As part of the împlementation of the Rapid Impact Projects, the Régional Delegate of Publics Contratc ofthe Far North, Contracting Authority, launches an Open National Invitation to tender for the supply and installation ofsolar street iight.
The work undcr Ihis Invitation for Bids include ihe Ibllowing transactions whose list is not exhaustive :
- The necessary technical studies ;
- The completion of ail the civil works (excavations, foundations of candelabra, embankments, restoration of sites) ;
- Supply and installation of 85 high steel candelabra of 7 mto carry the cabinet assembly. the solar panels, the stock and the fixture and fixed on a reinforced
- concrète block composed ofa métal reinforcementand steel rods, Anchoring ;
- The supply and installation of solar panels (solar modules, Including support structures for these modules) ;
- Supply and Installation of batches of solar batteries and associated cabinets / racks for lamp posts and generators respectively ;
- Supply and installation of regulators (battei7 charge controller via solar panels and battery charge / discharge regulator) ;
- Establishment and training of a committee [05 persons) responslble for the monitoring and maintenance of equipment
of one hundred million (100,000,000) CFA francs
By this Notice of Tender, interested companies are invited to submit their bids; authentic information that will retain that can provide the sei-vices after a thorough and
objective assessment of his record.
The work, the subject of this tender, are funded by the Investment Budget Public, Fiscal Year 2021, foran estimated total cost of one hundred million (100,000,000) CFA francs.
Upon publication of this notice, the Tender Dossier is available during business hauts at tlie Bogo council in Bogo.
The tender file may be acquired at the Bogo council secrétariat, Tel; 699 091 058, upon publication of this invitation to tender and submission of a receipt attesting to the municipal receipt of Bogo ofanon-refundable sum of eighty five thousand (85 000) CFA francs.
Each offer, written in French or in English, seven (07) copies, one (01) original and six (06) copies labeled as such, meet the requirements of the Tender Dossier, will be filed against receipt under sealed envelopes, with the Bogo Council no later than 03 march 2021 at 14 am local time and will be marked;
N°001/ONÏT/REN/DD1A/BGO-COUNCIL/CIPM/2021 01 05.02.2021
The maximum exécution time provided by the Client for compietion of the work is three (03) calendar months for each ïot This period indudes periods of rainy weather and ail the various constraints and runs from the date of notification of the Order of Sei-vice to begin work when you sign your contract.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents a bid bond (in the form
attached in annex) issued by a first class bank approved by the Ministry in charge offinance
and listed in Exhibit 12 of the tender vaiid for thirty (30) days after the original date of
validity ofthe bids and anamount indicated in the table below:
BOGO Construction of 85 solar street lights in Bogo council lOO, 000,000 2 .000,000
The temporary guarantee wili be reieased automatically within 30 days after the expiration of the bid validity for bidders who have net been selected. In case the bidder is awarded the contract, the guarantee wlll be reieased after provisiona! constitution ofthe final guarantee. Under penalty of rejection of the offer, the other required administrative documents (validj must imperatively be produced in original and certified copies by the issuing authority or administrative authority^ net older than three (03] months and valld on the date of bid opening in accordance with the provisions of Régulations of the Bid. They will have to bevalid in accordance with the régulations.
The opening of bids will take place in one (01) day, the _03.03,2021 at 14 am mthe meeting room of the Bogo Council. Only bidders may attend the opening session or be represented by one person (even if group) of their choice with a perfect knowledge of the case. However, an additionaJ person acting as an interpréter is accepted, if necessary.
IR.Fvaluation of bids
Bid évaluation will consist of three (03) steps:
• Istwaypoint: Vérification of conformity of the administrative record of each tenderer.
• 2nd waypoint: Technical Evaluation of bids administratively compilant
. Brdwaypoint: offers vérification of fmancial resources of companies whose bids were
accepted are technically qualified and administratively compilant
The criteria for évaluation of bids are as follows:
13.1- EHminatorv criteria
13.1.1 : Administratives documents
a] Incomplète or non-compliant administrative file ;
b] False déclaration or forged document a) Incomplète applicationor non conforming parts;
b) False statement or falsified document scanned;
c) Non-existence in the technical offer of the "organization, methodology and planning":
d) Failure to respect the profil ofsite personnel:
e) Having abandoned a site in the last three years;
f) Don 't have justified the achievement over the last three years as the main contractor, a
hydraulic work;
g) Failure to score atleast nineteen [19} essential criteria over twenty six (26).
13.1.3 : Financial offer
a) Incomplète financial tender;
b) Non-compliant file:
c) Omission of a quantified unit price from the price schedule;
d) Absence ofa sub-detai! price.
13.2: E.ssential Criteria
Assessment of the technical proposai will be carried eut on the basis of twenty two (22)
main criteria shared as follows:
- Présentation based on four (04) criteria;
- The company's training personnel based on four (04) criteria:
- The availability ofthe required equipment based on nine (09) criteria:
- Workplanningbased on five (05) criteria;
- The company's prefinancial references and abllities based on four (04) criteria.
The Mayor of Bogo Council. Contracting Authorîty will award the contract to the bidder whose offer qualified technicaliy will be the lowest evaluated bid after-audits of Its price and is substantially responsive tothe Bidding Documents ofOffers.
Tenderers are bound by their tenders for a period ofninety (90) days alter the deadhne for submission of tenders.
The additionai information related to the technical nature may be obtained every day during working hours, with the Bogo Council Tel 699 091 058.