Within the framework ofthe Public Investment Budget (PIB) for the year 2017, the Logone and Chari Divisionai
Delegate of Public Contracts, Contracting Authority, hereby iaunches, atthe account of the Mayor of BLANGOUA,
a national invitation to tender for the construction ofone block oftwo (2) classrooms atthe Government Primary
The Works, which shall be tendered for the construction of buildings to accommodate classrooms in primary
schools, consists of:
- Preparatory Works;
- Banklng;
- Foundations
- Masonry - Elévations ;
- Framework-Cover;
- Wooden and metallic carpentry ;
- Electriclty;
- Depiction
- Waysand différent networks.
♦ Budgeted amount: 20500 000 (twenty millions five hundred thousand) Francs CFA.
Participation in this invitation totender is open tocompanies speciaiised in public works located in Cameroon.
Works, which form the subject ofthis invitation totender, shall be financed by PIB, 2017 financial year.
♦ Budget Head : 5115 197 01 641302 2811426 ;
The file may be consulted and obtained from the LOGONE and CHARI Divisionai Délégation of Public Contracts
(Infrastructures Contracts Office) as soon as this notice is published, against the payment at the BLANGOUA
Municipal Receipt, ofa non-refundable sum offorty thousand (40 000) CFA francs.
The file may be consulted and obtained from the LOGONE and CHARI Divisionai Délégation of Public Contracts
(Infrastructures Contracts Office) as soon as this notice is published, against the payment at the BLANGOUA
Municipal Receipt, ofa non-refundable sum offorty thousand (40 000) CFA francs.
Each offer drafted in English or French tn 7copies including the original and 6copies marked as such, should reach
the LOGONE and CHARI Divisionai Délégation of Public Contracts (Infrastructures Contracts Office) not iater than
the 02/03/2017at I.00pnjar\A should carry the inscription:
N° 002/ONIT/MPC/FNRD/LCDD/DTB/2O17 OF THE 25/01/2017,
*To be opened only during the bld-opening session^
The provisional delivery deadiine provided for by the Contracting Authority shall be THREE (03) MONTHS, Including the
possible constraînts related to the site situation such as accessibility and cllmate conditions, from the date of notification
of service order to start works.
It is due tothe bidder topropose in his offer acarrying out calendar that goes in the deadiine indicated above.
The offers should be accompanied by abid bond issued by afirst rate-bank approved by the in cha-ge rf
finance of an amoant of 2% of the predicted amount per lot, that is four hundred and ten thousand (410 000) CFA
francs, valid for sixty (60) days from the day of opening of bids.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, abid bond issued by afirst rate-bank approved by the
Minîstry In charge of finance of an amount of four hundred and ten thousand (410 000) CFA francs, valid for sixty
(60) daysfrom the dayof opening of blds.
Under pain of being rejected, only originals or true copies certifled by the issuing service or administrative
authorities (senior DIvIsional Officers, Divisional officers...) ofthe administrative documents required, mcluding the
bid bond, must imperatively be produced In accordance with the Spécial Conditions ofthe Invitation to tender. They
must obligatory not be older than three months or must not be produced after the signing of the tender file.
Any offer not in conformity with the prescriptions of thls notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible.
Especialiy, the absence of abid bond Issued by afirst-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or
the non-respect of the models of the tender file documents shall lead to apure and simple rejection of the offer
without any appeal being entertained.
The bids shall be opened in one (01) phase.
The opening of the administrative documents, the technica! and financial offers shall take place on the 02/03/2017
&t2M pm local time by the LOGONE and CHARI Divisional Tenders Board located at the LOGONE and CHARI
Divisional Délégation of Public Contracts Head Office.
Only bidders may attend orbe duly represented by a person of their choice.
A- Main ellminatory crlteria
1- Administrative offer
1) Absence ofan administrative document;
2) Counterfeit document;
3) Non conformity of adocument after the 48 hours regular extension.
2- Technical offer
1) False déclaration or counterfeit document;
2) Having not executed the required number ofprojects;
3) Having not gather atleast 80% of"Yes" in qualification criteria.
3- Financial Order
1) Nonconformity of the submission
2) Absence, in the unit price mémo, of the price of aquantified task.
N.B: The certifled copies of the prevlously legalized documents will be systematically rejected.
B- Main qualification criterla
The criteria relations to the qualification ofcandidate are indicated asfollowed:
1) Access to acrédit or other financial resources Yes/No;
2) Supplier's référencés Yes/No;
3) Expérience ofsupervisory staff Yes/No;
4) Avallability of materlal and essential equipment Yes/No,
5) Technical proposa! (including methodology and expenditure schedule) Yes/No.
Only bidders that technical offers have received at least 80% of "Yes" will have their financial offers analyzed.
The contract will be attributed to the bidderwhose:
1- Administrative offer will be declared conform; i*-
2- Technical offer will be declared conform and have gathered at least 80% of 'Yes mqualificato
Cf^lt6ri3 "
3- Financiâi offer, after ali corrections in conformity with the Particular Régulation of the invitation to
tender, will be declared conform in relation to the Technical clauses of the invitation to tender, and
classified the fewer proposition.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for sixty (60) days from the date set forthe delivery ofoffers.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours either from the LO^NEf ^HARi
Divisionai Délégation of Public Contracts, Tel. 222 4140 48 / 67512 90 01, or from the Mayor of BLANGOUA (Tel.
696 27 4416 / 674 58 02 02).