Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 13-08-2019 à 14:06
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COMMUNIQUE N° 021/CQ/MINDDEVEL/FC/GS/VOLIII/06/2019 of 02/08/2019 bearing on the publication of addenda to extend bid-opening dates of some invitation to Tender The Mayor of Fonfuka Council (Contracting Authority), because of some exacerbated situations beyond control, hereby extends the dates of some invitations to tender as shown in the table below respectively.   SN REFERENCE OF PROJECT DATE OF LAUNCHING DECSCRIPTION INITIAL DATE OF OPENING EXTENDED DATE OF OPENING 01 NO.004/ON1T/FC/FCITB/2019 25/06/2019 For the construction of a Cattle Crutch and a Dining Shed at the konene cattle market 06/08/2019  20/08/2019   02 N0.OO9/ONIT/FC/FCITB/2019 25/06/2019 For the construction of two (02) culvers along the road linking Fonkuka Health Center to Mbuk village 06/08/2019  20/08/2019 03 No.OlO/ONIT/FC/FCITB/2019 26/06/2019 For the extension of potable water from Konene village to Ngunabum village 07/08/2019  21/08/2019 04 No.Oll/ONIT/FC/FCITB/2019 For the rehabilitation ofwater supply schemes in some villages in the Fonfuka municipality         26/06/2019 LOT 1:Ngen-Mbamlu Water Scheme 07/08/2019  21/08/2019 LOT 2: Fonfuka Water Scheme LOT 3: Buabua Village Water Scheme 05 N0.OI2/ONIT/FC/FCITB/2OI9 26/06/2019 For the construction of a block of two (02) classrooms at G.S Beng 07/08/2019  21/08/2019 Hence,interested bidders can consult the tender notices' respecdively and tender in the same conditions as prescribed in the tender notices
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The bids shall be opened in a Single phase.
The opening ofadministrativedocuments, technical and financial bids shall be on 23 JUIL 2019 at 12:00 Noon local time by the FONFUKA COUNCIL INTERNAL TENDERS BOARD situated at the Fonfuka Council Chambers 
Only bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person.
{The start ofthe bid-opening session must not be later than one hour after the time limit for the submission of bids as specified in the Tender File)

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BAMENDA Le 02-08-2019
CHIA Philip