> Mindful of the Financing Agreement Number 2CM0064 signed between the Islamic Development Bank and Government of the Republic of Cameroon for the financing of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), North West Region;
> Mindful of Arrete N° 018/A/MINMAP of 11 November 2013, creating the Special Tenders' Board for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP).
> Mindful of Decision N° 00348/D/MINEPIA/SG/DAG of 25 June 2014 appointing Key Staff of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project(LIFIDEP)
> Mindful of Arrete N° 464/A/MINMAP of 5 December 2016, completing and modifying certain articles of Arrete N° 018/A/MINMAP of 11 November 2013 creating the Special Tenders' Board for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP).
> Mindful of the General Procurement Notice of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) of 10 January 2014,
> Mindful of invitation for proposals N° 05/ LOI/ LIFIDEP/STB/2018 of 29/1/2018 for the selection of an individual consultant for a study of the Micro-finance landscape of the north West Regionof Cameroon for the Live stock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP).
> Mindful of the recommendation of award by the LIFIDEP Special Tenders' Board meeting of 13/3/2018,
> Mindful of non-objection E-mail of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB)of 2/5/2018,
> Mindful of minutes of opening of financial proposal on 11/5/2018
The contract, result of invitations for proposals 05/ LOI/LIFIDEP/STB/2018 of 29/1/2018 for the selection of an Individual Consultant for a Study of the Micro-finance landscape of the North
West region for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project has been awarded as follows:
Description of assignment |
Awarded to |
Total amount FCFA Exclusive of VAT |
Execution time |
Study of the Micro-finance landscape of the North West region for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project |
Ms. Fri Lehfune Asanga |
Thirty nine million five hundred and forty thousand (39 540 000) Francs CF |
5 months |