Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 01-06-2019 à 19:44
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ADDENDUM TO PROJECTS ALREADY LAUNCHED . Following the programming of the activities of the Elak Oku Council Internal Tenders Board for 2019 fiscal year, some projects have been published pending bid opening. By this addendum, I hereby reschedule bid opening as per the table below:     SN TITLE PREVIEWED DATE FOR OPENING RE SCHEDULED DATE FOR BID OPENING REASON FOR RE-SCHEDULED 1 Request for Quotation No 01/RQ/EC/ECITB/PNDP/201 9 2019 for the construction of twelve (1 2) Modern Lock- up sheds (two blocks of 6 Each) In Elak Oku Main Market 28/5/2019 04/6/2019 Minimum number of 3 for potential bidders according to PNDP standards not yet met   Request for Quotation No 02/RQ/EC/ECITB/PNDP/2019 for the Construction of Gravity Water Supply at Upper Keyon with 02 catchments, 01 Storage Tank (20m3) and 14 stand taps In Elak Oku Council Area, Oku Sub Division, Bui Division, North West Region republic of Cameroon 28/5/2019 04/6/2019 Minimum number of 3 for potential bidders according to PNDP standards not yet met   Tender No 01/ONIT/ECITB/201 9 for the construction of o block of 02 classrooms and offices, each at OS Ndum and GNS Oku Lower Keyon in Oku Sub Division, Bui Division, North West Region republic of Cameroon 29/5/2019 14/6/2019 Tender file not yet acquired by a contractor.   'Tender file No. 02/ONIT/ECITB/201 9, for the construction of a block of 02 classrooms and offices, each at GBPS Elak and GS Oku Fon's Palace in Oku Sub Division, Bui Division, North West Region repubic 29/5/2019 14/6/2019 Tender file not yet acquired by a contractor.  
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
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Bids Opening date 28/05/2019

Lire plutot


BAMENDA Le 17-05-2019