The Mayor of WAZA launches in an emergency procédure, an Open National Invitation to Tender for the construction of five (05) productive drillings in some localities of WAZA Council, Logone and Chari Division, Far- North Région.
an estimated costofeight million (8 000 000) francs CFA !AT each lot
The entire works are divided in five (05) lots as follows.
N° LOT | Désignation of project |
Localities | Estimated cost in Fcfa |
Funding |
1 | Réalisation de cinq (05) forages équipés de PMH dans certaines localités de ta Commune de Waza |
MICHIDIRE | 8 000 000 | MINADER |
2 | CHOLOBA | 8 000 000 | ||
3 | ZIGUE | 8 000 000 | ||
4 | ANTARRENA | 8 000 000 | ||
5 | TOUKOUMAYA | 8 000 000 |
NB: Contractors can submit as many lots as they wlsh
Participation in this tender is open on equal terms with companies under Cameroonian lavir. justlfying the technical capacities and financial resources to carry out thework covered by thls tender.
Supplies which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall befinanced by the PIB- MINARUD for 2023
The File irtay be consulted during working hours at the WAZA Council in WAZA,
The file may be oblained from the WAZA Council as soon as this notice is published againsl payment in the WAZA Municipal Receipt ofa non-refundable sum of fifty thousand (50 000) F CFA.
Each offer drafted in English or in French in seven (07) copies including the original and the five copies marked as such, should be deposlt against a receipt duly signed in secretary of secretary of the Mayor of WAZA Council not late 31 JANV 2023 at 1a.m o'clock (local time) and should carry the inscription:
The delivery deadiine provîded by the Contracting Authority three months from the notification date of service order lo beginning work.
Under pain of been rejected, only origlnals ortrue copies certified by issuing service oradministrative documents authorities of the administrative document requlred, including the big bon must imperatively be produced in accordance with the spécial conditions of the invitation to tender. The most obligatorily not be older than three (03) months or must not be produced after the slgning ofthe tender file.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents a bid bon issued by a first rale-bank approved by the ministry offinance featuring on the list in document 9ofthe tender file of amount ofone hundred and sixty thousand (160 000 CFA) francs CFA per lot.
Any offer not in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible.
Especiatly the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the ministry of Finance or the nonrespect of the models of tender file documents shall lead taa pure and simple rejection of the offer wilhout any appeal being enlertained.
The bids shall be opened in single and will be 31 JANV 2023 at 2 p.m local time by the WAZA Internai Tendeds Board in the meeting room ofWAZA Council
Only bidder may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice you have a perfect Knowledge of offers.
11-Maln ellminatorv criteria
a) Main ellminatory criteria:
-Offers incomplète;
-Offers non-compliance to theinvitation tender;
-Technical file incomplète;
-Non- compliance ofthe technical offer to the invitation tender technical spécification;
-Presence of the financial information offer in the administrative or technical offer;
-Presence of dismissed contracting byARMP;
-As being abandoned a project before.
b) Main technical qualification criteria:
The criteria for qualification ofcandidates will include:
-Présentation of offer 4 criteria yes/no
-The methodoiogical note 5criteria yes/no
-The means by supervisory personnel of the company 6 criteria yes/no
-The means materials and equipment essentiel to the company 11 criteria yes/no
-Net lending (Cerliflcate offinancial. Turnover) and references 4 criteria yes/no
Failure to obtain 70% of technical criteria for qualification involves the removal ofthe offer.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for 90 days from the deadiine set for the submission.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during the working hours at the WAZA Council orin the.
DDARUD of Logone and Chari in Kousserî.