Within the framework of the Execution of the 2022 investment budget of the South West Regional Assembly, the President of the South Nest Regional Executive Council hereby launches an OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER file
N° 017/ONIT/SWR/SWRA/1-13/BUEA/2022 OF 20/0412022,
The works comprise the supply and installation of 35 solar street lights BANGEM, KUPEMUANENGUBA DIVISION
The estimated cost after preliminary studies is Sixty Million (60,000,000) francs CFA all taxes inclusive
Participation is opened to all duly registered Cameroonian enterprises with the necessary technical and financial capacities Ds who are not under suspension by the authority in charge of public contracts
Works which formed the subject of this invitat )n to tender shall be financed by the SOUTH WEST REGIONAL ASSEMBLY INVESTMEN BUDGET, 2022 financial year through
budget head (imputation) N
The file can be consulted during worki ig hours at the cabinet of the President of Regional Executive Council first floor of Regional Assembly Building. Service Tel: as soon as this notice is published.
The tender file may be acquired from the SC UTH WEST REGIONAL ASSEMBLY office at the Last door to the President's cabinet Tel: 233 32 61 86 as soon as this notice is published and upon presentation of a non-refundable treasL y receipt (payable at the regional assembly Treasury bearing the amount of sixty thousan i (60.000) FCFA. Such a receipt shall identify the concerned bidder
Each bid drafted in English or French in -.even (07) copies comprising one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, shoulc reach the cabinet of the President of RegionalExecutive Council first floor of Regional A' sembly Building against a receipt not later than 01/06/2022 at 10.00 a.m., local time in thr a (03) distinct envelopes which shall be labelled as follows:
Envelop A : administrative documents;(spira bound with all pages numbered), Envelop B : technical offer;(spiral bound will all pages numbered), Envelop C: financial offer. (Spiral bound with all pages numbered).
These three (03) envelops will be put in a fourth one which shall be sealed and labelled imperatively as follows:
The maximum execution timeframe provide d by the Project Owner for the execution of the works forming the subject of this invitation I ) tender is three (03) months.
Each bidder must include in his/her administrative e documents, a bid bond that respects the models of this tender file, issued by a first-rate banking establishment and other financial institutions approved by the Ministry in charge o finance, (see list in document No. 11 of this tender file), and of an amount of one million two hundred thousands (1 200,000) FCFA, valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity of oids
ach bid drafted in English or French in -.even (07) copies comprising one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, shoulc reach the cabinet of the President of RegionalExecutive Council first floor of Regional A' sembly Building against a receipt not later than 01/06/2022 at 10.00 a.m., local time in thr a (03) distinct envelopes which shall be labelled as follows:
Envelop A : administrative documents;(spira bound with all pages numbered), Envelop B : technical offer;(spiral bound will all pages numbered), Envelop C: financial offer. (Spiral bound with all pages numbered).
These three (03) envelops will be put in a fourth one which shall be sealed and labelled imperatively as follows:
ancial bids shall be opened on, the 01/06/2022 at 11.00 a.m., local time by the South West Regional Assembly Internal Tender's Board in the conference hall. In the
- False declaration or falsified ocuments;
Omission of a quantified tas on the bill of quantities and cost estimates;
The jobbing order shall be aw ed to the lowest bidder whose bids is in conformity with the technical requirement of the tender file, in acco ante with article 99 (a) of the Public Contracts Code.
The bidders shall remain commi d to their offers/bids for a period of ninety (90) days from the deadline set for the submission of bids
Complementary technical infor ation may be obtained during working hours on week days from the