The Divisional Delegate of Public Contract launches an open national invitation to tender for the Adduction of Potable Water inMfou municipality,Mefou and Afamba Division.
The works under this bid constitute one lot.
Participation in this tender invitation shall be open to companies based in Cameroon.
Financing shall be with BIP resources allocated for fiscal 2017.
IMPUTATION: N°…………………………..
The Bidding Documents may be consulted and obtained upon publication of this bid invitation at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for Mefou and Afamba. The documents shall be obtained upon presentation of one recepissee testifying to the payment of a non-refundable deposit of XAF 60. 000 (Sixty thousand francs) payable to the Municipal Treasury of Aware
The tender is advised to visit and inspect the sit of the works and it surrounding and obtain by it self, and on its responsibility, all information witch may be necessary for the preparation of the tender and the execution of the work. The costs of the visit are borne by the tenderer.
Each tender, drafted in English or French in 8 (eight) copies, that is, 1 (one) original and 7 (seven) copies labeled as such, shall be forwarded to the Mfou council, no later than the 15 March 2017 at 10 a.m., local time. Tenders shall be deposited against a receipt and shall be labeled as follows:
“To be opened only during the evaluation session”
The maximum deadline for each execution of the works shall be three (03) months.
The tender is advised to visit and inspect the sit of the works and it surrounding and obtain by it self, and on its responsibility, all information witch may be necessary for the preparation of the tender and the execution of the work. The costs of the visit are borne by the tenderer.
Each bidder shall enclose in their administrative documents a provisional guarantee of XAF 600 000 (six hundred thousand francs) for each lot issued by a first class banking institution approved by the Minister in charge of Finance.
Under pain of rejection, the provisional guarantee shall be obligatorily produced in its original dated not more than three(3) months.
For unsuccessful bidders, the provisional guarantee shall be released 30 (thirty) days after the bid validity deadline. For successful bidders, the provisional guarantee shall be released only after constitution of the definitive guarantee.
Under pain of rejection, the administrative documents required shall be produced in their originals or true copies certified by the issuing services, in accordance with the provisions of the Special Tender Regulations. The documents shall be dated at most 3 (three) months or must have been established after the date of publication of this bid invitation.
The duly signed and stamped bid in accordance with the specimen contained in the bidding package, shall state costs in XAF inclusive and exclusive of taxes.
The opening of bids shall be done in one phase on the 15 MARCH2016 as from 11 a.m., local time, by the Tenders Board of the Mefou and Afamba Division. Only bidders or their duly authorized and well informed representatives shall attend this session.
Bid assessment shall be based on the following criteria:
13.1 Eliminatory criteria
- Absence of administrative documents;
- False declaration;
- Technical note below the minimum required;
- The non justification of at least one of the reference needed for the case of complex services necessity the required experience of the enterprise.
13.2. Essential criteria
A- References 6 points
B- Managerial personnel 6 points
C- Equipment 8 points
D – Financial situation 01 point
E- methodology 01 point
The contract will be attributed to the bidder presenting the least tender and for filling the technical capacities and administrative required.
The bids shall be valid for 90 (ninety days) with effect from their submission deadline
Additional information may be obtained from the Mfou Council.
The Mayor of the MFOU Council reserves the right, if warranted; to subsequently amend this bid invitation.