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Publié le 02-06-2021 à 10:40
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OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDERNo. 002/AONO/C.NDOP/SG/CIPM-PCCM/2021 of 02 Juin 2021 JULY 2021 emergency procedure For the recruitnient of an Engineering Firm to control and monitor the construction works of a thirty- six (36) dwelling units (24 T2 and 12 T3) municipal housing estate in NDOP, NGOKETUNJIA Division.-
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The Mayor of NDOP hereby launches an an Open National Invitation to Tender No. 02/AONO/FEICOM/CIPM-PCCM/2021 of 02 Juin 2021 for the recruitment of an Engineering Firm to.contrpi and monitor the construction works of a thirty-six (36) dwelling units (24 12 and 12 13) municipal housing estate in NDOP.

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The service's which are the purpose of this Invitation to Tender include the following missions:

1)Mission 1 DET: Supervision of the execution of contracts relating to works (DET);
2).-Mission 2 CCR: Checking compliance of works (CCR) ;
3)' Mission 3 AOR: Assistance in acceptance operations (AOR).

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The cost of-the said services is estimated at CFA F thirty five million six hundred sixty six thousands (35,660 000) ATI.

4.Allotissement New(Additif)

The services which are the purpose of this contract are considered a single lot.

5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation in this Invitation to Tender is open to Engineering Firms having the required qualifications for the-control'ahd monitoring of the construction work of a thirty- six (36) dwelling units-municipal housing estate in NDOP.

6.Financement New(Additif)

The services which are the purpose of this Invitation to Tender shall be financed by the Budget ofithe "Municipal Housing Construction Programme (PCCM), 2021 and the other Financial Years.

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

Upon publication of this Notice, the Tender File may be consulted, during working hours, located at the former FElCOM's Head Office, at Mimboman-Yoounde.

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The Tender File shall be obtained against presentation of the original copy of a receipt attesting the payment of a non-refundable sum of CFAF fifty thousand (50,000] to NDOP council treasury Upon withdrawal of the Tender File (DAG), bidders shall be registered and indicate their full address (P. O. Box, Fax, Telephone, etc.).

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each bid, drafted in English or French, in seven (07) copies, including one (01) original and six (06) copies labelled as such, all sealed, as per the requirements of the Tender File, shall be deposited with the Service Head of Administrative Assistance and Contracts (DPPP), latest 25 Juin 2021 1p.m., against duly signed receipt.
They shall be labelled as follows:

« Open upen National otional invitation Invitation to tender
002/AONO/C.NDOP/SG/CIPM-PCCM/202 of 02 Juin 2021 emergency
procedure For the recruitment of an Engineering Firm to control and monitor the construction works of a thirty-six (36) dwelling units (24T2 and 12T3) municipal housing estate in NDOP,
« To be opened only during the tender opening session »

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The'maximum time-frame set by the" Pro|ect Owner for this Invitation to Tender is thirteen (13) months;' with effect from the date of notification to start work.

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bidder shall attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond amounting to CFA F seven hundred thousand (700,000), issued by a first-ranked bank or insurance company approved by the Ministry of Finance, the list of which is provided for in document 11 of the Tender File, valid for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days.

12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

The other administrative documents required must be produced in original or certified true copies iby. the issuing service or an administrative authority, in ac ccordance with the special  Regulations the invitaion to tender. Besides, they must be dated (3) months preceding the Initial deadline for submission of bids or be issued after the date of signature of the notice of Invitation to Tende'r, or else, they-shall be rejected 
Any bid which does not comply with-the requirements  of the  File shall be declared inadmissible Notably the absence of the 'bid bond issued'by a first-ranked insurance company approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance, the list of which Is found in document" 11 of the Tender File, will lead to the rejection of the offer.

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

Bids s shall be  opened in two(02) stages by PCCM's  Internal Tender's Board, on Bids shall be opened at 2 p.m prompt, at the former FEICOM's Head Office, Mimboman-Yaounde.

Fos = 70 X Technical Score (Ts) + 30 x Financial Score (Fsl

The financial score (Fs) shall be determined as follows:
Let's consider that Fm is the amount of the lowest bid, its financial offer shall be equal to ICQ points. The scores of other bidders shall be calculated based on the financial offer of the best bid determined based on the following formula:

Fs = 100 X Fm

Fm = the amount of the lowest bid

F = the amount of the bid considered
The bidder with the highest final score shall be declared successful bidder.

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)


15.Attribution New(Additif)

The contract shall be awarded to the bidder who submits the bid considered as the lowest and found compliant with the Tender File. That is the bidder that obtains the highest final score, calculated as highlighted above, who shall be declared successful bidder and invited to the negotiations for signing of the contract

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders shall remain committed to their bids for ninety (90) days with effect from the dateline set out for the submission of bids.

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Further information may be obtained, during working hours, from the Partnership Projects and Programs Department (DPPP), at FEICOM's former Head Office Mimboman-Yaounde: Tel : (237) 222 22 27 28 / 694 28 66 04 / 699 83 03 88, Poste 258 ;
BP : 71 8 YAOUNDE, FEICOM 381, Rue 4561 MIMBOMAN YDE 4éme ;
Fax: (237) 222 23 17 59.

BAMENDA Le 02-06-2021