Name of Project |
Amount of Project |
Amount of bid bond |
Cost of tender file |
Rehabilitation of Rural Roads in Fungom, Subdivision, Menchum Division of the North West Region |
60 000 000F CFA |
1,200 000F CFA |
55 000F CFA |
The Senior Divisional Officer for Menchum; DELEGATED CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, initiates on the behalf of the Republic of Cameroon, an Open National Invitation to tender for the realization of the operation mentioned above:
The purpose of the tender is the execution of works for the Rehabilitation of Rural Roads in Fungom, Zhoa Subdivision, Menchum Division of the North West Region under Emergency procedure. The works and service required are found in the detail description mentioned in the bill of quantities and cost estimates.
These works comprise the following descriptions:
Amount of Project |
60 000 000F CFA |
The works subject to this invitation to tender shall be in one lot defined with specifications as in the table below:-
Lot |
Works |
Locality |
1 |
Rehabilitation of Rural Roads |
Fungom Subdivision, Menchum Division of the North West Region |
Participation is open under the same conditions to all Cameroonian companies and business concerned that have proven experience in the field of building construction and civil engineering in general.
The Works on This tender are funded by the budget of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, through the 2021 financial year. The previewed cost of the entire works of this Open National Invitation to tender is: 60,000,000FCFA (Sixty Million Francs) FCFA all taxes included.
The tender file can be consulted in the office of the Delegated contracting authority, at the SDO’S office situated at WUM, Divisional Delegation MINEPAT Menchum or at the Regional Delegation MINEPAT North West.
The tender file can be obtained in the office of the Delegated contracting authority, situated in Wum, on presentation of a payment receipt to the public treasury, of a non-refundable purchase fee for the tender file of fifty five thousand francs (55,000Francs) CFA.
The bid documents will be presented in three envelopes as illustrated below:
The Envelope A containing Administrative documents (volume 1);
The Envelope B containing Technical documents (Volume 2);
The Envelope C containing financial documents (Volume 3).
All constituted documents (Envelopes A, B and C), will be put in a big sealed bearing only the title of the Open national invitation to tender.
The various documents in each bid will be numbered in the order of the tender file and with separators of different colors other than white.
Each bid, prepared in English or in French in (07) seven copies, that is (01) one original and (06) six copies noted as such, shall be forwarded to the Delegated contracting authority, notably to the Senior Divisional Office’s office of Menchum situated in Wum, latest the :10/09/2021 at 10 a.m local time bearing
N° 02/ONIT/NWR/DTB/MEN/2021 OF13/08/2021
To be opened only during the bid-opening session ».
The maximum execution deadline provided for by the authorization officer for the execution of the works subject of this tender shall be ninety calendar days (3 months) with effect from date of notification of the Service Order to start execution.
The bids should be accompanied by a temporal bid bond (Bank Tender Guarantee), established as per the indicated Model in this tender file, by a financial institution accredited by the Ministry of Finance, and of an Amount equal to: One Million two hundred thousand francs (1,200,000 FCFA).
To avoid being rejected, the original copy of the bid bond (Bank tender guarantee) should be produce dating less than 3 (three) months.
The temporal bid bond shall automatically be liberated highest 30 (thirty days) days upon expiration of the validity of the bids for the unsuccessful bidders. In case where the bidder is awarded the contract, the temporal bid bond is liberated after the production of the final bond.
Bids that will be submitted after the date and time mentioned above or those that will not respect the separation model indicated in the different documents in each bid shall not be accepted.
To avoid being rejected, the required Administrative documents will be imperatively produced in original or in certified true copies by the issuing service, in conformity with the stipulation of the rules and regulations of this tender.
These Administrative documents have a validity period of (03) three months. This validity period has to begin after the date of the lunching of the tender.
The opening of bids shall take place on the_10/09/2021 at 11:00 AM, in the conference hall of the Divisional office Wum.
The opening of bids will be done at once and in three stages:
- Stage 1: Opening of envelope A containing Administrative document (volume 1),
- Stage 2: Opening of envelope B containing Technical document (volume 2)
- Stage 3: Opening of envelope C containing financial document (volume 3).
All the bidders can take part in this opening session or can be represented by one person dully mandated (Even in case of joint-venture) who has a perfect mastery of the tender file.
a) Absence of submission bid bond (tender bank guarantee) ;
b) Absence after a period of 48 hours following the deposit of bids, of at least one of the administrative document, excluding that of the submission bid bond;
c) Non-conformity after a period of 48 hours following the deposit of bids, of at one Administrative document;
d) False declaration, falsified or non authentic document;
e) Incomplete technical Bid:
f) Omission of a unit price in the schedule of unit prices and the bill of quantities and cost estimates;
g) Incomplete financial bid for absence of one of the following documents:
h) Not having obtained at least seven out the ten criteria, following the evaluation of the essential technical criteria.
15-2 : Essential criteria :
The technical bids will be evaluated according to the following main criteria:
a. Key personnel of the enterprise on three(03)criteria ;
b. The site equipment to be mobilized on five (05) criteria ;
c. The Enterprise references on ONE (01) criteria.
d. General presentation on ONE (01) criteria
The contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder, fulfilling the required administrative, technical, and financial criteria.
The bidders will be engaged by their bids during a period of ninety (90) days as from the latest date programmed for bids deposit.
Additional information in relation to technical details can be obtained at the office of the contracting authority, notably The Senior Divisional officer’s office situated in Wum.
After the examination of the tender documents of the various bidders, and the choice of the successful bidder by the contracting authority, the contract will be signed between the latter and the Delegated Contracting Authority who is the Senior Divisional Officer for Menchum.