Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 09-03-2023 à 10:39
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Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The General Manager of the National Refining Company, Contracting Authority, is launching an Open National Call for Tenders for the maintenance of residential cities, buildings and annex facilities of SONARA

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The objective of this consultation is to allow the selection of a specialized and experienced company, with a view to carrying out the maintenance of the residential cities, buildings and annex facilities of SONARA; the actual services will relate to:

a)       Conduct

These are maintenance actions whose quality and frequency have an impact on efficiency; For example

- Periodic tests of emergency equipment and swapping of redundant equipment;

- Operation of the sanitation network and all of its equipment;

- Operation of the internal electricity network of buildings and housing and all of its equipment;

- Operation of the city's drinking and fire water network and all of its equipment;

- Management of the city's public lighting network, stores and workshops made available to FOSTER WHEELER;

- Tests for the proper functioning of the pipes (drains, gutters, galvanized piping, PVC, copper, support collars, all

fittings, etc.);

- The conduct of maintenance and repair work in metal carpentry, wood and aluminum

- The conduct of repairs to all the frames of buildings and housing;

- The conduct of waterproofing repairs on all roof coverings, windows, slabs, doors, walls, parapets, gutters;

- The conduct of all maintenance work on all masonry connections resulting from degradation or deterioration caused

by wear;

- Carrying out maintenance work on tiling connections resulting from degradation or deterioration caused by wear;

- The conduct of retouching work or general interior painting of the walls of housing and social buildings.

b)       "Monitoring'

These are actions mainly related to the management of installations (see setting regulators, programming instructions, etc.); Also included in this item are the immediate improvements that need to be made to the installation without modifying the existing system.

Conduct must be ensured in such a way as to reconcile the following four (04) objectives:

- The safety of goods and people,

- Energy saving,....

- The comfort of the occupants,

- Maintaining the installation in good condition, without premature wear.

c)       'Maintenance"

These are actions to control the quality of operation, in particular through the results obtained:

- Corrective maintenance: equipment whose criticality is vital for the conduct of operations will be given priority in the interventions. The interventions following an incident will be the subject of a report detailing the methods as well as the analysis of the causes and effects of the damage.

- Preventive maintenance: it will be carried out according to schedules set by the manufacturer's specifications, and the standards, procedures and instructions in force at SONARA.

d)       "Modifications and improvements"

The Terms of Reference relate to existing installations; it is up to the service provider to assess the relevance and to suggest investments/modifications to the system so as to increase its intrinsic performance or allow optimal operation.

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The global estimated cost of the operation is CFAF 85.263.750 (eighty-five million two hundred and sixty-three

thousand seven hundred and fifty francs) all taxes distributed as follows:

II Lot n°1: CFA F 42.095.250 (forty-two million ninety-five thousand two hundred and fifty francs)

Lot n°2::CFA F 43.168.500 (forty-three million one hundred sixty-eight thousand and five hundred francs)

4.Allotissement New(Additif)

The services covered by this project consist of two (02) lots divided as follows: t Lot n°1: Residential city Bota

II Lot n°2: Refinery enclosure and residential city of Cap Limboh

5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation to this call for tenders is open to all Cameroonian-based companies or established in Cameroon, and operating in this specific field,

6.Financement New(Additif)

Services of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the SONARA maintenance budget (0123-X05-0198)

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

As soon as this notice is published, the file may be consulted during working hours at SONARA P.0 Box 365 Limb& (General Management I Contracts Division).

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

Once the tender notice is made known, tender documents can be obtained at the Contracts Division of the National

Refining Company Ltd - P.O. Box 365 Limbe, upon presentation of a receipt of payment of a non-refundable amount

of CFAF 85.000 (eighty-five thousand) at BICEC, using the following references:


Account / 335 98800001 89

Special customer account CAS - ARMP

Remitter: Name of bidder/SONARA/ITT 11°00723

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)
  1.    Each lot constitutes a separate offer; in the case a bidder subscribes for both lots, the main lot will contain the original administrative documents and the other lots will contain copies thereof. However, each lot must contain the original bid bond of the corresponding tender deposit.

