Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 05-08-2024 à 11:25
Support : Plateforme :
The Mayor of Eyumojock Council hereby informs the general public in general and tl Director of ELEVE CONSTRUCTION in particular, that, the Resuit for Tender N 010/ONIT/MAYOR/ECTEVPIB2024 of 25/04/2024 relating to the Rehabilitation of the II­Bakogo, Eyumojock Municipality, Manyu Division of the South West Region is hereby pubiished below:
Source de financement

The Mayor of Eyumojock Council hereby informs the general public in general and tl Director of ELEVE CONSTRUCTION in particular, that, the Resuit for Tender N 010/ONIT/MAYOR/ECTEVPIB2024 of 25/04/2024 relating to the Rehabilitation of the II­Bakogo, Eyumojock Municipality, Manyu Division of the South West Region is hereby pubiished below: