L'Appel d'Offres porte sur rexécution des travaux d'entretien du tronçon de route communale Inter N6 (Collège NJI NTIECHE) - Kwetliom Fentoum - Kwetliom chefferie, Route Massangam, dans la Commune de Foumbot, Département du Noun, Région de l'Ouest, dans la Commune de Foumbot, Département du Noun. Région de l'Ouest.
La consistance des travaux à réaliser est détaillée dans le CCTP, au bordereau des prix (nomenclature des tâches) et au Détail Estimatif, et porte essentiellement sur les opérations suivantes :
- installation générale de Chantier,
- Projet d'exécution et plan de recollement à la fin des travaux,
- Repli du matériel et remise des états des lieux,
- Débroussaillements,
- Fourniture et pose des panneaux de chantiersuivant le model fournit par l'ingénieur du Marché,
- Ouverture de piste à la pelle chargeuse.
- Mise en forme de la plate-forme de la route y compris les fossés et divergents,
- Remblai provenant d'emprunt pouvant servir de couche de roulement y compris l'arrosage et compactage,
- Fourniture et pose de buses métalliques y compris toutes autres suggestions.
- Construction en maçonnerie de moellon de tête buse métallique,
- etc.
Le coût prévisionnel de l'opération à l'issue des études préalables est de vingt-sept millions (27 000 000) francs CFA TTC.
Les travaux sont regroupés en un seul lot.
The tender document may be consulted during working hours at the Foumbot Council.
The tender documents may be consulted and obtalned ât the Foumbot Council, général secrétariat upon présentation of an original of a non-refundable treasury receipt of payment into the Foumbot Council Treasury as 30 000 (Thirty thousand) FCfa
Each offer Drafted in English or French and in seven (07) copies, including one original and six (06) copies, labelled as such, tender shall besubmitted in a sealad envelope and against a receipt at the unit of launching of tenders of the Internai Commission in charge of Public Contracts situated at the Foumbot Council, not later than 15th march at 10 O'clock They shall bear the following :
N°001/aono/r-ou/d-noun/c.foumbot/cipm-ai/2021 of 19 febuary 2021
"To be opened only during the bid-opening session"
Le délai maximum prévu par le Maître d'Ouvrage pour la réalisation des travaux objetdu présent Appel d'Offres est de trois (03) mois y compris les périodes de légères pluies
le cautionnement provisoire est de 300 000 fCFA
Under pain of rejection, the administrative documents requT^d,. must be produced in originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officer...) in aCCordance with the Spécial Conditions ofthe invitation to tender.
They trust not be more than three months preceding the ohginal date of submission of blds (3) months or must not have been established after the signing of the teOijer notice.
Any incomplete offer In accordance with the prescriptions of thîs notice and tender file shail be declared inadfhissible. Especially the absence ofa bid bond issued bV ^ first-rate bank approved by th^ Ministry in
charge of Finance.
The Administrative documents, the technical and finandal Proposais shall be opened on 15th March 2021 at 11 O'clock local time, At the Internai Commission in charge of Public Contracts situated at the Foumbot Council
Tenders shall be opened in one go and in three steps:
Step 1: Opening of envelope Acontaining the administrative document (volume 1);
Step 2: Opening ofenvelope Bcontaining the technical proposai (volume 2);
Step 3: Opening of envelope Ccontaining the financial offer (volume 3).
All tenderers may attend the opening session or each has ^hemselves represented by one mandated person of their choice (even in the event of a joint-venture) with sound knowledge of their file.
Eliminatory criteria :
Bids shall be eliminated according to the following criteria:
- To be under a termination conséquence (article 18 (a,b,c,) of the public contracts code);
- , Failure of satisfying at least 70% of the criteria during the technicat bid's évaluation;
- Non justification of at least one required reference;
- Omission of a quantified price unit in the financial offer;
- Incomplète Administrative Document non-regulated in the 48h after the opening ;
- False déclaration, forged or scanned documents;
- Certification of previousiy certified documents;
- Absence of the bid bond.
Essential criteria :
Bids shall be evaluate according to the following criteria;
- The présentation of the offer {04criteria);
- Supplier's référencés (06 criteria) ;
- Expérience of supervisory staff (12 criteria) ;
- Material and essential equipment (11 criteria);
- The exécution methodology, the planning, the site's visit report and proposais of exécution (09 criteria);
- The financial offer of the candidate (05 criteria).
The contract will be awarded to the bidder wlth the least offer who acquires the required technical and administrative capacities.
TenderefS Shall be bound by their tender for a period of ninety (90) days wlth effect from the tendersubmission deadiine.
Complmentary technical information may be obtained from the ARMP contracts Newspaper