Within the framework of the Public Investment Budget 2022, the Mayor of Limbe II Council, Contracting Authority, on behaif of the MINISTER OF DECENTRALIZATION AND LOCAL
DEVELOPEMENT. hereby launches an Open National Invitation to tender FOR THE
The works that are subject of the present tender are in ONE (01) Lot and consist of:
Mobilisation of material and personnel;
Rehabilitation of existing catchments (02);
Rehabilitation of the existing filtration unit in the stream;
Construction of Va=100 m3 Tank (D=6,5m ; h=3m);
Pipeline network.
The total estimated cost for this borehole after preliminary studies is Ninety Four million Seven Hundred Thousand and Ten (94 710 000) FCFA.
This project is in two phases
Participation in this Open National Invitation to Tender is opened to ail the companies within the National Territory:
However, in accordance with the regulation of the public contract code in force, any candidate who shows proof of capability to do the works ami of responding within the fixed tinte limit alter publication of this open invitation to tender will be able to validly tender.
Works which feet the subject of this invitation to tender shah! be financed by the Public Investment Budget of the 2022 financial year, with budget heads record number imputation nu nt ber
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Limbe II Council. Contact Tel: as soon as this notice is published.
The file may be obtained from the same address above as soon as this notice is published against payment of a non-refundable sum of 75 000 (Seventy Five thousand) francs CFA, payable at the Limbe II municipal treasury. (07:30 am to 03:30 pm)
Each bid drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies comprising one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, should reach, Limbe II Councit against a receipt not later than 22/04/2022 at 9.00 a.m., local lime in three (03) distinct envelopes which shall be labelled as follows:
Envelope A : administrative documents;(spira/ bound with ail pages numbered), Envelope B : technical offer,(spiral bound with all pages numbered), Envelope C : financial offer.(spiral bound with ail pages numbered).
These three (03) envelops will be put in a fourth one which shall be sealed and labelled imperatively as follows:
The maximum execution deadline of the work shall be 03 (Three) months from the date of issue of Service Order for the commencement of works.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid security worth of 2% of the project amount.
Each bid must have a validity of 90 days with effect from the date of bids openirtg. The bid security must be issued by a renowned banking institution approved by the Ministry of Finance.
Administrative documents must be Iess than three months old and must not be signed after the date of submission of bids. Only originals or copies certified by competent authorities of administrative documents required must imperatively be produced. Bids which fail to comply with this requirement will be rejected.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid security worth of 2% of the project amount.
Each bid must have a validity of 90 days with effect from the date of bids openirtg. The bid security must be issued by a renowned banking institution approved by the Ministry of Finance.
Administrative documents must be Iess than three months old and must not be signed after the date of submission of bids. Only originals or copies certified by competent authorities of administrative documents required must imperatively be produced. Bids which fail to comply with this requirement will be rejected.
The offers shah' bc opened in a single phase. The administrative, technical and financial bids shall be opened on. the 22/04/2022 at 10.00 a.m., local lime by the Limbe II Council Internai Tender Board of the Contracting Authority in the LIMBE H Council Conference Hall, in the presence of the bidders or duly authorized representatives having full knowledge of the file (power of attorney).
¨ A technical score of less than 70%,
11. Essential criteria
- General Presentation, compliance with the model bid. |
Yes / No |
- Methodological approach and relevance of proposed solutions; |
Yes / No |
- References of the bidder (experience of at least three (03) years in similar works)(attach prof) |
yes / No |
- Availability of material and essential equipment |
Yes / No |
- Experience of key supervisory staff (at least Civil or Rural Engincer or equivalence with three (03) years of experience). |
Yes / No |
- Turnover, Financial capacity, Access to credit or other financial sources Twenty Million (20 000 000 FCFA)., |
Yes / No |
- Deadline of execution. |
Yes / No |
The contract shall be awarded to the bidder with the least financial offer having the technica] and administrative files which are in conformity with the tender document/file.
Bidders will remain conunitted to their bids for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from the Secretariat of the
contract unit of MAYOR OF LIMBE II COUNCIL