The Delegate of Public Contracts of Mbam and Inoubou Division (Contracting Authority) hereby launches an Urgent Procedure for the Rehabilitation of the Hotel des Finances at Bafia, Mbam-et-Inoubou Division, Centre Region.
The job is meant to:
The Present Invitation to tender is opened to all Cameroonian Enterprises which justify the technical, financial and judicial capacities that enable them to realise these services.
The financing of the services of the Present Invitation to tender is assured by the Public Investment Budget of the Republic of Cameroon, exercise 2017.
The file may be consulted upon publication of this notice during working hours at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts of Mbam and Inoubou located within the building of Hôtel des Finances Bafia.
The file may be obtained at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts of Mbam-et-Inoubou located within the building of Hotel des Finances Bafia, upon presentation of a payment receipt of the non-refundable sum of 50 000 (Fifty thousand) CFA francs at the concerned Bafia Treasury.
Each tender drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, should be forwarded to the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts of Mbam-et-Inoubou located within the building of Hotel des Finances Bafia latest on the 24 th February 2017 at 11 am, local time and should be labelled as follows:
NOTE: To be opened only at the bid opening session.
The deadline for the execution provided for by the Contracting Authority for each lot shall be three (03) months with effect from the date of notification of the service order.
Each bidder shall include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring on the list in the tender file. The amount is fixed at five hundred thousand francs CFA (500 000 Fcfa), labelled in one of these forms:
- Bank caution established by a recognised bank by the Ministry of Finance in Cameroon
- Treasury receipt from any Public Treasury valuable within ninety (90 days)
Administrative documents should be presented in Originals or in legalised copies by any competent authority, not more than three (03) months old.
Bids shall be publicly opened in a single phase. The bids shall be opened on the 24 th February 2017 at 12 pm, local time, in the Conference Room of Hotel des Finances BAFIA by the Divisional Tenders Board of Mbam-et-Inoubou Division. The bidders or their dully authorised representatives with a perfect knowledge of the file can assist in the opening of the bids.
A- Eliminatory criteria
- Absence or non conformity of administrative document;
- Non satisfaction of at least 70% of essential criteria;
- Presence of a falsified or scanned document in the tender file;
- Omission of a quantified unit price from the price schedule ;
- Incomplete financial offer.
B-Essential criteria
Evaluation of essential qualification criteria will be binary (Yes/No) and based on the following criteria:
1- The enterprise’s references in building and rehabilitation of infrastructures;
2- The site visit report signed by the bidder;
3- Insufficient financial resources (minimum equal 50% of the amount TTC of the offer)
4- The number and qualification of the workers/technicians,
5- Duration of work;
6- Insufficient working materials and essential equipment,
7- Cahier des Clauses Administratives Particulières (CCAP), completly filled, , signed and dated on the last page ;
8- Cahier des Clauses Techniques Particulières (CCTP) completly filled, , signed and dated on the last page.
Qualification criteria’s
These criterias will be validated by (yes) if positive or (no) if negative. Only the financial offer of the bidders whose technical offer shall obtained a percentage of “yes” or equal to 70% shall be examined.
The Contract shall be awarded to the bidder whose Administrative documents are in conformity with the invitation to tender documents, and also presenting the least financial offer.
Bids not presented in three volumes shall simply be rejected. This goes to all other bids not in conformity with the tender’s invitation terms.
The Contracting Authority will reject the file of any bidder who in the last three years failed to fully complete his contract in the Mbam-et-Inoubou division.
Bidders will remain committed to their bids during a period of 90 (ninety) days from the deadline set for the submission of of bids.
Complementary informations could be obtained at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts of
Mbam –et- Inoubou, Tel 222 28 56 33
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