Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 28-07-2016 à 17:11
Support : Plateforme :
for equipment supply (lot 1) and the implementation, integration of the platform and the training of camtel's staff (lot 2).
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The Cameroon Telecommunications company (CAMTEL) for the 2016 budgetary year, hereby launches a Restricted International Invitation to tender for equipment supply (lot 1) and the implementation, integration of the platform and the training of camtel's staff (lot 2).

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The tender concerns:

-        the Equipment supply (lot 1)

the implementation, integration of the platform and the training of camtel's staff (lot

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The cost of the implementation hereby concerned shall be borne by the CAMTEL's 2016 budget on a provisional amount of 290 000 000 CFAF (i.e. 120 000 000 stands for lot 1 and 170 000 000 for lot 2).

4.Participation et origine New(Additif)

This invitation to tender shah be open to the following companies selected after an appeal of interest Nbr 2016/001/AMI/DAP/DPP/CAMTEL du 12/01/2016:

- ST2I INTERNATIONAL SA/AHEAD IT 1, Avenue du dollar

Résidence Sidi Mansour Bloc A

Les berges du lac ll Tunis - TUNISIE


P.O Box 13628 — 00800 Nairobi — KENYA


BP. 15283 Yaoundé — CAMEROUN

5.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

Tender documents may be consulted during working hours at the Department of Procurement and property of CAMTEL (Sub-Department of Procurement and Contracts), 6th floor of the Head office building, Room 602, P.O. Box 1571 Yaoundé, Tel : (237) 222-23-40-65, (237) 222-23-70-53; Fax (237) 222-23-03-03, upon publication of this invitation to tender.

6.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

Tender documents may be obtained during working hours at the Department of Procurement and property of CAMTEL (Sub-Department of Procurement and Contracts), 6th floor of the Head office building, Room 602, P.O. Box 1571 Yaoundé, Tel : (237) 222-23-40-65, (237) 222-23-70-53; Fax (237) 222-23-03-03 upon publication of this invitation to tender and upon presentation of a receipt showing payment of the non-refundable sum of one hundred and seventy thousand (170 000) francs CFA being payment of the tender document, made in the special CAS­ARMP bank account at BICEC branches. Upon withdrawal of the tender documents, registration of ail Bidders is obligatory and their complete address (postal address, telephone numbers) must be made available. Ail bids must comprise this receipt

7.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Tenders, which are to be drafted in English or French, submitted in 7 (seven) copies
(that is 1 (one) original and 6 (six) copies) and well-labeled as such, should be
deposited at the Department of Procurement and property of CAMTEL (Sub-
Department of Procurement and Cçnlracts), 6jhJloor of the Head office building, Room 602 against a receipt not later than 23 aout 2016 at 3:00 noon.
Tender documents should be put in 2 (two) separate envelopes as follows.
I - Envelope 1 - Technical proposals and administrative documents;
ll - Envelope 2 - Financial proposals.
The two envelopes should be sealed and put in one large, anonymous, sealed
envelope, bearing solely the following inscription:

No. 2016/06/AOIR/DG/CIPM/CAMTEL OF 19 JUIL 2016
for equipment supply (Lot 1) and the implementation, integration of the
platform and the training of camtel's staff (lot 2].


Upon pain of rejection, all required administrative documents must be originals or
certified true copies, signed by the issuing service in accordance with the specific rules
and regulations governing Tender.
They must be less than three (03) months o[C preceding the date of depcsit of the
tender or should have been issued prior to the date of the signing of the invitatlon to
tender. Any tender that does not compiy with the provisions of this lnvitation to tender
vuill be disqualified, particularly the absence of the bid bond issued by an insurance
company or a first class bank accredited by the Ministry of Finance.

8.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum time limit for the project implementation envisaged by the Project Owner is sixty day (lot 1) and ninety (90) days (lot 2).

9.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Upon pain of rejection, ail required administrative documents must be originals or certified true copies, signed by the issuing service in accordance with the specific rules and regulations governing Tender.

They must be less than three (03) months old preceding the date of deposit of the tender or should have been issued prior to the date of the signing of the invitation to tender. Any tender that does not comply with the provisions of this Invitation to tender will be disqualified, particularly the absence of the bid bond issued by an insurance company or a first class bank accredited by the Ministry of Finance.

10.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The tenders shall be opened once in the Meeting Room of Camtel's Tenders Board (CIPM) on 23 aout 2016 as from 14:00 local time by the Tender Board Commission.
Only Bidders or their duly authorized representatives, having a good knowledge of the file as well as a mastery of the rules and regulations governing public contracts, notable the decree 20041275 of September 24,2004 instituting the Public Contracts Code and
its modifications thereto contained in the decrees of March 2012, will be authorized to
witness the Opening of Tenders

11.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

1 3.1. Elirnination Critenia
Tenders will be rejected on the following grounds:
- Absence of a required administrative document '
- Non-compliance of administrative document after the delay stated by tenders
board following the Opening of Tenders;
- False declaration or falsification of documents;
-  Omission of a unit price quantified in the financial offer (lot 1); 

- Technlcal mark lesser than 04 Yes over 06 (lot 1) or 05 Yes over 07 (lot 2) see
secticn 13.2 hereunder.

13.2. Qualification Criteria
l\4ain qualification criteria of candidates shall be based on the following:
Lot 1:
a- Annual turnover during the last three years > 100 000 000 FCFA
b- Conformity to technical specifications Yes/No
c- Erdder's references
d- Time table and executron deadline
e- Presentation of offers
f-Guarantee (06 rnonths)
NB; Only Bidders wha would have scored 04 Yes over t6 an the abave criteria
including the b, the c and the f will qualiÿ for the financial evaluation.
lot 2:
a) Annual turnover during the last three years > 100 000 000 FCFA
b) Conformity to technicai specifications
c) Bidder's references
d) qualification and competence of its key personnel
e) Existence of material and tools for the implementatlon
f) pianning, nnethodology and delivery time
g) Presentation of offers
NB; tnly Bidders who would have scored 05 Yes over 07 on the above criteria
including the h. the c and the d will qualiÿ for the financial evaluation.

12.Attribution New(Additif)

Contract(s) will be awarded to Bidders who will present a financial proposal that wiil be judged "less cost effective" and at the sarne time comply with the technical and
administrative criteria.

13.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders remain bound by their bid for 90 days from the submission date

14.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complimentary information can be obtained during working hours at the Department of Procurement and Property (Sub-Department of Procurement and Contracts), 6th floor of the head office building, roorn 602, P.O. Box 1571 Yaoundé, Telephone:(237) 222-23-40-65, {237) 222-23-70-53; Fax (237) 222-23-03-03, upon publication of this invitation to tender.

YAOUNDE Le 19-07-2016