The purpose of this Invitation to tender is the technical control as well as the supervision of the Construction works of the town hail of NDU in DONGA-MANTUNG DiViSION.
The services include the following missions:
management ofthe execution of the works contract,
quality control ofsupplies and works in relation to technical studies,
quality control in relation to the technical specifications, supervision oftechnical tests, approval ofthe execution and re-bonding plans,
assistance during reception operations and during the warranty period Development of monthly activity reports.
The work to be carried out is defined in the CGTP attached in this Invitation to Tender.
The estimated cost of this service is 23,075,973 (Twenty three million seventy five thousand nine hundred and seventy three) CPA francs including tax.
Participation in this Call for Tenders is open on equal terms to eligible Cameroonian Technical Studies Offices and meeting the conditions set out in the Special Regulations for Gail for Tenders (RPAQ).
The investment Budget of FEICOM and the Municipality of NDU on behalf of the 2021 and following years finance the works, subject of this Call for Tenders.
The file can be consulted during working hours during working hours at the Technical service of the municipality of NDU, upon publication ofthis notice.
The tender FILE can be obtained during working hours from the Technical Service of the Municipality of NDU, upon publication of this notice on presentation of a receipt for payment of a non-refundable sum of forty five thousand (45,000) FCFA buying to the municipal account of NDU for the costs of purchasing the file.
Each offer, written in French or in English and in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, must reach the Mayor of NDU, at the latest on 27/05/2021 at 10hours and deposited
against receipt. It must bear the mention:
The duration of the services is Nine (09), the mobilization depending on the actual duration of the work.
The tenders must be accompanied by a provisional bond (tender guarantee) for the single lot applied for established according to the model indicated in the Invitation to Tender File by a banking establishment approved by the Minister in charge of finance. The amount of the deposit for the single lot to be applied for is Four hundred and sixty thousand (460,000) CFA francs.
Bids that do not respect the method of separating the financial offer from the administrative and technical offers will be inadmissible.
•Any offer that does not comply with the requirements of this Notice and the Invitation to Tender Document will be declared inadmissible. In particular the absence of the bid bond established according to the model proposed in the tender file and issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance, valid for thirty (30) days beyond the period ofvalidity ofthe bids.
•Under penalty of rejection, the required administrative documents must imperatively be produced in originals or in certified true copies by the issuing department, in accordance with the provisions of the Special Regulations of the Invitation to Tender.
•They must be dated less than three (03) months from the initial date of submission of tenders.
The opening of tendes will be done in two stages. The opening of the administrative and technical tenders will take place on 7/05/2021 at 11 hours by the internal Communal Commission for Procurement of the NDU Council.
• Only tenderers may attend this opening session or be represented by a single duly
authorized person of their choice, having perfect knowledge of the file.
• At the end of the examination of the administrative documents and the evaluation of the technical offers, theopening ofthe financial offers will becarried out under the same conditions, at a later date which will be communicated to the tenderers whose administrative file is compliant and having obtained a technical score equal to orgreater than 70 points out of100.
Bid evaluation criteria:
: Eliminating criteria:
Incomplete file or non-compliant documents (Subject to the provisions of point 1.1 of Circular No.
002 / CAB / PM of January 31, 2011 relating to improving the performance of the public procurement system);
Bids submitted after the deadline or time limit
Bids submitted in an unsealed external envelope External envelopes with identification marks
Absence of a document in the administrativefile and not submitted within 48 hours
False declaration or forge documents
Absence of bid bon or bid bon lower than 460 OOOfcfa Enterprises suspended from public procurement
Technical evaluation score less than 70%
Absence ofa quantified unit price in the financial file
15-2 Essential criteria
15-2-1 Technical offers
a) Technical offers will be scored according to the following essential criteria:
b) Qualification of experts and their experience in the field of the project on 50 points;
c) Technical and material resources to be put in place at 35 points;
d) References ofthe BET: out of 15points.
15-2-2 Financial offers
Only the financial offers of the bidders whose technical offer has been declared admissible following the examination of the conformity of the administrative documents (1st step) and of the technical evaluation (2nd step) will be evaluated and scored,
The Contracting Authority will award the Contract to the Tenderer whose bid has been evaluated the best-performing, that is to say the one having obtained the highest overall score, and deemed to be substantially in conformity with the Invitation for Bids.
Tenderers reinain bound by their tender for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of tender
Additional technical information can be obtained from the Mayor of NDU or at the Town Hall. Telephone no 677 78 59 59