The General Director of the National Institute of Cartography ( INC) launches an Open National Invitation to Tender for the acquisition of vehicle double station wagon 4x4 dual cab.
The benefits of this market include : vehicle double station wagon 4 x 4 double- cab air conditioning .
Le coût prévisionnel du présent marché est de :
Lot |
Désignation du lot |
Budget prévisionnel |
1 |
Elaboration d’un bilan d’ouverture |
10.000.000 FCFA |
2 |
Mise en place d’un système comptable automatisé, t arrimé au système comptable OHADA |
18.000.000 FCFA |
Not allotment.
Participation in this tender is open to all automobile consortium based in Cameroon.
The services covered by this invitation to tender is funded by the Budget for 2017.
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Secretariat of Administrative and Financial Director of the INC on publication of this notice.
The file can be obtained at the departement of juridical affairs of National Institute of Cartography based in front of BEAC ELIG ESSONO on publication of this notice, against payment of a non refundable fee of 50,000 (fifty thousand ) CFA francs , Assigning payable in the CAS- ARMP special account opened in the BICEC agencies in the account No. 335 988 .
Each offer drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies including the original and six (06) copies marked as such , must reach the departement of juridical affair of National Institute of Cartography in front of BEAC ELIG ESSONO no later than 19 MARS 2017 -12 hours and should be marked :
National Invitation to Tender Notice N°0003 Open
To be opened only counting session "
The maximum period provided by National Institute of Cartography or the for delivery subject of this tender is 10 (ten) days.
Sous peine de rejet, chaquesoumissionnairedoitjoindreàsespièces administratives, une caution de soumission établie par une banque de premier ordre agréée par le Ministère en chargedesFinances, du montant ci-aprèset valablependanttrente(30)joursau-delàdeladate de remisedesoffres.
N° Lot |
Désignation du lot |
Montant de la Caution |
1 |
Elaboration d’un bilan d’ouverture |
200 000 FCFA |
2 |
Mise en place d’un système comptable automatisé et arrimé au système comptable OHADA |
360 000 FCFA |
Le reste sans changement
Subject to rejection , the pieces of the required administrative record should be produced in originais or copies certified by the issuing service or administrative authority , in accordance with the stipulations of the Supplementary Regulations of the bidding . They must be older than three (03) months or have been established after the signing date of the notice of tender.
Any incomplete tender in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents will be declared inadmissible . Including the absence of the bid bond issued by a first class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance or the non-respect of models of parts of the bidding documents , cause the outright rejection of the provides no recourse .
The opening of bids will be done in one time by the Procurement Commission of national Institute of cartography on the 19' march 2017 at 1 p.m. Only bidders may attend the opening session or be represented by a duly authorized person of their choice.
14.1 Criteria playoffs
These include :
14.2. essential criteria
The essential criteria for the qualification of candidates will for guidance on:
Tenderers are bound by their tenders for sixty (60) days from the deadline for the submission of tenders.
Further information may be obtained at the secretariat of working hours CFO of INC, located in front of the BEAC in Elig - Essono. P.O BOX 157 - YAOUNDE - Phone (237) 22 22 29 21