Within the framework of the exécution of the Public Investment Budget of 2016, the Mayo-Kanl Divisionai Delegate of Public Contracts. Contracting authority, hereby launches an open national invitation to tender on the Mayors of councils's behalf, Foreman, for the building works of two classrooms' block at the Government primary schools ofthe Council of MOUTOURWA.
The Works, object ofthis national invitation to tender comprise the following tasks inter alia:
Preparatory works;
Excavations ;
Inclination masonry;
Roofîng framework;
Métal fittings;
Road maintenance and diverse networks.
The estimated cost of the opération following prior studies stands is ninety milHons (19 000 000) Fcfa per
Each bidder upon attribution in entitled to only one lot
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to companies of Cameroonian Nationality which possess the required légal,financial and technical abiiities. Therefore, al) companies which have contracted any public contract in the year 2013 and 2014 at the Divisional Délégation of Public Contracts of Mayo-Kani in Kaélé and which register a maximum deadline more than 200% are exclude for the public command.
Works which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the Public Investment Budget of the 2016 financial year: Budget Head:
Lot I n° 5115 19701 641 36228 11426
Lot 2 n° 511519701 641 36228 11426
The file may be consulted during working hours at the contract award service of the Divisional Délégation of Public Contracts of Mayo-Kani in Kaélé as soon as this notice is published
The file may be obtained ffom the Divisional Délégation of Public Contracts of Mayo-Kani in Kaélé at the contract award service as soon as this notice is published against payment of a non-refundable sum of sixty thousands (60 000) Fcfa francs per lot payable at Receipt ofthe Council of MOUTOURWA
The offers drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies including the original and six (6) copies marked
as such, should reach the Divisional Délégation of Public Contracts of Mayo-Kani in Kaélé not later than
09/02/2016 at ten ( 10) o'clock AM and should carry the inscription:
Finance: MINBE PIB, fiscal year 2017
"To be opened only during the bid-opening session"
NB; Beyond the submission's deadline, any tenders will no longer be received.
The maximum exécution deadline provided for by the Project Owner or Delegated Project Ovmer for the exécution of the works subject of this tender shall be three (03) months per lot.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a flrst rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring on the list in document 12 of the tenderfile of an amount of four hundred and thirty eight thousands (380 000) Fcfa per lot and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of the validily of the offers.
Under pain of rejection, the administrative documents required, must be produced in originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officer...) in accordance with the Spécial Conditions of the invitation to tender. They must not be older than three preceding the original date of submission of bids (3) months or must have been established after the signing of the tender notice. Any incomplète offer in accordance with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
The bids shall be opened in single phase.
The opening of the administrative documents, the technicai and fmancial offers shall take place on 09/02/2017 at eleven (11) o'clock in the momingby the Tenders Board attached to the Contracting Authority in the Divisional Délégation of Public Contracts of Mayo-Kani's hall.
Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice.
Eliminatory criteria
The main relative criteria to the élimination of the offers of the candidates are defined like below:
- The lack of administrative documents;
- False déclaration or fake pièces;
-non validation of low criteria in according of RPAO
- Incomplète fmancial bid;
- Technicai marks'inferior to 70 per cent of yes;
- Non conformity of submission model;
- Non exécution of similar project on 2016 as previsional amount of each is superior to previsional amount of invitation tender
2. Essential criteria
1. Financial bilan of two year in the similar realizations yes/no
2 The access to a line of crédit or other financial resources superior or equal cosl; yes/no
3. The référencés of the enterprise in the similar realizations; yes/no
4. The experience of the technicai framing staff on the yard (Personal of the yard); yes/no
5. The essential materials (Truck skip, Kids tooling of yard and Vehicle of link); yes/no
6. The technicai proposition: (installation of the yard, organization chart of yard,; Organization of the teams, Measures of hygiene); yes/no
7. A déclaration on the tenderer's honour, signed and dated certifying the visit of the site and according to the model joins in appendix
The Contracting authority will assign the Contract to the Tenderer whose offer bas been recognized compilant for the essential to the File of call of offers and that arranges requisite technicai and fmancial capacities to execute the Contract in a satisfactory way and whose offer has been valued least saying while including the proposed discounts if the case arises.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders.
Complementary technicai information may be obtained during working hours from Public Contracts Délégation of the Mayo-Kani, Tenders Unit, located at the saine building with the Divisional Délégation of Tourism and Leisure. Phone number: 677 22 24 94 at the contract award service. "All attempt of corruption or acts of bad practice, call MINMAP or send a message to followed
number: 673 20 57 25/ 699 37 07 48 "