Within the framework of the MINEPAT BUDGET 2016 The Ndian Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts hereby launches a RESTRICTED NATIONAL INVITATION.) TO TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BLOCK OF TWO CLASSROOMS AT G.S BEKIRI BEACH
The estimated cost aller preliminary studies is Twenty seven Million (27,000,000)
The work is in one lot
Participation in this invitation to tender is restricted to al! registered Cameroonian enterprises, with the necessary technical, financial and legal capacities that are prequalified.
Supplies which form the subject of this invitation to tender shah be financed by P1132017, budget head No:4504029, Record No.
The file may be consulted during working hours al the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Office itfundemba, Service of award of Contracts Tel: 6 77 41 37 49 / 6 77 60 54 16 as soon as this notice is published.
The file may be obtained from the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Ndian, Service of award of Contracts Office Tel: 6 77 41 37 49 / 6 77 60 54 16 as soon as this notice is published against payment of the sum of (50 000) CFA francs, payable at the Mundemba Treasury.
marked as such, should reach the Service of award of Contracts, Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Office Mundemba not latex than 29/013/2017 at 10 a.m. local time. Bids deposited after 10am shall not be accepted.
The outer envelope shall bear the following inscriptions:
NO. 16 /RNIT/DTB-NDIAN/SWR/ PIB 2016 OF 28/02/2017
"To be opened only during the bid-opening session"
The maximum deadline provided by the Project Owner for the execution of the works forming the subject of this invitation to tender is four (04) months.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first-rate banking establishment approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and whose list is found in document No. 12 of the Tender File, and of an amount of five hundred and forty thousand (540.000) FCFA, which is valid for Ninety (90) days beyond the date of validity of bids
Under penalty of being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or
administrative authorities (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officers, etc) must imperatively be produced in accordante with the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender. They must obligatorily be not older than three (3) months preceding the date of submission of bids or may be established aller the signature of the tender notice.
Any bid not incompliance with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall be declared inadmissible. This refers especially to the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Minister in charge of Finance.
The bids shall be opened in a single phase.
The opening of administrative documents and the technical and financial bids on 29/03/2017 at 11 am prompt local Lime by the Ndian Divisional Tenders Board situated at the office of the Chairman, at the Divisional Delegation of M1NMAP, in the S.DO's Building.
Only bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person.
Eliminatory criteria
Eliminatory criteria for the minimum conditions to be fulfilled in order to be qualified for evaluation according Io the essential criteria. The non-respect of these criteria leacls to the rejection of the bid made by the bidder.
They are especially
criteria are those that are primordial or key in the judgment of the technical and financial capacity of candidates w execute the works forming the subject of the invitation to tender. They must be determined in relation to the nature and content of the works to be executed.
Indicatively, the criteria related to the qualification of candidates will be on:
Any offer that shall not respect (70%) of the above criteria shall simply be eliminated.
The contract shah be awarded to the bidder with the least financial offér having the technical and administrative files which are in conformity with the tender document/file.
NB: Financial offers.which are abnormally Iow shah be subject to written and oral justification by the bidders before due consideration is given them. This may improve the quality of works done and the respect for datelines in the execution process.
Bidders will remain committed to their bids for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from the Service in charge of awards of Public contracts of the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for Ndian, Tel: 6 77 41 37 49 / 6 77 60 54 16.