The General Manager of the Port Authority of Douala, Contracting Authority, hereby launches an Open International Tender for the feasibility study of the establishment of a laboratory for analysis of dredging sediments and observation of sedimentary movements at the port of Douala-bonaberi.
The services to be carried out within the framework of this study are as follows:
- The design of a book of administrative and scientific procedures for the operation of the PAD analysis laboratory;
- Development of the laboratory room;
- Laboratory room equipment project and assessment of user training needs;
- Business consultation file for the sizing, development and equipment of the sedimentation analysis and monitoring laboratory in the access channel and the water bodies at the PAD.
The detail of the consistency of the service is defined in the terms of reference (room 4)
The provisional amount of this project is 208 687 500 (two hundred eight thousand six hundred eighty-seven thousand five hundred) FCFA All taxes included.
Participation in this Open International Invitation to Tender is reserved for national and international firms specialized in the field
Services relating to this invitation to tender shall be financed by the budget of the PAD, 2021 exercise and follows. Code: 2205017, Code nature: 6324000.
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Division of Public contracts and Partnership Contract Preparation Service located within the premises of the PAD Technical Directorate P.O Box 4020, telephone 33 42 01 33 /3342 73 22; FAX: 3342 67 97 as soon as this notice is published.
Tender files may be obtained to the Division of Public and Partnership Contract, Preparation Service of the Port Authority of Douala, located in front of the premises Technical Directorate, as soon as this notice is published, upon presentation of a cash deposit receipt testifying the payment of a non-refundable sum of FCFA one hundred and fifteen thousand (115 000) in CAS- ARMP ACCOUNT N°33598860001-94 opened in all BICEC Agencies
Each bid drafted in English or French presented in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, in sealed envelopes should be deposited at the Division of Public Contracts and Partnership (Contract Preparation Service) of PAD latest the 14/06/2021, at 12 am. They should bear the following indications:
“To be opened only during the tender review session”.
The working time frame provided for by the Contracting Authority shall be six (06) months, after notification to start services.
Each bidder shall enclose to his administrative documents a bid bond (in conformity with the model attached) issued by a Bank or Financial Institution authorized by the Ministry in charge of Finance and appearing on the list constituting Exhibit 09 of the Bidding documents, with an amount FCFA 3 500 000 (three million five hundred thousand). This deposit must be valid for thirty (30) days beyond the deadline of validity of the offers
The required administrative documents must imperatively be presented as originals, in accordance with the Special Regulations of Invitations to tender, within the last three months, otherwise they shall be rejected.
They should not be less than three (03) months old by the date of submission of bids, or should have been issued after the date of signature of this tender notice.
Any offer that does not comply with the requirements of this notice and the Tender file will be declared non-responsive. In particular, the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate financial institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finances or the non-compliance with the templates of the documents in the Tender dossier will result in the rejection of the tender
The opening of bids shall be done twice.
The administrative and technical documents will be open at the conferences hall of the Division of Public Contracts and Partnership on 14/06/2021 at 01 pm, by the Internal Tenders Board of Supply and Services Contracts of PAD, sitting in the presence of bidders or their dully mandated representatives having a mastery of the file.
Financial offers will be opened for qualified tenderers during the verification of administrative documents and the evaluation of technical offers.
Eliminatory criterias
The main eliminatory criterias are:
- Absence of the bid bond or non-compliance of an administrative document after the forty-eight-hour deadline;
- False declaration, falsified document or non-authentic;
- Presence of financial information in administrative file or technicals bids;
- Absence or omission in the quantitative and estimative price schedule;
- Absence of an honorable pledge not to have an antecedent in the execution of public contracts (poor execution, partial performance or abandonment);
- Absence of digital file of bid in the financial offer;
Technical note less than 80 points on 100.
-Essential criteria
The valuation of the tender will be arithmetical and will be done as follow:
- presentation of offer 02 marks
- References of bidder 30 marks
- Qualifications and competencies
of the staff 40 marks
- Material and logistics 15 marks
- Methodology, organization
and planning, 09 marks
- Financial capacity 04 marks
TOTAL 100 marks
Financial Evaluation
The evaluation of the financial offers will relate to the verifications and corrections of the unit price schedules and of the quantitative and estimated detail, then the formula used to establish the following financial scores is:
[SF = 100 x Fm / F].
SF is the finance score, Fm the lowest price and F the amount of the proposal.
Only candidates who have totaled at the end of the evaluation, a technical note at least eighty points (80/100) will quality for the financial evaluation.
The Global Score (NG) of a proposal will be obtained by weighting the Technical Score (NT) and the Financial Score (NF) according to the following formula:
NG= (NT x 80%) + (NF x 20%)
The contract will be awarded to the bidder with the highest overall score and highest ranked.
Bidders are bound by the tenders for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the deadline for submission of offers.
Complementary information may be obtained during working hours at the directorate Dredging and Maritime Logistics Department. of the PAD,
P.O Box 4020, Telephone +(237)233 42 01 33, Fax :+(237)233 42 67 97.
To report any corrupt practices, please call or send a message to the anti-corruption Unit set up by Decision N° 1300-17/DG/PAD of 27 july 2017 at the following numbers: TEL : (+237) : (+237)