Within the framework of public investment budget, the Senior Divisional Officer of Mayo Rey, hereby launches an Open National Invitation to tender for the exécution of the construction works of the Divisional Délégation of Labor and Social Security of Mayo-Rey, and North Région
The works subject of this contract includes:
- Tiled floor and wall;
- Plumbing;
- Electricity;
- Painting
- VRD.
The estimated cost of the opération following prior studies is twenty-nine (29 000 000) CFA francs
The works are into a unique lot
Participation in this tender shall be open on equal conditions to ail Cameroon-based public works contractors
Works under this tender shall be financed by the budget of the MINLSS for the 2022 Financial Year
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Senior Divisional Office of Mayo-Rey as soon as this notice is published.
The file may be obtained from Secrétariat of the Senior Divisional Officer of Mayo-Rey, As this notice is published against payaient of a non-refundable sum of thirty fîve thousand (35 000) CFA francs payable at the "Recette of Tcholliré"
Chaque offre rédigée en français ou en anglais en sept (07) exemplaires dont un (01) original et six (06) copies marquées comme telles, devra parvenir au Secrétariat Particulier du Préfet du Mayo Rey au plus tard le 18/03/2022 à 13h00 heures, heure locale. Elle devra porter la mention ;
The maximum exécution deadline provided for by the Delegate Project Owner for the exécution of the works subject of this tender shall be 120 days.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bon issued by a fîrst rate-bank or any flnancial organization approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring on the list in document 12 of the tender file of amount of five hiindred and eighty thousand (580 000) for each ht and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of the validity of the offers.
Under pain of rejection, the administrative documents required, must be procure in originais or true copies certified by the issuing service in accordance with the conditions ofthe invitation to tender.
They must not be older than three preceding the original date of submission of bids (3) months or must not have been established after the signing of the tender notice.
Any incomplète offer in accordance with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible, especially the absence of a bid bond
L''ouverture des plis se fera en un temps. L''ouverture des pièces administratives et des offres techniques et financières aura lieu le 18/03/2022 à 14hOO heures par la Commission Départementale de Passation des Marchés du Mayo-Rey à la préfecture de Tcholliré. Seuls les soumissionnaires peuvent assister à cette séance d''ouverture ou s''y faire représenter par une personne de leur choix dûment mandatée. ''
Main eliminatory criteria
-Absence of provisional bid bond;
- Absence or non conformity of and administrative document after 48 hours;
- False déclaration ;
- the non-respect of 5 essential criteria or ail technical mark 70/100;
- Absence of a unit price quantified;
- Non-conformity of model of bid.
- Essential criteria
- Main criteria Notation
- General présentation of bids Yes/No
- Turnover Yes/No
- Access to a crédit or other financial resources Yes/No
- Supplier's références (three years) Yes/
- Financial extend Yes/No
- Availability of material and essential equipment Yes/No
- Expérience of supervisory staff Yes/No
The Project Owner shall award the jobbing Order to the contracter with the lowest bid, deemed to be in keeping with the consultation file.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for ninety days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders
Complementary technical information may be obtained during wojking hours at the Secrétariat of the Senior Divisional Officerof Mayo-Rey