Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 13-04-2021 à 14:17
Support : Plateforme :
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the framework of the State Budget for 2021 the Mayor of Buea Council,

Contracting Authority, hereby launches an open National Invitation to Tender for: The Purchase of Working Materials to Fight against Covid 19 within the Buea Municipality

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The supplies comprise notably: supply of equipments/materials, handling, setting up and acceptance.

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The estimated cost after preliminary studies is 11,666,666 (Eleven million six hundred sixty six thousand six hundred and sixty six) FCFA, all taxes inclusives


4.Allotissement New(Additif)

The supply is in One (1) Lot as follows:

5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation is open to duly legalized Cameroonian enterprises or companies that fulfill the requirements of this invitation to tender.

6.Financement New(Additif)

Supplies which form the subject of this invitation to tender, shall be fmanced by the state

Budget of the 2021 financial year, budget head Number

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The file may be consulted during working hours at the office of the Private Secretary to the Mayor of 13uea Council, Tel: 233 32 35 63 from the date of publication of this notice.

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The file may be obtained from the office of the Private Secretary to the Mayor of Buea Council as soon as this notice is published against a payment of a non - refundable sum of Twenty five thousand (25.000) FCFA payable at the Buea Council Treasury.

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)

The file may be obtained from the office of the Private Secretary to the Mayor of Buea Council as soon as this notice is published against a payment of a non - refundable sum of Twenty five thousand (25.000) FCFA payable at the Buea Council Treasury.

  1. 9.         Submission of bids:

Each bid drafted in English or French in Seven (07) copies including one (1) original and six (06) copies marked as such, should reach e office of the Private Secretary to

the Mayor of Buea Council not later than 16/04/2021 at                 12H00 and
should carry the inscription:

Open National Invitation to Tender

Noya  /ONIT/BUEA COUNCILIBCTB/2021 of  10/03/2021


The Purchase of Working Materials to Fight against Covid 19 within the Buea Municipality

"To be opened only during the bid-opening session"

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum execution deadline provided for by the Contracting Authority shall be as follows:

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bidder must include in his/her administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first-rate banking establishment approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance and whose list is found in document No. 11 of the tender file, of art amount of Two hundred and thirty three thousand three hundred and thirty three (233,333) Francs CFA and valid for Thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity of bids

12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Subject to being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or administrative authorities (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officer etc) must imperatively be produced in accordante with the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender.

They must obligatorily not be older Chan three (03) months preceeding the date of submission of bids or may be established alter the signature of the tender notice.

Any bid not in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Minister in charge of Finance or the non-respect of the models of the tender file documents shail lead to a pure and simple rejection of the bid.

  1. 9.         Opening of bids:

The bids shah be opened in a single (01) phase on 16/04/2021                                     at

12H00.......... . Lime by the Buea Council Tenders Board in the Buca Council


Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person with a written authorization and with a sound knowledge of the tender file.

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The bids shah be opened in a single (01) phase on 16/04/2021                                     at

12H00.......... . Lime by the Buea Council Tenders Board in the Buca Council


Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person with a written authorization and with a sound knowledge of the tender file.

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)
  1. 9.         Evaluation Criteria

i.        Eliminatory criteria

Eliminatory criteria fix the minimum conditions to be fulfilled to be admitted for Evaluation according to the essential criteria. The non-respect of these criteria leads to the rejection of the bid made by the bidder.


They refer especially to:              

¨    Absence of bid bond,

  • False declaration or forged documents,

¨    Presence on MINMAP's list of enterprises which abandoned the execution of contracts

¨    A technical score less than 70%,

  • Absence of a quantified unit price,                                     -
  • Non-compliance with major technical specifications of the supply ;
  • Non-compliance with the model tender;

¨    Failure to present any documents in the administrative offer 48hours alter opening

(ii) Essential criteria

The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could indicativcly be on the following:

- General Presentation                                                                                         Ycs/No

- Turnover (minimum 30 million as specified on the business license):               Ycs/No

- Access to a credit or other fmancial resources at least 10 million:                    Yes/No

- Contractor's references in similar works                                                            Yes/No

- After-sales-service                                                                                             Yes/No

- Experience of supervisory staff                                                                         Yes/No

- Work Planning / Methodology of work                                                            Yes/No

The non-respect of X number of criteria (X being above or equal to 2) shall cause the elimination of the bid.

15.Attribution New(Additif)

The contract shall be awarded to the bidder with the least evaltiated financial offer having the technical and administrative files which are in conformity with the tender document/file.

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders will remain committed to their bids for Ninety (90) days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders.

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from the Office of the Private Secretary to tbe.Mayor of Buea Council. Tel: 233 35 63.  tottiche

BUEA Le 10-03-2021