Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 06-05-2023 à 07:26
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OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 013/ONIT/C-DTKA/SG/ICPM/2023 OF 04 MAY 2023 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE RELATIVE TO REHABILITATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SOME ROAD SECTIONS:  TRACK 1 : Crossroads  Golompoui-EFL (2,1km), TRACK  2 : Crossroads  Customs Post –Border Crossing- Chad Border(2,2km), TRACK 3 : Crossroads  Border Crossing -  Datcheka PS (0,7km), TRAK  4 : Crossroads Datcheka IHC-EFL(1km), TRACK 5 : Crossroads  Datcheka market – Doubangou PS- Chad Border ( 1,5km), TRACK 6 : Crossroads  EFL-Limit with District of  Wina (3,4km), TRACK 7 : Crossroads  IHC OF Datcheka-Technical High School of Datcheka (2,4km), DACHEKA COUNCIL IN THE FAR NORTH REGION
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

On behalf of the Mayor of Datcheka, foreman, Contracting Authority, hereby launches an open national invitation to tender. The concern is the rehabilitation and maintenance of some road sections:  TRACK 1 : Crossroads  Golompoui-EFL (2,1km), TRACK  2 : Crossroads  Customs Post –Border Crossing- Chad Border(2,2km), TRACK 3 : Crossroads  Border Crossing -  Datcheka PS (0,7km), TRAK  4 : Crossroads Datcheka IHC-EFLM(1km), TRACK 5 : Crossroads  Datcheka market – Doubangou PS- Chad Border ( 1,5km), TRACK 6 : Crossroads  EFL-Limit with District of  Wina (3,4km), TRACK 7 : Crossroads  IHC OF Datcheka-Technical High School of Datcheka (2,4km), DACHEKA COUNCIL IN THE FAR NORTH REGION

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The service involve the following tasks inter alia:

The installation site,
• Site facilities;

• Cleaning and earthworks;

• Sanitation and drainage Structures;

• Signage and safety equipment;

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

As far as works are concerned, an estimated amount of One Hundred and Thirty  million   (130 000,000) CFA F is allocated for this contract by the Budget of the Road Fund, for the 2023-2024 Program include in the communal budget to the line 220 130.

4.Allotissement New(Additif)


5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

The application to this invitation to tender is open with equal conditions to Cameroon-Law related firms & companies experienced in the field of road maintenance and Civil Engineering.

                 By this invitation to tender, interested companies are called upon to provide authentic information which will be helpful for the choice of the one that can meet the needs of the required service after an in-depth and objective appraisal of its application file.

6.Financement New(Additif)

As far as works are concerned,  is allocated for this contract by the Budget of the Road Fund, for the 2023-2024 Program include in the communal budget to the line 220 130.

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file may be consulted during working hours at the General Secretary of Datcheka Council, upon publication of this invitation to tender.

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file may be obtained at the municipality of Datcheka Council, upon submission of the receipt attesting to the payment of a non-refundable fee of Hundred Thousand (100,000) CFA F into the Datcheka council Treasury.

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Seven copies of each tender application written either in English or in French; via one (01) original document and six (06) copies labeled as such, in accordance with the invitation to tender should be submitted in a sealed envelope against a receipt at Secretary General of Datcheka Council by 01/06/2023 at 13.00  (local time). Tel/ They should bear the following:

N° 013/ONIT/C-YAG/SG/ICPM/2023 OF 04 MAY 2023

EMERGENCY PROCEDURE RELATIVE TO REHABILITATION AND MAINTENANCE OF  SOME ROAD SECTIONS:  TRACK 1 : Crossroads  Golompoui-EFL (2,1km), TRACK  2 : Crossroads  Customs Post –Border Crossing- Chad Border(2,2km), TRACK 3 : Crossroads  Border Crossing -  Datcheka PS (0,7km), TRAK  4 : Crossroads Datcheka IHC-EFL(1km), TRACK 5 : Crossroads  Datcheka market – Doubangou PS- Chad Border ( 1,5km), TRACK 6 : Crossroads  EFL-Limit with District of  Wina (3,4km), TRACK 7 : Crossroads  IHC OF Datcheka-Technical High School of Datcheka (2,4km), DACHEKA COUNCIL IN THE FAR NORTH REGION



YEAR 2023: 50 000 0000;

YEAR 2024: 130 000 0000


NB: Beyond the submission’s deadline any tender will no longer be received.

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

 The execution deadline sets by the Foreman is six (06) months for de 2023 Program and Six (06) Months for the 2024 Program. This period includes the Rainy seasons, weather and some other factors with effect from the day of   works’ notification; signing’s date of contract.


11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each applicant will include in his administrative file a deposit (in compliance with the model attached) issued by a first- class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance and whose the list features in Document twelve (12) of the tender file, and valid for  thirty (30) days with effect from the tender- validity deadline. The deposit’s amount stands Two Million and six Hundred Thousand (2, 600,000) CFA F.


12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

 Lest they be rejected, should compulsory be submitted only the originals and copies of the other required administrative documents (valid) certified by either the issuing service or an administrative authority in keeping with the requirements of the special tender regulation. They must date less than three (3) months and valid on the day of the tender disclosure.

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

Tenders disclosure will be done in one stage on 01/06/2023 at 14.00 prompt at the meeting Hall of Datcheka Council in the presence of the tender applicants. Only them may attend the opening session or have themselves represented by a duly person of their choice (even in case of joint venture) having a sound knowledge of their file.

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Eliminatory criteria

 Administrative documents

      a) Incomplete or non-compliant administrative file

      b) False declaration or forged document

 Technical proposal

a) Incomplete file or non-compliant documents;

b) False declaration falsified or scanned documents;

c) Absence of the site visit certificate signed by the Head of the Market Department;

d) Turnover in Buildings and Public Works (BTP) over the last three (03) years less than fifty million (50,000,000) CFA Francs;

e) Not to be registered with the National Order of Civil Engineers (ONIGC) for the case of the works conductor;

f) Not having performed a road contract exceeding fifty million (50,000,000) CFA Francs

g) Have not provided proof of the completion over the past three years, as main contractor, of a building construction site;

h) Non-existence in the technical offer of the section "organization, methodology and planning";

i) Failure to meet at least thirty-six (36) essential criteria out of fifty-one (51).

12.1.3: Financial offer

a) Incomplete financial offer;

b) Non-conforming parts;

c) Omission in the financial offer of a quantified unit price;

d) Absence of a price sub-detail.

 Financial offer

a) Incomplete financial tender

b) Non-compliant file

c) Omission of a quantified unit price from the price schedule

d) Absence of prices sub-detail


Assessment of the technical proposal will be carried out on the basis of fifty-one (51) main criteria shared as follows:


a)      Presentation based on four (4) criteria


b)     The turnover three (3) criteria


c)      Credit line access three (3) criteria


d)     Staff experience based on ten (10) criteria


e)      The availability of the required equipment based on ten (10) criteria


f)       The company’s training personnel based on ten (10) criteria


g)      Organization, planning and file presentation on eleven (11) criteria


15.Attribution New(Additif)

The Mayor of Datcheka Council, Contracting Authority grants the contract to the applicant whose file, technically skilled, assessed appealing with the lowest bid deemed to be and substantially in accordance with the tender file.

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Applicants will be bound by their tenders for ninety (90) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline.

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Some technical information may be obtained during working hours either at the Secretary General of Datcheka Council ,

DATCHEKA Le 04-05-2023
KARMO Jean Claude