Single batch |
Phases |
Years |
Désignations of project |
Araoant (TTC |
Phase 1 |
2022 |
Sewerage and drainage work |
217 848 743 |
Phase 2 |
2023 |
Paving and street iighting woek |
150 000 000 |
This work includes the following opérations:
- Site installation;
- Preliminary work;
- Général earthworics;
• Road Works;
- Stormwatersanitation;
- Relocationof dealer networks, if applicable.
- Pavingstonelaylngwork:
- Public llthing work with solar street lights,
three hundred sixty seven million eiglît hundred forty eight seven hundred forty three (367 848 743) millions francs CFA.
The work covered by this call for tenders isdivided into a single lot in two phases
Single batch
Phases Years Désignations of project Amount fTTC
Phase 1 : 2022 : Sewerage and drainage work : 217 848 743
Phase 2 : 2023 : Paving and street lighting woek : 150 000 000
This tender is open under equal conditions to Cameroonian enterprises and companies operating under the Cameroonian law system ; having a good experience in the domain
concerned.Each bidder mustgive true information tliat will lead to choose the one who will carry out the contract well.
The Works which form the subject of this invitation to tender are financed by the Public Investment Budget of the MINEPAT year 2022-2023, Budget Head (charge 94 709 07 110000 2250 ; for the amount of three hundred sixty seven million eight hundred forty eight seven hundred forty three (367 848 743) millions francs CFA.
Upon the publication of this notice, tender documents can be consulted during working days and hours at the Divisional office of Diamare in Maroua, telephone number
A complete set of bidding documents must be purchased at the divisiona! tenders bord of the Divisiona! office of Diamaré in Maroua, téléphoné number 6 99388663 Po. Box 41, by interested bidders as soon as this notice Is published upon présentation of a receipt of payment of a non-refundable bid bond of 150 000 (one hundred fifty thousand ) francs CFA at the public treasuiy.
Seven (07) copies of sealed complété bids (one certified copy of originals and six photocopies) drafted either In English or French must be submitted at the divisiona! tenders bord oFthe Divisiona! office of Diamaré in Maroua latest 02 p.m. local time on 25/01/2022 with the reference :
N°006/ONIT/MINTA/K22/DTB/2021 OF 31/12/2021
Section: Municipal Stadium door - Boulevard du Renouveau by the Oiseau de Canne,
YEAR: 2022-2023
ALLOCATION : N°94 709 07 110000 2250
" To be opened only during the session for the opening of bids"
The maximum exécution period provided for by the Client for carrying eut the work is four (04) months
Hachtenderer must attach to his administrative documents a bid bond (in accordance with the model attached in tlie annex), established by a first-rate bank approved by the MInIstiy in charge of finance and the llst of which appears in Exhibit 12 of tlie DAO and valld for thirty (30) days boyond the original date ofvaiidity ofthe offers, for an amount of 7,400,000 (seven million four hundrcd thtmsancO FCFA. Uoder penalty of rejectîon ofthe offer, the other requircd administrative documents (valid) inusl impcralively be produced in originals and certitîed true copies by the issiiing dcpartment oran administrative authority, daling less than three (03) months and valld on the day the cnvelopes are opened, in accordance with the provisions ofthe Spécial Régulations oftiie Invitation to Tender. They must be valid in accordance with the régulations in force.
Uoder penalty of rejectîon ofthe offer, the other requircd administrative documents (valid) inusl impcralively be produced in originals and certitîed true copies by the issiiing dcpartment oran administrative authority, daling less than three (03) months and valld on the day the cnvelopes are opened, in accordance with the provisions ofthe Spécial Régulations oftiie Invitation to Tender. They must be valid in accordance with the régulations in force.
The opcning oftlie btds will bedone inone(01) time, on 25/01/2022 at 03 pmprecisely inthe conférence Hall tlie Dianuire Division Office ofMaroua in the presence ofthe tenderers.
Only tenderers may attend this opening session or be represented bya single duiy authorized person (even in the event ofa consortium) of their choice having perfectknowledge ofthe file.
The offers will be evaluated on the basis ofthe following criteria.
A)- Ellminatory criterion
- Absence of bid bond;
- Pake document in the administrative file;
- False déclaration in the administrative file;
- Technicai score less than 34;
*lack of proof of the references;
B)- Main technicai qualification criteria
The criteria relating to the qualification of bidders are the following:
FInancial capacity (access to crédit or any other financial resources, turnover,
Provisional guarantee) .yes/no;
- References ofthe enterprise Cgenerally or previous experlence on slmilarprojects
complexity, cost .) executed within the last (03) threeyears yes/no;
- Expérience andqualification ofthe supervisory staff .yes/no;
- Methodolo^ and job planning ....yes/no;
- The availability ofmaterials and otheressentials equipments...... .yes/no;
- Technicai reportofthesite visit.... .yes/no.
The Contracting Authority will award the Contract to the Tenderer whose offer bas been recognized as essentially compilant with the Invitation to Tender Document and wbo bas the technicai and financial capacities requircd to perform tiie Contract satisfactoriiy and whose offer was evaluated as the lowest-priced, including any discounts offered The sarne ténderer cannot be awarded more thari two lots. To be awarded two lots, the lenderer must justHy his abilily to mobfîize two distinct teams of key personne) fWorks superviser, site manager) and minimum equipment (01 grader, 01 loaderexcavator, 01 bail compacter and 02 dump trucks ). In the evenl that a tenderer who lias fulfllled the technical criteria has submitted the lowest-priced lender
Thebidders remain legally engaged by virtue of their tender for a period of nlnety (90) days from the deadline set for the submission of their bids.
Complementary information related to the tender Rie can be obtained durlng working days and hours at the Divisional office of Diamaré in Maroua, tclcphonc numbcr 699388.663 (SAEF). as Soon as this notice is publlshed. For ail corruption act, cal! thIs numbers 673 205 725/699370748