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Publié le 28-02-2017 à 17:44
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OPEN NATIONAL  INVITATION TO TENDER N° 001/AONO/CIPM/SODECAO/2017 OF 24 FEB 2017 Open National Invitation to tender No. For the supply, by emergency procedure, of two (2) air-conditioned luxury sedans for la Société de Développement du Cacao (SODECAO) Financing: 2017 SODECAO budget, (RECC)
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The General Manager of SODECAO hereby launches, by emergency procedure, an Open National Invitation to tender for the acquisition of two (2) air-conditioned luxury sedans for SODECAO.

The supply shall be in one lot.

Details are contained in the technical description of the supply.

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The services to be provided by this contact include the supply, transportation, handling, and reception of two (2) air-conditioned luxury sedans.

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The estimated cost stands at Ninety-seven million (97 000 000) CFAF

4.Allotissement New(Additif)

The supply shall be in one lot.

5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation in this invitation to tender is open to enterprises- specialized in the supply of luxury sedans based in the Republic of Cameroon.

6.Financement New(Additif)

Funding for this invitation to tender shall be provided by the 2017 SODECAO Budget (budget line RECC: 22757)

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file may be consulted and obtained as from the publication of this notice at SODECAO Building SDAA, Door No. 17) upon presentation of proof of payment of a non-refundable sum of ninety-five (95.000) CFA F.

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

Fees for purchasing the tender file shah be paid into the CAS-ARMP special account No. 335988 open in al! Banque Internationale du Cameroun pour l'Épargne et le Crédit (BICEC) agencies.

Bidders shall register and indicate their full addresses at the time of acquiring the tender file (P.O. Box, Tel, Fax, email).

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each offer drafted in English or French in six (6) copies including the one (1) original and five (5) copies marked such, should reach or be deposited against receipt of submission at SODECAO no later than 17 MARS 2017 at 1pm,local time, and shah be labeled as follows:




10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum delivery deadline shall be ten (10) days.

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

To avoid rejection, each bidder shall enclose in his administrative documents, a submission guarantee issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry of Finance, the list of which can be found in document 12 of the Tender file. The amount of the provisional guarantee stands at One million four hundred and fifty-five thousand (1 455 000) CFAF; representing a rate of 1,5% of the provisional guarantee inclusive of all taxes (TTC) and valid for thirty (30) days after the original bid validity date.

The other required administrative documents must be submitted in original copies or certified true copies from the issuing service or an administrative authority, in compliance with the provisions of the Special Regulations of the Invitation to Tender.

They must be dated less than three (3) months before the date of submission or must have been issued after the date of signature of the Tender Notice.

Any bid not compliant with the prescriptions of this invitation to tender and Tender file shah be declared inadmissible; namely the absence of the bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry of Finance or the non compliance of model documents of the Tender file shah result in the rejection of the bid.

12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Each bid must include a bid bond issued of an amount equal to One million four hundred and fifty-five thousand (1 455 000) CFAF, issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.

Any bid not produced in six (6) copies and not compliant with the prescriptions of the Tender file shah be declared inadmissible.

To avoid possible rejection, the other required administrative documents must be produced in originals or certified true copies less than three (3) months old.

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The opening of theenvelopes containing the administrative, financial and technical documents

shall be on the 17 MARS 2017 at 2pm by the Internal Tenders Board of SODECAO in the
presence of each bidder who so desires or his duly mandated representative.

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Incomplete administrative file or falsified documents;

Incomplete technical or financial document;

Absence of bd bond;

Non-compliance with model documents prescribed in the Tender file;

Non-compliance with required technical specifications;

Absence of authorization

15.2 Main criteria

  1. Turnover more than or equal to 50.000.000 CFAF                  Yes  No
  2. Access to the credit line or other financial resources               Yes  No
  3. Delivery deadline Iess than or equal to 10 days                    Yes   No
  4. After-sale services                                                             Yes   No
  5. References of supplier (similar contracts and reception report) Yes  No
  6. Manufacturer% authorization                                               Yes No 
  7. Availability of spare parts                                                    Yes  No
  8. Certificate of authenticity of the air-conditioned luxury sedans  • Yes  No
  9.    Professional experience of managerial staff (attach cv)           Yes  No
  10. 10. Petrol engine                                                                 Yes  No
  11. Cylinder capacity exceeding 3400 cc and less than 3500 cc       Yes  No 
  12. Maximum torque of over 340 Nm and lower than 4900 Nm
  13. 3.Automatic gearbox                                                             Yes No 
  14. Fuel tank of over 65 litres                                                      Yes No 
  15.  Tyre dimensions of 215/55 R                                                Yes  No
  16. Aluminium wheels                                                                Yes No
  17. Power-operated windows; front and back                                 Yes No
  18. Number of cylinders: 6 cylinders                                            Yes o No o
  19. Starting system : hands-free with button                                Yes o No
  20. Number of doors : 4 doors                                                   Yes o No
  21. Maximum power : more than 200 kw                                    Yes No 
  22. Back camera                                                                      yes no

    23. Tintes windows                                                              yes no

    24Black bodywork                                                                yes no

    25 Leather interior                                                              yes no

    26 Airbags                                                                          yes no

    Vehicle No.2

    15.3 Eliminatory criteria:

    Incomplete administrative file or falsified documents; Incomplete technical or financial document;

    -                  Absence of bid bond;

    -                  Non-compliance with model documents prescribed in the Tender file;

    Non-compliance with required technical specitications; Absence of authorization


    1. Turnover more than or equal to 50.000.000 CFAF
    2. Access to the credit line or other financial resources
    3. Defivery deadline less than or equal to 10 days
    4. After-sale services
    5. References of supplier (similar contracts and reception report)
    6. Manufactures authorization
    7. Availability of spare parts
    8. Certificate of authenticity of the air-conditioned luxury sedans
    9. Professional experience of managerial staff (attach cv)
    10. Petrol engine
    11. Cylinder capacity exceeding 1950 cc and less than 1990 cc
    12. Maximum torque of over 185 Nm
    13. Automatic geàrbox
    14. Fuel tank of over 55 litres
    15. Tyre dimensions of 205/60 R 16
    16. Aluminium wheels
    17. Power-operated windows; front and back
    18. Number of cylinders: 6 cylinders
    19. Number of doors : 4 doors
    20. Maximum power : more than 100 kw and less than 110
    21. Back camera
    22. Black bodywork
    23. Airbags


15.Attribution New(Additif)

The Board shall propose to the contracting authority that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder with the required technical capacities.

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders shall be bound by their bids for ninety (90) days as from the deadline set for the submission of tenders

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Additional information may be obtained from SODECAO (SDAA building, door No. 17, tel: 222­30-45-44).

YAOUNDE Le 24-02-2017