The Government Delegate to the Bamenda City Council, Contracting Authority. hereby requests the expression of interest from Cameroon-based small and medium seize enterprises willing to participate in the pre-selection for the cleaning of the City and the council buildings in Mulang.
The aim of this request for expression of interest is to pre-select small and medium seize enterprises with the required administrative, technical and financial capacities to participate in the limited invitation to tender for the cleaning of the City.
Scope of Works
The mission of the selected enterprises shall inciude:
A. Cleaning of the council buildiugs in Mulang
- Sweeping of the offices and the yard;
- Cleaning of offices,Windows, doors etc.;
- Clearing of gutters and waterways;
- Brushing and cleaning of carpets;
- Cleaning of all paved areas.
B. Cleaning of the streets
- Sweeping;
- Clearing of bushes;
- Opening and clearing of gutters;
- Opening and clearing of culverts;
- Cleaning of water courses.
C. Collection of garbage deep inside the quarter using tricycles
- Collection of garbage along particular streets on specified days with tricycles;
- Depositing of the garbage collected at indicated points.
D. Guarding of some Council utilities
- Commercial utilities, buildings, etc.
Selection critcria:
1. Be a Cameroon-based small and medium seize enterprises;
2. Show proof of required administrative, technical and financial capacities, especially:
2.1. Submit an administrative file in keeping with the specifications of IV-l hereunder;
2.2. Be well experienced in the field of urban hygiene and sanitation;
2.3. Dispose of or undertake to recruit relevant staff with respect to the services;
2.4. Dispose of or undertake to hire required logistics;
2.5. Present a flnancial standing commensurate with the services to be rendered.
BCC 2016 financial year Budget
Submission of files
for the cleaning of the City and guarding of some Council utilities"
Application files
Application files shall comprise the following documents, in two volumes:
IV-1 Volume 1 (Administrative documeiits)
"Volume 1" shall comprise the following administrative documents (only originals or certified true copies dated no more than one month old and valid for the current year shall be considered):
IV-2: Volume 2 (Technicai documents)
IV.2.1: Supennsorv.staff
The following shall be the supervisory technical staff to be mobilised for the project:
- Site supervisor: An experienced worker in hygiene and sanitation of at least the FSLC;
- A listofworkers engaged by the enterprise for similar assignments on the pay roll of the SME;
The enterprise shall provide the following documents of the supervisory personnel:
IV.2.2: Enterprise 's references
The enterprise shall submit her references clearly stating:
its experience in urban cleaning;
Three service engagement of at least 4 million each;
- its average annual turnover in the field of urban cleaning for the last three years of at least 10 million CFA F (attach attestations of proper completion issued by the project owners as well as their addresses for possible verification of the information).
Only references from state institutions (ministries, urban communities, semi-public bodies, multilatéral organisations etc.) shall be considered.
IV.2.3: Technical resources and equipment
The consultant must show proof of ownership of logistics for the execution of the mission. He may hire a vehicle for the project, in which case, contrary to his own vehicle, a 25% discount shall be applied in the evaluation of his file.
1- Logistics
2 - Technical resources and equipment
NB: The location of the said equipment must be stated to enable possible verification by the Contracting Authority.
IV.2.4: Ainhorisalion lo check the infonnaiion provided
Duly signed by the General Manager of the enterprise, such an authorisatlon would enable the Government Delegate to the Bamenda City Council to conduct with the competent services concerned any verification he deems necessary, in order to ascertain the existence of the equipment listed in the application file, and the accuracy of the information relating to the references presented.
Application files
Application files shall comprise the following documents, in two volumes:
IV-1 Volume 1 (Administrative documents)
"Volume 1" shall comprise the following administrative documents (only originals or certified true copies dated no more than one month old and valid for the current year shall be considered):
The absence or non-compliance of any of the above mentioned documents shall lead to the disqualirication of the file.
IV-2: Volume 2 (Technicai documents)
IV.2.1: Supennsory.staff
The following shall be the supervisory technicai staff to be mobilised for the project:
- Site supervisor: An experienced worker in hygiene and sanitation of at least the FSLC;
- A list of workers engaged by the enterprise for similar assignments
on the pay roll of the SME;
The enterprise shall provide the following documents of the supervisory personnel:
IV.2.2: Enterprise 's references
The enterprise shall submit her references clearly stating:
its experience in urban cleaning;
Three service engagement of at least 4 million each;
- its average annual turnover in the field of urban cleaning for the last three years of at least 10 million CFA F (attach attestations of proper completion issued by the project owners as well as their addresses for possible verification of the information).
Only references from state institutions (ministries, urban communities, semi-public bodies, multilateral organisations etc.) shall be considered.
IV.2.3: Technical resources and equipment
The consultant must show proof of ownership of logistics for the execution of the mission. He may hire a vehicle for the project, in which case, contrary to his own vehicle, a 25% discount shall be applled in the évaluation of his file.
1- Logistics
2 - Technical resources and equipment
computer and office equipment (computer, printer, photocopier, etc);
NB: The location of the said equipment must be stated to enable
possible vérification by the Contracting Authority.
IV.2.4: Authorisalion to check the infomation provided
Duly signed by the Général Manager of the enterprise, such an authorisatlon vvould enable the Government Delegate to the Bamenda City Council to conduci with the compétent services concerned any vérification he deems necessary, in order to ascertain the existence of the equipment listed in the application file, and the accuracy ofthe information relating to the references presented.
Evaluation of technical pronosals
Technical proposais shall beevaluated as perthe following criteria:
N.B: Any file with false declarations shall be disqualified
Evaluation of technical pronosals
Technical proposals shall be evaluated as per the following criteria:
Only the enterprises who score a technical mark of atleast 70 out of 100 points shall be selected. The limited invitation to lender to be launched at the end of this request for expression of interest shall take into consideration the results of this pre-qualificalion.