The Government of the Republic of Cameroon bas obtained financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) toward the cost of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP], in the North West Région of Cameroon. The Government proceeded to sign three (3) financing agreements to the tune of
USD 52.44 Million as follows:
a. Loan to the tune of USD 10 Million; Financing Agreement No. 2CM-Q064 dated 17th April 2013;
b. Istisna'a to the tune of USD 32.06 Million; Financing Agreement No. 2CM-0065 dated 17th April 2013;
c. Instalment Sale to the tune of USD 10.38 Million; Financing Agreement No. 2CM-0066 dated 17th April 2013.
The général objective of the Microfinance component is to provide a line of micro crédit financing to support the intensification of the livestock and the fisheries production and in the diversification of income generating activities. The line of micro crédit financing will support specifically income generating activities initiated by women and other vulnérable groups, such as small ruminants breeding, poultry, dairy and beef production, processing and trading of dairy and meat; feed production and processing; and production, processing and trading of fish (smoking, drying etc.).It is proposed to outsource the management of the mlcrocredit fund and its subséquent lending activities to a Micro Finance institution (MPI) selected on the basis of capacity, experience to local conditions and knowledge in sharia compliance.
As concerns Loan, the Project would engage USD1.5 Million (about Seven hundred and fifty million CFAF) to lend to farmers in the form of mlcrocredit through a Micro-finance scheme to be lodged and run by a qualified Micro-Finance Institution(MFI).
The LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) now invites eligible Micro-Finance Institutions in Cameroon to indicate their interest in providing the services in running the Micro-Finance Scheme. Interested Micro-fmance institutions must be licensed and authorized by the Banking Commission for Central African States (COBAC).
As concerns Loan, the Project would engage USD1.5 Million (about Seven hundred and fifty million CFAF) to lend to farmers in the form of mlcrocredit through a Micro-finance scheme to be lodged and run by a qualified Micro-Finance Institution(MFI).
Expressions ofinterest must be sealed and delivered in quadruplet, one (1) original and three (3) copies marked as such, addressed to the Project Coordinator, LIFIDEP Ayaba Street, P G Box 142, Bamenda, Cameroon on or before 08/03/2017 at 4PM and should carry the inscription:
"Request for Expression of Interest, No 01/REOI/LIFIDEP/2017 for the selection of a Micro-Finance Institution for the implementation of the Microfinance component of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP)"
Documentation to be submitted by the MFlinclude:
a) A background note or présentationofthe MFI;
b) Al etterindicating the motivation and capacity to deliver the assignment;
c) Administrative documents including; a certificate of registration, license and authorization from COBAC and location plan;
d) A list of personnel capable of delivering the services including their CVs.
NB: Only Pre-qualified MFIs shall be eligible tosubmit a proposaifor the BID.
Interested Micro-finance Institutions who mayrequire further informationshould request same in writing from the ProjectCoordinator, LIFIDEP Ayaba Street; PGBox 142, Bamenda, Cameroon. Tel: 691 046397, Email: during office hours, between Mondays andFridays.