As part of the exécution of the Public Investment Budgets (Bi P), financial year 2022, the Mayor of the Arrondissement Commune of Maroua Owner; launches an Open National Call for Tender for the réhabilitation works of the municipal roads in its municipality in the following
Section 1: Aminou Adama Mosque-Gao Building (630ml):
Section 2: Gao Mill Market building, former Pharmacam (650ml):
Section 3: Kakataré High School-Fada-Fin Goudron mobile axis (960ml)
The Works covered by this Gall for Tenders Include in particular;
The estimated cost of the opération at the end of the preliminary studies is one hundred million (100,000,000) FCFA
Return The work, object of this call for tenders, will be made in one (01) single lot
The participation in this consultation is open equal conditions to Cameroonian law companies specializing in defined benefits. in good standing with the régulations in force, and with the necessary administrative, technical and financial capacity. The participation of grouping or subcontracting companies is admitted in accordance with the régulations in force.
The work of this call for tenders is funded by the MInddevel Public Investment Budget of the Exercise 2022 on the budget imputation line n ° 55 27 100 02 641303 523511
The file may be consulted at the working hours at the Mayor BP Cabinet: 181 Maroua, téléphoné: 694654689. Mail:, as soon as possible
The tender file may be obtained at the working hours with the Mayor's Office upon publication of this opinion, against présentation of a receipt of payment of a non-refundab!e amount of one hundred thousand (100,000) Francs CFA.
Each offer written in French or English in seven (07) copies including one (01) Original and six (06) copies labeled as such, will have to reach the Town Hall of Maroua 2. at 30 MAI 2022 the latest at 10h and must bearthe mention:
Section 1 : Mosquée Aminou Adama-Immeubie Gao (630ml) ;
Section 2 : Immeuble Gao Marché du Mil - Ancienne Pharmacam (650ml)
Section 3 : Lycée Kakataré-axe Fada-Fin Goudron mobile (960ml).
"To open only in counling"
The maximum period provided by the Project Owner for the exécution of the works covered by this call for tenders is five (04) months.
Each tenderer shall attach to his administrative documents, a bid bonded establîshed by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry of Finance and listed in the DAO Exhibit Two million (2.000,000) FCFA and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date ofvalidity oftenders.
under penalty of rejection. the documents of the administrative file required must be produced In originals or certified copies conforming by the issuing service or an administrative authority (prefect.sub-prefect,) in accordance with the provisions of the particular Régulation of the appeal. They must date from less than three (03) months preceding the original date of submission of tenders or have been establîshed iater on the date of signature of the tender notice.
Any incomplète offer in accordance with the requirements of the tender file will be declared inadmissible. In particular, the absence of the submission deposit issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry of Finance or the non-compllance with the modeis ofthe tender documents will resuit in the pure and simple release of the offer without any recourse.
The opening of the administrative documents, technical and financial proposais, will take place at 10 o'clock, by the interna! market for the procuremenl of the commune of arrondissement of Maroua 2, only the tenderers may attend
The opening of the administrative documents, technical and financial proposais, will take place the 30 MAI 2022 at 11 o'clock, by the internai market for the procurement of the Maroua II subdivision councit, Only bidders can attend this opening session orto be represented by a person of their choice of mandated.
The évaluation criteria consist of two types: the playoff criteria and the essential criteria. These criteria are intended to identify and reject incomplète or non-compliant offers for the conditions laid down in the tendering file relating in particular to the admissibility of the administrative documents, the conformity of the Technical Offer to CCTPs of the DAG and the Qualification of Candidations
14.1. The qualifying criteria, it Is:
- absence of the submission deposit,
- false déclaration or falsified piece (the CIPM and the Contracting Authority reserve the right to authenticate any document with a doubtful character),
-Incomplète offers and non-compliance with the major technical spécifications set by the DAO,
-up-to-date bidder vis-à-vis tax and social administrations,
- Incomplète administrative file or non-compliant;
-Non-compliance of human and material means (foolnote below 2/3 of YES for each section) have obtained iess than 70% of the essential criteria of qualification;
-Absence of a quantized unit price,
-non-compliance of the submission model,
-The absence in the technical offer of the déclaration on the honor by which the tenderer atlests that net only does he have abandoned a market in the last three (03) years, but aiso that hedoes not appear on the list offailed companies annually established by the Minister of Public Procurement.
14.2. Essential criteria will focus on:
Assessment of the technical proposai will be carried cul on the basis of thirty nine (39) main criteria shared as follows:
a. Générai présentation of tender on 03 criteria
b. Reference 07 criteria
c. Main personnel of the enterprise on 20 critères
d. Equipaient of enterprise to be mobllized on 7 critères
e. Methodology of exécution on 13 criteria
f. Proposition technique sur 11 criteria
NB: Only bidders who obtained 70% of yes will be qualified for the rest of the procédure and will see their deals evaluated.
at the end ofthe various délibérations, the award wlll be made to the bidder having submilted the offer, administratively, technically and financially, and evaluated the minimum and considered substantialfy in accordance with the tender.
The tenderers remain incurred by their offer pending 90 days from the deadiine set for the submission of tenders.
Addilional information can be obtained from the technical services of the Town Hall of Maroua II, Sis at the headquarters of the councll in Maroua. BP: 181 Maroua Téléphoné: 694654689, Mail: