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Publié le 23-02-2017 à 15:32
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CALL FOR TENDERS NOTICE N° 001/AMI/ LANACOME/DG/2017 of 14 February 2017 relating to the prequalification of companies for the supply of laboratory equipment to the National Drug Quality Control and Valuation Laboratory (LANACOME)
Source de financement
1.Contexte New(Additif)

With aview of enhancing Public Investment Budget management and ensuring better execution of projects, the General Manager of LANACOME in accordance with Sections 12(3) and 45 of the Code on Government Procurement, calls for tenders for companies in Cameroon and abroad that wish to take part in Selective International Tender Notices funded by the MINFI/MINSANTE Public Investment Budget (State/LANACOME Programme Contract) on the provision of laboratory equipment.

2.Objet New(Additif)

This Notice aims at pre-qualifying national and international companies that will supply LANCOME with laboratory equipment for the 2017 Financial Year.

3.Participation et origine New(Additif)

This Call is open to any national provider of laboratory equipment with. MINSANTE certification and to any international company involved in the manufacture or sale of laboratory equipment.

4.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Files shall be written in French or English. The bidders shall submit five copies in plain and sealed envelope, including the original file and four copies to the General Management of LANACOME — Rue Rudolph Manga Bell, within the same premises with CENAME, latest 14 March 2017 and they shall receive a deposit receipt. This note shall feature on the bidder's file:

Call for Tenders Notice No. 001/AMI/LANACOME/DG/2017 of 14 February 2017 relating to the prequalification of companies for the supply of laboratory equipment to the National Drug Quality Control and Valuation Laboratory (LANACOME)

5.Composition du dossier New(Additif)

file of tenders shall include:

a. Administrative File

  • stamped statement of intent to tender,
  • valid licence complying with the 2017 finance law,
  • trade register,
  • certified taxpayer card,
  • ARMP certificate to ascertain that the company can operate public contracts,
  • Financial capacity estimated at or over 50 million FCFA.

b. Technicality File

  • Bidder's honour statement to ascertain that he did not discontinue a public contract over the past three years and does not feature in the Ministry of Public Contracts list of failing companies,
  • Dated, signed and stamped bidder's presentation,
  • Bidder's reference list of related activities (attachment to it: copy of the first and last pages of the reference contract, and a verbatim report of good receipt),
  • List of staff and their qualifications (dated and signed certified copies of certificates + curriculum vitae),
  • Carry-in-service (provide photo of the premises/office, equipment and logistics),
  • MINSANTE Certification for national companies and any other equivalent Certification or Paper from the home country for international companies. 
6.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)
  • Administrative file that meets the requirements,
  • Financial capacity that can ensure the provision of services,
  • Ascertained expertise,
  • Having a branch in Cameroon for international companies.

a. Disqualifying Criteria

  • Administrative file that does not meet the requirements
  • Technicality file with a mark lower Chan 80/100
  • False statement or fake information
  • Dispute or uncompleted contact with LANACOME

b. Core Criteria

Technical offers shall be evaluated on 100 according to the following criteria:

  • Staff /20
  • Project manager
  • Technical staff
  • Support team

The bidder will submit the following documents which are less than three (03) months old for each employee: dated and signed CV, copy of the labour contract.

  • References of the bidder /30 (10 points for every reference justified in the verbatim report of final receipt or by a testimonial of good completion of works — first and fast pages of the submitted contract)
  • Financial capacity estimated at or over 50 million FCFA /10
  • Testimonial of the bidder's capacity to guarantee carry-in-service /15
  • MINSANTE Certification or any other Certification from the home country /15
  • Presentation of the offer /10

Only bidders with a technical minimum score of 80/100 shall be admitted. 

Next Step

After following this procedure, contracts shall be granted in accordance with the Selective International Tendering procedure launched by the General Manager of LANACOME in accordance with the rules and regulations.

YAOUNDE Le 14-02-2017