of the market, through an approach focused on improvement of the quality and competitiveness of products. It is implemented through four sub-components: 2.1-Improved storage and processing of products; 2.2- Improvement of knowledge and access to the market. 2.3-Structuring and strengthening of the capacities of the actors of the sectors; 2.4-Improvement of the nutritional situation.
In hopes that it will improve knowledge and access to the market (sub-component 2.2), the project has planned the determination of competitive processes, equipment and markets for rice and onion in two cooperatives in the North and the Far North Regions. This study aims to specify and highlight standardized operations, efficient practices in processing, equipment management, and market penetration for rice and onion products, in order to improve their quality, in order to gain market share.
The main objective of the study is to identify standardized operations, efficient transformation practices, the management of equipment, and the penetration of product markets rice and onion, with a view to improving their quality, in order to gain market share.
The objective of the consultation is to determine the best processes, equipment and strategies to conquer markets. On one hand, the latter can be made available to the beneficiaries and on the other hand, it may supply the online resource centers of the project. (website, accounts on social networks, etc.) for actors in the rice and onion sectors needing information on good practices. The consultant will:
(i) Develop policies for products derived from rice and onion in order to determine the strains most desirable for promotion, as well as the best packaging and design actions to undertake ;
(ii) Develop classifications and processes of the products by deducing valuable and efficacious operations (technological, non-technological, linear, natural etc) on the supply chain (storage, transformation, and marketing) and emphasizing the choice and maintenance of the equipment;
(iii) Propose a marketing strategy (positioning of rice and onion products on the markets) aiming to enhance the local production of rice and onion. This value stems from the segmentation, targeting and positioning trilogy, so that these products will stand out from the competition with consumers;
(iv) Develop an implementation and dissemination program to drive change and promote the best practices.
The National Coordinator of the Commodity Value Chain Development Support Project phase II (PADFA II) invites the consultants to express their interest in providing the services described above. They must provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience for the performance of the services. This call is open to individual consultants with the following qualifications:
- Hold an Engineer level or Master’s level (BAC+5) degree in food science, agro-food science, or equivalent, with proven experience in market studies, like the positioning of agricultural products; Very good knowledge of the environment of agro-food companies and / or agro-industries;
- Proven knowledge of the characteristics of companies in the rice and onion sectors in Cameroon and the constraints of reducing post-harvest losses;
- Justify of at least seven (07) years of experience s in supporting food processing companies in Cameroon at least three (03) years in process development and positioning of agricultural products;
- Have a good knowledge of the sectors (rice and onion) and the requirements of PADFA II
- Having already worked for a Rural Development Project, an agricultural investment project or in an institution (Agro-industry, Bank or development partner, etc.) will be an asset.
The Government of the Republic of Cameroon has obtained a loan from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), to finance the activities of the Commodity Value Chain Development Support Project - Phase II - (PADFA II)
Written expressions of interest must be submitted in seven (07) copies, one (1) original and six (06) copies to the address below in person, by post or by e-mail electronic under seal at the latest Fourteen (14) days after the publishing date of this Notice (the deadline for the last day for submitting expressions of interest being set at 3:30 p.m. local time) with the mention
"Expression of interest for the recruitment of an individual consultant for the implementation of the study on processes, equipment and markets for the rice and onion sectors on behalf of PADFA II”.
No |
Criteria of evaluation |
Points |
1 |
Quality of the cover letter and understanding of the mission. |
10 |
2 |
General Qualifications: holder of an university degree at Engineer or Master level (Bac + 5) in food sciences, agro-food, or equivalent. |
10 |
3 |
General experiences of the consultant in supporting agro-food companies in Cameroon and developing processes on agro-food products. |
30 |
4 |
Specific experiences of the consultant in the development of rice and onion processes, equipment and market studies, such as the positioning of rice and onion products in the markets. |
45 |
5 |
Similar experiences in a development project, an agricultural investment project or in an institution (Agro-industry, Bank or development partner, etc.) |
5 |
Total points : 100
NB: The minimum score required is 80 points.
Project Management and Coordination Unit Commodity Value Chain Development Support Project - Phase II - (PADFA II), located in Bastos - Yaounde, behind the Chinese Embassy; BP: 5349; TEL: (237) 699 61 19 28/6 56 19 10 07/699 83 97 59/22 20 74 44 - FAX: (237) 22 20 74 38, Email:
The consultants interested can obtain further information to the address below from 09 hours to 15 hours, local time.