Evaluation Criteria
C) Eliminatory Criteria;
- Incomplete administrative document(s),
- False declaration, substitution or falsification of documents; - Technical score of less than 75%
B) Essential Criteria;
i. Presentation of tender (04 points)
- Clarity and respect of order of Administrative documents 1 point
-Clarity and respect of order of Technical documents 1 point
- Use of colour separators 1 point
- Table of Content 1 point
ii. References in similar works and qualification of key personnel; (20 points)
- 02 References of sirnilar works of comparable scale with justifications iproof 10points
- Quality of personnel to be used 10 points
ii. Organization of the Company; (5 points)
- Organigramme of the Company 2 points
- Deployment of personnel (key and support) .3 points
iv. Technical equipment at the disposai of the enterprise; (with proof) (11 points)
- Equipment (Computers. geotechnical and topographical etc) 3points
- Appropriate softwares for control and production of reports.. ...2 points
- Means of communication (telephone, fax, e-mail) 2points
- Vehicules 4 points
TOTAL .40 points
Following this evaluation, offly candidates that muid have obtained a mark equal ta or higher than 75/100 (i.e. 30/40), shah' be pre-qualified for the urgent national restricted invitation to tender
18.Method of selection of consultant
The consultant shah] be selected using the method of calculation of global technico-financial mark in accordance with the procedure described in this Tender File.
The jobbing order shall be awarded on the basis of the best bid using the combination of the Technico financial criteria.
i) General Presentation of the offer (validate 4/4/) |
Clarity and respect of order of Administrative |
1pt |
Clarity and respect of order of Technical documents |
1pt |
Use of colour separators |
1pt |
Table of Content |
1pt |
Sub total |
/4pts |
ii) Methological note / Organisation (validate) 5/5/) |
Organigramme of the Company |
3pt |
Deploynnent of personnel (key and support) |
2pt |
Sub total |
/5pts |
iii) References in similar works and qualification of key personnel (validate 20120). |
02 References in similar works of comparable scale with justifications/proof |
10pts |
Quality of personnel to be used |
10pts |
sub total |
/20 |
iv) Technical Equipment at the disposal of the enterprise (validate 11/11) |
Equipment (computers, geotechnical and topographical |
3pts |
Appropriate softwares for control and production of results |
2 pts |
Means of communication (telephone, faxe; email |
2 pts |
Vehicules. |
4pt |
sub total |
/11 |