Tenders submitted in English or French in six (06) copies, one original and five (05) copies labelled as such, should reach the Contracts Division of the National Refining Company Ltd - P.O. Box 365 Limbe-Cameroun, Tel: (+237) or 233.33,22.38 / Fax: (+237) or, latest on 5,h/04/2023 at 10 a.m. local time, bearing the following label:

INVITATION TO TENDER N°007.23 I ONIT / SONARA I CIPM / 2023 OF 7th/03/2023


Lot n°..............

"To be opened during the tender session only"

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum timeframe provided by the Client for the performance of the services covered by this call for tenders is: ten (10) months

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Under penalty of rejection, each bidder must, for each of the lots to which he is tendering, attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond established by a credit institution authorized by the Ministry in charge of finance, to issue bid bonds within the framework of Public Procurement in Cameroon and which figures on document N°11 of the ITT for an amount broken down as follows and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of validity of the offers:

  • Lot n°1 : CFAF 706.000 (seven hundred and six thousand francs)
  • Lot n°2 : CFAF 724.000 (seven hundred and twenty-four thousand francs)
12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)
  1.     Each lot constitutes a separate offer; in the case a bidder subscribes for both lots, the main lot will contain the original administrative documents and the other lots will contain copies thereof. However, each lot must contain the original bid bond of the corresponding tender deposit.

Tenders submitted in English or French in six (06) copies, one original and five (05) copies labelled as such, should reach the Contracts Division of the National Refining Company Ltd - P.O. Box 365 Limbe-Cameroun, Tel: (+237) or 233.33,22.38 / Fax: (+237) or, latest on 5,h/04/2023 at 10 a.m. local time, bearing the following label:

INVITATION TO TENDER N°007.23 I ONIT / SONARA I CIPM / 2023 OF 7th/03/2023


Lot n°..............

"To be opened during the tender session only"

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The opening of tenders shall be done on two phases: the opening of administrative and technical documents will take place on phase one and shall be followed by that of financial proposals of bidders having obtained the required minimum technical score:

  • The opening of administrative documents and technical proposals shall take place on the 5th/0412023 at 10:30 am in the SONARA restaurant in Limb& and would be done by the SONARA Internal Tenders Board (CIPM); only bidders or their duly mandated representative having full knowledge of the file can attend the tenders opening session.
14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

The examination of essential criteria shall consist in verifying that the bidder's offer is in conformity with the terms of

reference (ToR) and the special requirements of the tender document. The points to be verified include:

- Presentation of the bid. .........................................................................  05 pts

- Qualification........................................................................................... 35 pts

- Methodology and organization ..............................................................  30 pts

- Material means...................................................................................... 30 pts

- TOTAL.................................................................................................. 100 points

14.2. Eliminatory criteria

- Incomplete administrative file,

- Failure to present references (at least 02 whose cumulative execution is > 12 months) in the field of maintenance of large buildings (housing estates,ministerial buildings or social buildings, hotels) in the electrical / plumbing / civil engineering trades [attach: copy of Contract / Job order and receipt of services.]:

- Failure to obtained at least 70 points out of 100 after adding the essential criteria's notes

15.Attribution New(Additif)

The contract shall be awarded to the company whose technical and financial proposals put together will be assessed as the most cost-effective bid based on the formula GN = 0.7 TN + 0.3 FN outlined in the tender file.

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders shall be bound by their offers for a period of three (03) months with effect from the deadline of submission of the tender documents

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Further technical information may be obtained during working hours from Contracts Division of the National Refining Company Ltd, P.O. Box. 365 Limbe - Cameroon, Tel: (+237)233 42 3815 or 233 33 22 38 / Fax: (+237)233 42 41 99 or 233 33 22 35.

LIMBE Le 07-03-2023
NJONOU Jean Paul Simo