The Cameroon Radio Television Corporation, dubbed CAMEROON RADIO TELEVISION, abbreviated CRTV was created by Law No 87/020 of 17 December 1987; it is a public industrial and commercial institution endowed with a legal status and financial autonomy. It is in charge of the production and broadcasting of Radio and TV content.
By virtue of Decree No 88/126 of 25 January 1988 on the organisation and functioning of the Corporation, Management must produce annual financial accounts and statements approved by the Board of Directors. In this respect, it is planning to hire consultancy firms to carry out the accounting and financial audit of its accounts and financial statements for 2014, 2015 and 2016 financial years. The financial and accounting management of the Corporation is subject to the rules of commercial accounting. The accounting and financial system is central-based and run through the Saga Compta software. The purpose of the mission is to draft a Manual of procedures adapted to the kind of activities and the specificity of the Corporation.
This Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) aims at short-listing Accounting and Financial Audit Firms in view to carry out an audit of CRTV accounts and financial statements for 2014, 2015 and 2016 financial years.
All services under this notice shall mainly be made up of the following items:
- A presentation by the Auditor of an independent professional opinion on the financial situation of CRTV, on the annual financial statements and on the situation of fixed assets acquired over 2014, 2015 and 2016 financial years;
- A presentation of an opinion on the methods used for procurement and their compliance with national laws and regulations;
- A presentation of an opinion on the relevance of the Corporation's accounting and internal control systems.
Participation in this CE1 is open to Cameroonian Audit Firms with proven experience in external audit of financial statements of public institutions or public and para-statal companies.
These services shall be financed under CRTV's 2017 budget
Application files drafted in English or French in five (5) copies, with one (01) original and four (04) duplicates labelled as such should be submitted, upon signature, to the Head Office of the Corporation, Room 911, located in Mballa II-Yaounde PO Box 1634; Tel.: 222 21 40 77/222 21 40 88. FAX : 222 20 43 40 not later than the 20th/02/2017 at 11 a.m and they should be labelled as follows:
“To be opened only during the opening session”
Applicants shall provide the following documents presented in two (02) parts, drafted in English or French, produced in five (05) copies with one (01) original and four (04) duplicates labelled as such, contained in a sealed envelope with neither stamp nor indication of the bidder's identity.
The first envelope, "envelope A", shall be labelled "Administrative documents"; it must be stamped and contain the following items:
A cover letter duly signed by the bidder which specifies his intent to bid within the restricted national invitation to tender if short listed;
A tax- clearance certificate issued by the Taxation Divisional Centre where the firm operates;
An attestation of non-bankruptcy issued by the Court Registry of the bidder's residence;
A bid attestation issued by the National Social Insurance Fund, testifying to the payment of social benefits;
An attestation of bank domiciliation, issued by a banking institution approved by the Ministry of Finance;
A copy of a valid business licence; A copy of a valid tax payer's card;
A localisation plan of the firm signed by the relevant services;
An attestation of non-exclusion from public contracts issued by the Public Contracts Regulatory Agency (ARMP);
A duly signed authorisation to cross-check reference documents by the firm's manager and/or the representative of the Group of firms.
Under the pain of rejection, all the above mentioned administrative documents must be produced in originals or true certified copies dated less than three (03) months. Tax-based documents must be certified by taxation issuing services.
The second envelope "envelope B" shall be labelled "Technical bids". It must be stamped and shall contain documents referring to the skills, general references and financial capacity of the bidder. Such documents shall be in the following order:
- an introductory memo describing the fields of activity of the Firm and highlighting general experience in audit and specific experience in the audit of public institutions;
- references of the firm concerning the execution of similar contracts with supporting documents (names of clients, copies of contracts showing the services delivered, acceptance certificates / proper execution attestations and other relevant documents);
a list of key staff made up of at least four (04) members including a Mission Head (qualified Chartered Accountant, with 10 years' experience), a Public Contracts Audit Expert (postgraduate, a minimum 5 years' experience) and two Senior Auditors (postgraduate, a minimum 6 years' experience).
For these key staff, certified copies of diplomas, CV dated and signed, certificate of availability dated and signed should be produced.
The technical file shall be assessed over 100 points, based on the following criteria:
General presentation of bid........................ 05 points;
Firm's references................................. 35 points;
Understanding of the assignment, presentation of methodology, schedule
and organisation of work............................ 20 points;
Staff qualification and experience................. 40 points.
Only candidates who, at the end of the evaluation, shall have scored a technical mark at least equal to seventy (70) points over 100 shall be short listed for the Restricted National Invitation to tender.
Firms short listed after this assessment shall be invited to tender within the Restricted Invitation to tender in conformity with the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 6 of Decree N° 2004/275 of 24 September 2004 on the Code of Public Contracts in Cameroon.
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