Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 17-04-2019 à 14:45
Support : Plateforme :
Bearing in mind the dispositions of Article 89 of the public          Contracts Code granting bidders for submission cf bids a time-limit of twenty-rive (25) to fifty (50) working days for submission of bids, wars effect from the date of publication  of the tender notice; Following delays observed in the Publication of the tender notice below due to some administrative constraints; The opening of bids for the tenders notice here below has been  shifted from Monday 15e' April 2019 to Tuesday 31e April 2019 at the Limbe III Council chambers at 10AM prompt. They are; - No. 004/ONIT/LHIC.F.W1/40/FDTB/2019 of 25/03/2019, .for the construction of two classrooms at Goverment   Pirmary School (GS) mbolo limbe III Council -  005/ONIT/LIIICFAI:.PTB/2019 of 25/03/2019 for the suppiy of electricity at Dikolo, imbe HI Council -     006/0NrT/LIIICFAKO/FDTB/2019 of 25/03/2019 for the construction of a complete borehole with an overhead tank, with stand taps at Limbe HI Council chambers The said notice shall BE PUBLISHED on_ the notice board of  Limbe III Council and other relevant
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The bids shah be opened in a single (01) phase on 15/04/2019 at 11.00am local time by the Fako Divisional Tenders Board in the office of the President, located at the Finance Building. Only bidders may attend or their duly accredited representatives with Power of Attorney.

Lire plutot

The bids shah be opened in a single (01) phase on 30/04/2019 at 11.00am local time by the Fako Divisional Tenders Board in the office of the President, located at the Finance Building. Only bidders may attend or their duly accredited representatives with Power of Attorney.

LIMBE Le 12-04-2019