The President of the Regional Council, Contracting Authority Launches Open National Invitation to Tender for the supply of medical equipments to the Logbaba District Hospital in the Sub-division of Douala 3 Council.
The services consist essentially of the supply of equipment’s, as detailed below:
The estimated cost of benefits as a result of preliminary studies is twenty-five million (25 000 000) CFA francs.
The supplies are grouped into a single batch
Participation in the consultation is open to any company of Cameroonian law, which can provide this type of service
The services covered by this invitation to tender is funded by the Littoral Regional Council budget, fiscal 2022. IMPUTATION:222250
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Littoral Regional Council
The tender dossier can be obtained during working hours of Littoral Regional Council, located at Bonanjo, against presentation of the original of the payment receipt of a non-refundable sum of fifty thousand (50 000)FCFA for the cost of purchasing the file of the special account CAS-ARMP n° 33598800001-89 opened for this purpose by the public procurement regulation agency, with the BICEC agencies of the capitals of the regions of Cameroon during working hours. This discharge must identify the payer as representative of the company or group of companies wishing to participate in the call for tenders
Each bid drafted in English and/or French, in eight (08) copies, that is, one (01) original, six (06) photocopies labelled as such and one (01) numeric version, should be submitted to the Littoral regional council Bonanjo not later than 30 JUNE 2022 at 12 a.m. local time, and shall be labelled as follows :
N°010/AONO/RC-LT/CIPM/2022 OF 08 JUNE 2022
The maximum execution time required to attain benefits, the subject of this tender is one (01) month.
Each bidder must attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first-class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance and listed in Exhibit 10 of the ONIT, in the amount of five hundred thousand (500 000) FCFA and valid for thirty (120) days.
To avoid rejection, the administrative documents required, must be produced in originals or certified true copies issued by a competent administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officer…) in accordance with the Special Conditions of the invitation to tender.
They must not be older than three (03) months from the original date of submission of bids or must not have been established after the signing of the tender notice.
Any incomplete offer in accordance with the regulations of the Tender file shall be declared inadmissible. In particular the absence of a bid bond issued by a well acclaimed bank or insurance company approved by the Ministry of Finance.
The bids shall be opened in one phase.
The opening of the administrative documents, the technical and financial offers shall take place on the 30 JUNE 2022 at 1 pm, local time by the Internal public Tenders Board of the Littoral Regional Council, in its meeting hall base at, Bonanjo.
Only bidders can attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice, having a perfect knowledge of the offers.
Eliminatory criteria
The following criteria lead to the rejection of the tenderer’s offer:
• Absence of a bid bond at the opening,
• Absence or non-conformity of a part of the administrative file 48 hours after opening of the envelopes
• False declaration or falsified documents,
• Non-compliance of eleven (11) sub-essential criteria (80% of yes),
• Non-compliance of the technical characteristics,
• Lack of equipment technical data sheets
Essential criteria:
The criteria for the qualification of candidates will include:
• The General presentation of the tender;
• References of a bidder;
• Access to a line of credit or other financial resources;
• Compliance of supplies with technical specifications;
• The delivery time of one (01) month;
• The proves of acceptance of the tender conditions;
• Certificate of origin and guarantee.
The Contracting authority will award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer shall conform essentially to the Tender Documents and shall have the technical, material and financial capabilities required for the satisfactory execution of the contract and whose offer was evaluated as the lowest, including where necessary the proposed discounts.
Bidders shall remain committed to their offers for ninety (90) days from the deadline set for their submission
Further information may be obtained during working hours from the address given below: Littoral Regional Council
The President of Littoral Regional Council, Contracting Authority reserves the right, if necessary, to make any subsequent relevant changes to this Notice and Tender.
Denunciation of corruption cases
For any attempt at corruption or malpractice, please call MINMAP or send an SMS to the following numbers: 673 20 57 25 / 699 37 07 48.