Within the framework of the technical rehabilitation of the National Radiation Protection Agency, NRPA hereby launches an national Call for Tenders opened in an normal procedure for the supply of a function vehicle at the National Radiation Protection Agency.
The services to be provided in this contract include the supply of a company car at the National Radiation Agency.
The estimated cost of the operation is 58 000 000 (fifty eight million) francs CFA.
This contract consists of a single lot.
This Invitation to tender is opened to any national company with an established experience in the required field.
Services subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by Public Investment Budget of the NRPA, 2017 financial year, Budget Head No.222201.
The Tender File may be consulted during working hours at the National Radiation Protection Agency (ANRP), Department of Budget, Material and Real estate, PO BOX 33732, Telephone 222 203 371 as soon as this notice is published.
The file can be obtained at the National Radiation Protection Agency (ANRP), Department of Budget, Material and Real estate, PO BOX 33732, Telephone 222 203 371 as soon as this notice is published, upon the payment of a non-refundable sum of 50 000 (fifty thousand) FCFA, payable in the CAS- ARMP Special Account N° 335988 at BICEC, representing the file’s purchasing fees. The receipt should mention the Tender number. During the withdrawal of the file, the bidders should registered and indicate their full address including POB, Telephone, Fax, Telex and E-mail.
Each tender file drafted in English or French should be presented in seven (07) copies including one (01)original and six (06) copies marked as such, should reach the Department of Budget, Material and Real estate of the National Radiation Protection Agency (ANRP) not later than 09 March 2017 at 10 am and shall be labelled as follows:
The maximum deadline provided by the Contracting Authority or the Deputy Contracting Authority for the performance of services that are object of this tender shall be 60 days.
Each bidder should attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first class Bank licenced by the Minister of Finance featuring on the list included in section 11 of the Tender File, of an amount of eight hundred thousand (800 000)FCFA.
In order to avoid the rejection of the bids, the required administrative documents must be submitted in originals or certified true copies certified by an issuing service or Administrative Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Special Tender Regulation.
They shall not be older than three (3) months as from the submission deadline of bids or shall not be established after the signature date of the tender notice.
Any tender not complying with the provisions of the Tender File shall be rejected. This applies especially in the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or the non-respect of the Tender requirements shall simply be rejected.
The bids shall be opened in one (01) phase.
The opening of the administrative, technical and financial documents shall take place on the 09 March 2017at 11 am by the Tenders Board of the ANRP in the meeting hall.
Only bidder sort heir duly mandated representatives can attend
14.1 Eliminatory criteria
Eliminatory criteria include:
-Absence of a document contain in the administrative file;
-False declaration or forged document;
-Absence of the authorisation of the manufacturer;
- Absence of the prospectus and the detailed description of the proposed provision;
-Non-respect of at least 80% of essential criteria, 10 YES/12.
-Lack of a quantified unit price;
-Non-compliance of the bid model;
-Non-respect of at least 80% of minor criteria, 31YES/39.
14.2 Essential criteria
The essential criteria for the qualification of candidates shall focus on an indicative basis relating to:
- Presenting the offer;
- General references of the company;
- Financial capacity ;
- Delivery plan and deadline ;
- After-sales service;
- Proofs of acceptation of the contract conditions.
The contract shall be awarded to the bidder who would have presented a technically qualified bid with the lowest financial offer.
Bidders shall be bound to their bids for 60 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Additional information can be obtained during working hours to the NRPA Headquarters, Department of Budget, Material and Real estate, PO BOX 33732 Yaoundé, Phone: 222 203 371, Fax: 222 203 370, E-mail: officialmail@anrp.cm.