The Mayor of ALOU council; CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, initiates on behalf of the Republic of Cameroon, an Open National Invitation to tender FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE MEGAI-APUH (3km) COUNCIL ROAD IN ALOU SUBDIVISION, LEBIALEM DIVISION, SOUTH WEST REGION
Site Installation
Bring & Folding of Equipment
Project Launchinç and sensitization
Clearing of Vegetation
Ordinary cut and throw
Lateritic fill from borrow pit
Construction of the Platform
Creations of earth ditches and divergents with grader
Wearing Course in Lateritic Gravel
Supply and place of metallic culvert 0 800 mm
Collectorwell in stone masonry for ring culvert buse 0 800 mm
N° lots |
Régions |
Division |
Structurel |
Span/ |
Duration |
...1inotint |
'Type of |
I- S11:20 |
lebialem |
3 |
28 000 000 |
Road works |
Participation in th s invitation to tender is open to all registered and qualified companies or groups of companies based in the Republic of Cameroon.
The Works on This tender are funded by the budget of the 2022 PIB LEBIALEM, For the 2022 financial year.
The tender file can be cOnSulted in the office of the contracting authority, at ALOU Council .
The tender file can be obtained in the office of the contracting authority, precisely in the office of the Mayor ALOU Council, on presentation of a payment receipt to the public treasury, of a nonrefundable purchase fee for the tender file. 50.000 ( fifty thousand francs cfa) Francs CFA.
This receipt should identify the buyer as the representative of the bidder, wishing to participate in the consultation.
Each bid, prepared in English or in French in (07) seven copies, that is (01) one original and (06) six copies noted as such, shall be forwarded to the contracting authority, notably tu the Mayor ALOU Council office latest the : 18/04/2022 at 9 :30am local time bearing
The entire perioci of execution of these Works is 3 months_ (three months) calendar months. This duration starts as of the date of notification of the service order to start Works
Each bid, prepared in English or in French in (07) seven copies, that is (01) one original and (06) six copies noted as such, shall be forwarded to the contracting authority, notably tu the Mayor ALOU Council office latest the : 18/04/2022 at 9 :30am local time bearing
The opening of bids shah! take place on the 18/04/2022 at 10 :00am , in tn:_, conference hall of the ALOU council internai tender's Board, at the ALOU Council premises.
The opening of bids will be done at once and in three stages:
- Stage 1: Opening of envelope A containing Administrative document (volume 1),
- Stage 2: Opening of envelope B containing Technical document (volume 2)
- Stage 3: Opening of envelope C containing financial document (volume 3).
All the bidders can take part in this opening session or can be represented by one person dully mandated (Even in case of joint-venture) who has a perfect mastery of the tender file.
a) Absence of submission bid bond (tender bank guarantee) ;
b) Absence after a period of 48 hours following the deposit of bids, of at least one of the administrative document, excluding that of the submission bid bond;
c) Non-conformity alter a period of 48 hours following the deposit of bids, of at one Administrative document;
d) False declaration, falsified or nonauthentic document;
e) Omission of a unit price in the schedule of unit prices and the bill of quantities and cost estimates;
f) Incomplete financial bid for absence of one of the following documents: The tender letter ;
The unit price schedule following the indicated model of prices without value added taxe in figures and in words, clearly filled. ;
The bil of quantities and cost estimates (BOQ);
The unit price breakdown;
g) Not having obtained at least seventy five percent (750/0) of the essential technical criteria;
h) Any bid carrying a mark identifying the bidder
16-2 : ssential criteria :
The technical bids will be evaluated according to the following ten (10) main criteria:
The contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder, fulfilling the required administrative, technical, and financial criteria. Only a maximun of one lot(s) award to a bidder for this tender,
The bidders will be engaged by their bids during a period of ninety (90) days as from the latest date programmed for bids deposit.
Additional information in relation to technical details can be obtained at the office of the contracting authority, notably The ALOU Council office