Within the framework of the Public Investment Budget 2017, the Mayor of Wabane Council, Contracting Authority, hereby launches an Open National Invitation to tender, for Acquisition of Solar Energy of CMA Wabane in Wabane Sub Division, Lebialem Division, South West Region
The works subjects of this contract include the preliminary studies carried out and the detailed information provide in the technical specifications and the quantitative estimates.
The estimated cost of the operation following prion studies stands is 15,000,000 FCFA.
The tender is open to duly legalized Cameroonian enterprises that fulfill the requirements of this invitation to tender.
The works which farm the subject of this invitation to tender shah be financed by Public Investment Budget of the 2017 financial year; Budget Head N°
The file may be consulted during working hours as soon as this notice is published at the Wabane council Tel: 677 77 54 48.
The complete tender file may be obtained from the Waban council, upon presentation of a treasury receipt attesting to the payment of a non-refundable sum of 27 000 FRS at the Municipal Treasury of Wabane.
Each offer drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies including the (1) original and six (6) copies marked as such, should reach the General Secretariat of the Wabane council in Wabane, not later than 03/03/2017 At 11:00 pm local time and labeled as follows:
"To be opened only during the Bid Opening Session"
The maximum execution deadline provided for by the Wabane Council for the execution of the works subject of this tender shah be three (03) months,
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring on the list in document 12 of the tender file of an amount of 300,000 FCFA; it is not more than 2% of the estimated cost, All Taxes
Inclusive (ATI) of the contract in accordance with the order in force, the Contracting authority the conditions for the invitation and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of the validity of the offers.
Subject to rejection, only the originals of the other administrative documents or true copies thereof certified by the issuing services or by an administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officer...) shall be accepted, in accordance with the Special Conditions of the invitation to tender. Such documents shall be dated less Chan three (03) months previous to the date of their submission or must have been established after signature of this tender notice.
Any bid not complying with the requirements of this tender notice and Tender File shall be declared inadmissible. In particular, the absence of the bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or non-compliance with the formats specified in the Tender File shall lead to outright rejection of the bid without any possibility of appeal.
The bids shall be opened in single (01) phase on 03/03/2017 at 12 noon local time by the Tender Board of the Contracting authority in the Conference Hall of the Wabane council in Wabane.
Only bidders or their duly authorized representatives can take part in this opening session.
Eliminatory criteria
The eliminatory criteria set the minimum conditions to be fulfilled in order to execute works subject of the tender. These criteria are as follows:
Essential criteria
The evaluation method should be binary, and the minimum acceptable mark acceptable shah be 70% of all criteria taken into account. Such criteria shah be as follows:
N° |
Designation |
Assessment |
01 |
General presentation of the Tender |
Yes |
No |
02 |
Turnover |
Yes |
No |
03 |
Access to a credit or other financial resources |
Yes |
No |
04 |
Expenditure schedule or other contracts under execution |
Yes |
No |
05 |
Availability of material and essential equipment |
Yes |
No |
06 |
Antecedents of non-execution of contract or pending disputes |
Yes |
No |
07 |
Technical presentation of staff to be used |
Yes |
No |
08 |
Experience of supervisory staff |
Yes |
No |
09 |
Availability of technical proposai of Jobbing Tender |
Yes |
No |
10 |
Organization, methodology and planning |
Yes |
No |
The non-respect of three (03) of criteria shah cause the elimination of the offer.
The Mayor of Wabane Council, the Contracting Authority, shall award the contract to the tenderer with the lowest and technically compilant bid deemed to be essentially in keeping with the tender file.
Bidders shall be bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days as from the deadline set for the submission of tenders.
Additional technical information may be obtained every day during working hours at the Wabane council located in Wabane.