As part of the exécution of the Public Irwestment Budget of the Republic of Cameroon Fiscal Year 2022 and in accordance with article 78 paragraph 3 of the Public Procurement Code, the Prefect of the Department of Diamaré, Contracting Authority, launches on behalf of the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Territorial Development, Contracting Authority, a National Open Call for Tenders for the control and supervision of the development works of a section of road in the Domayo district (Section Porte Stade Municipal-Boulevard of Renouveau via Oiseau de Canne, District of Maroua 1er, Diamaré Division,Far North Région, divided into a single lot in two (02) phases.
Single lot
Phases Budgétary
Project Désignations Cost (FCFATTq
Phase 1
2022 Sanitation and drainage works
30 706875
Phase 2 2023 Paving and street lighting works
thîrty million seven hundred six eight hundred and seventy-five (30,706,875) CFA francs
The services are in a single batch and in two (02) phases;
Single lot
Phases Budgétary
Project Désignations Cost (FCFA TTC)
Phase 1
2022 Sanitation and drainage works •
30 706 B7S
Phase 2 2023 Paving and street lighting worl6
Participation in this Call for Tenders is open on equa! terms to companies and companies or group of BETcompanies under Cameroonian rights, with proven experience in the field of roads. By this Notice of Invitation to Tender, interested companies are invited to provide in their tenders, authentic information that wlll allow them to retain the one that.can perform the services after a tliorough and objective assessment of their file.
The Works, subject of this cail for lenders are fitianced by the Public Investment Budget of the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Territorial Development (MINEPAT) for the 2022-2023 fiscal year on the line d Budget charge n°94 709 07 110000 2221, for a total estimated cost of thîrty million seven hundred six eight hundred and seventy-five (30,706,875) CFA francs including tax. NB: the fiinding wil! be proportional Co the work to be performed
The Tender File can be oblained froin Ihe Préfecture of Maroua, upon publication ofthis notice, on présentation of a receipt for payment of a non-refundable sum forllte purchase costs of Ihe file of fifty Thousand Francs. (50,000) CFA francs from the général treasury of Marona.
The Tender File can be oblained froin Ihe Préfecture of Maroua, upon publication ofthis notice, on présentation of a receipt for payment of a non-refundable sum forllte purchase costs of Ihe file of fifty Thousand Francs. (50,000) CFA francs from the général treasury of Marona.
Each offer, wrilîen in French or English, in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, in accordance with ihe rcquirements of the Invitation to Tender File, must be filed against receipt undcr folds closcd, al the Préfecture of MaPoua, no later lhan 25/01/2022
at 2 p.m. local time and must bear the mention:
007/AONO/MINAT/REN/CDPMP/DIA/2021 DU 31/12/2022
Section: Porte Stade Municipal - Boulevard Renouveau via Oiseau de Canne,
YEARS: 2022 2023
IMPUTATION: N" 94 709 04 110000 2221
The offers rccelved after the deadline dates and tlmcs for the submission of tenders will not be rccelved
The deadline for performing the services is six (06) months (03 months for phase I and 03 for phase II).
Each tenderer must attach to his administrative documents a tender bond (in accordance vvlth the model attached in the annex), established by a first-rate bank approved by the^Ministry in charge, finance and the iist ofwhich appears In Exhibit 12 of the BDand valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of valldity of the offers, in the amount of 614,138 one hundred and thirty-eight francs) FCFA Uoder penalty of rejection of the offer, the other administrative documents required (valid) must be produced in originals and certified true copies(six hundred and fourteen thousand by the issuing department or an administrative authority, dated less than three (03) months and valid on the day of the openingofthe tenders, in accordance with the stipulations ofthe Spécial Régulations ofthe Invitation to Tender They must be dated less than three (03) months precedlng the date of submission of tenders or have been established after the date of signature of the Notice of Invitation to Tender. Any offer that does not compiy with the requirements of this notice and the Tender File will be declared inadmissible. In particular tlie absence of the bid bond issued by a first rank bank or a financlal bodyapproved by the Ministry in charge ofFinance or non-compliance with the models ofdocuments ofthe tender dossier, will resuit in the rejection of Ihe tender.
Any offer that does not compiy with the requirements of this notice and the Tender File will be declared inadmissible. In particular tlie absence of the bid bond issued by a first rank bank or a financlal bodyapproved by the Ministry in charge ofFinance or non-compliance with the models ofdocuments ofthe tender dossier, will resuit in the rejection of Ihe tender.
Tlie opening of the bids will be done in one [01] time in the 25/01/2022 at 3 p.m. precisely in the meeting room ofthe Préfecture of Maroua, in the presence of the tenderers. Only tenderers may attend this opening session or be represented by a single duly authorjzed person (evenin the eventofa consortium) of their choice a perfecthaving knowledge of the file.
22- Evaluation offers
The offers will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
23- Evaluation criteria
23-1 : Elimlnating criteria
> Administrative documents
a) absence of the bid bond
b) Incomplète file or notin conformltywith the prescriptions oftiie DAO;
> Technical OfTer
c) Incomplète ornon-compliant file ,
d) False déclaration, misleading documents or scan
e) Technical score lower than 70 points eut of 100
f) Non-satisfaction of the profile of the head of mission,
g) Lack of a methodologicalnote for the exécution of the services
> Offre financière
h) Incomplète finandal offer:
i) Non-compUant document,
j) Omission in the finandai offer
23-2 Essential criteria
The évaluation of technical ofiers will be made according to tiie three external criteria defined below.
A Supervisory staff (55 points]
B. Technical and material resources (25 points)
C. BET rcferences (20 points)
Tlie purpose ol this évaluation is lo higliUght ihe admissible techntcal ofTers, Uîat is lo say tliose for which tlie
scores obtained will be greater than or equal to 70 poinLs.
The détails ofihese essential criteria are specified In the scoring grid.
The Divional Officer of Diamaré, Contracling Authorily (CA). will award the contract to the tenderer whose tcchnically qualifled ofFer has been cvalualed as the lowest-pnced after vérifications of its prices and dcemed to be subslanlially compilant with the Tender File.
Tenderers remain committed to their tender for nlnety (90) days from the deadline set for submission of tenders
Additional technical Information can be obtained on working days and hours from the Head of the Department of Economie and Financial Affairs of the Divisionai Office of Maroua'at phone number 699388663, upon publication of this invitation to tender notice. For any act of corruption, please call or send an SMS to MINMAP at the following numbers: 673 205 725/699370748